Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 620 Making Money Plans

Chapter 620 Making Money Plans
"Do you understand power leveling? Go to Xinshou Village to bring children. You are all so high-level. You can fight small bosses, right? There are so many bosses in the new world, and they give you a lot of experience. You can also drop equipment for the boss to buy. It's hard. Can't make money?" Su Mo said.

"It's not that easy to make money, the competition is too great, and we are all doing big things..." Fu Jiafeng kept shaking his head.

"It's a big deal," Su Mo slapped him on the head, and scolded him, "Do you understand if you are down-to-earth, you little brats can't bear a bit of hardship, you can't do this, you can't do that, what do you want to do?"

"In fact, we have always had power leveling, but we can't make much money, and it's a waste of time. Newcomers are sometimes poorer than us." Fu Jiafeng was very wronged.

The Fashen Temple is a bunch of dumb boys. During power leveling, if someone says a few good things, they don't need money at all, and they may even give money and equipment.

There is no way to change this style of behavior. Many people in their guild were moved in.

"I have a money-making plan here, it's up to you whether you can do it, but I remind you, this is not a long-term business, I guess, after a while, the system may fix this bug through an update .” Su Mo said.

"What's the bug? My God, Old Devil Su, you actually discovered the bug." Fu Jiafeng asked in surprise.

"It's not really a bug, it's just that there are some loopholes that can be exploited now, you can do this..." Su Mo originally planned to let the Scarlet Battle Banner do this kind of thing, but when he met Fu Jiafeng, he simply asked them to do it too.

Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, this market is not bad, and a few hundred people can't make any waves.

After Fu Jiafeng drank his half bottle of Bing Kuo Luo, he immediately logged into the game.

"Brothers are here, everyone is getting bored!" Fu Jiafeng immediately started shouting at the people in the guild after entering. He got the strongest money-making strategy from Master Su.

"What's the matter, old man, take a pee, why did you pee for so long, did you secretly buy ice cubes yourself?" Wang Shuo asked if he couldn't remember.

"Wang Shuo, don't talk nonsense, I met Old Devil Su." Fu Jiafeng didn't admit it.

"Ah, did he hit you?" Wang Shuo was immediately changed from the topic.

"How do you know he hit me, did you see it?" Fu Jiafeng felt a little guilty, and wondered if Wang Shuo saw him drinking Bing Kuo Luo secretly.

"You can think of it with your toenails. I told you. When I saw him walking around, he must have waited for a winter vacation today, so you sent him up to be beaten by him." Wang Shuo sigh.

"Who? Who dares to hit our boss? Brothers copy guys." Someone in the guild caught the sensitive words.

"It's okay, it's my little brother, we're just kidding around." Fu Jiafeng hurriedly stopped him.

"Oh, you are not wronged when you are beaten, and I am too lazy to take care of it. If you can't take care of it, you can quickly tell us what to do." Wang Shuo felt very tired, and he had completely given up.

"Oh, Old Demon Su told me how to make money." Fu Jiafeng smacked his lips and said, "Don't tell me, although Old Demon Su's family was ruined by him, he does have some business sense. I think he said This will definitely work.”

"Don't be emotional, just say something." Wang Shuo interrupted him.

"That's right, making money is the most important thing." Chongchong, who fights the tiger, is almost crazy about poverty now. He does have a lot of pocket money, which is not much better than the average rich second generation, but since he joined the Fashen Temple, his Money is not enough to spend.

In the past, they were equipped with top-grade equipment, but now they are basically all gold, and some of them are still low-level.

All the money was lent to the brothers in the denominations.

"Brother Chong, borrow some money, I have no money to buy medicine."

"Brother Chong, lend me some money. I'll cover a night, and I'll get you living expenses next week."

"Brother Chong, I want to buy a piece of equipment, and I'm still short of thirty gold coins."

Basically, everyone will repay the money they borrow, but the repayment is not as fast as the borrowing. Chongchong, who fights the tiger, has always been in a financial deficit. Now he has to rely on his sister Mo Li to help him survive.

According to Mo Li, Chong Chong who beats the tiger is full of cheap meat.

Obviously leaving the Fashen Temple can return to the nourishing life of a local tyrant, but he just can't bear these poor brothers.

Basically all of their guilds are students, they have no source of income, and rely on living expenses to squeeze out some money to play games. Those "adults" who have a financial foundation feel that they are too naive and look down on their guild at all.

"Let's go to sign up for the Jagged Ranking first, collect some money, and ask those who haven't signed up to sign up. Ashuo, you go to contact the customer and say that we can help you earn Jagged coins, two gold coins each. Su Laomo said that the price is more reasonable now .”

That's right, what Su Mo taught them was to use iron and blood coins.

There aren't many people brushing now, at least those studio mercenary groups haven't done this kind of business on a large scale.

Clients are actually easy to find. Wang Shuo quickly contacted more than a dozen people who wanted to brush up the skill books. This guy is very good at it. Even Su Mo thinks he is a talent, and he can be regarded as an alternative among a group of sand sculptures.

"How are you going to help me brush?" The boss invited over, and they all called over at once.

For this reason, the Fashen Temple also set up a special private room, where Wang Shuo stayed with the bosses and told them who could accept the challenge application.

A boss received the application, Wang Shuo confirmed it, and started fighting immediately.

Equipment and so on back and forth, winning or losing will not involve equipment.

In fact, the battle is just a show, the equipment of the bosses is okay, but they lack skills. If there is a real fight, they may not be the opponents of the members of the Fashen Temple.

But in the case of the little brats releasing water, the battle can be resolved in a dozen seconds.

Being beaten naked, a few skills emptied the blood volume.

In fact, it is okay to admit defeat directly, but Su Mo thinks that is too arrogant, and the high-profile result is that the system will be updated in advance, and everyone will not earn a dime.

After the boss won a game, he immediately accepted the challenge of the next game.

And the member of the Dharma God Temple who just failed the challenge immediately took the equipment to challenge other bosses, and fought like a wheel.

Even if there are only three iron blood coins in a game, it is still six gold coins.

It took less than a minute to complete the process from application to approval to the result of the battle, and finally to settle the victory. Earn six gold coins in one minute. These days, brains and business opportunities determine wealth.

The bosses need to spend enough 8888 iron and blood coins. If it is two gold coins each, it will be about 7 yuan.

7 yuan for a superb skill book, such a good thing can't be found even with a lantern.

What's more, the actual swipe is simpler than the theoretical data, because of the existence of the winning streak system, not every game has only three Jagged coins.

One boss is 7 yuan, ten bosses is 70 yuan.

Hundreds of brothers in Fashen Temple only need to use desperately, while Wang Shuo needs to keep in touch with the boss, and the money is like a flood.

(End of this chapter)

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