Chapter 626

The effect of darkvision is to take away the target's vision, making the target invisible, especially the caster.

This skill is very effective against beasts.

Once the sight is lost, the beast becomes blind, fearful, and loses most of its fighting power.

It's a pity that this lord wizard met apostles, wise apostles. They not only have rich combat experience, but also can make rational judgments.

Without vision, there is no need to become a headless chicken and throw skills.

Anyway, the shield and sword knight hadn't got to run yet.

Shield Sword Knight does not have a mount, but a younger brother. His only advantage is his resistance to beatings.

However, resistance to beatings and resistance to dirt are just concepts. No matter how dirty the decoration or car is, you will never be able to shine if you pour dung. And no matter how resistant to beatings, unless you become a turtle, and you must be green. Yes, otherwise there is a limit to how much you can withstand beatings.

In order to protect the wizard, the shield and sword knight withstood almost all the attacks of the apostles.

"Everyone who has nothing to do, come here and gather skills, throw out your skills with the highest attack power!" Laifu was not covered by the dark vision and could continue to command.

However, a scene that made him helpless appeared.

Under the protection of the shield and sword knight, the wizard read out his skills.

All the monsters that had died on the ground, whether they were assembled monsters or apostles killed in battle, all stood up now.


The battlefield once again fell into chaos, Laifu regretted it very much, and asked Nicole to put away all the corpses if he knew it earlier.

Nicole is simply the necromancer's nemesis.

"Compare the number with me?" The big cat, Mr. Bigworth, used the clone technique. Before that, the apostle had redundant guards and monsters, so it didn't need clones at all. Now that the necromancer resurrected the corpse, it was obviously time for him to make a move.

The 81 big cats, Mr. Bigworth, all have the strength of BOSS.

"Oh, it's really more angry than human." Tiger King Angus also used the clone technique, but it's a pity that it divided relatively few, only two pitiful ones.

"Big cat, you are responsible for cleaning up other monsters, and others will attack this sword and shield knight." Laifu was worried that other people would be transported by the teleportation array, so it was better to kill this gray-robed necromancer quickly.

Its worries were not unreasonable, and the runes of the teleportation array began to light up again.

"Jason, turn this thing over for me. Turn it over, I don't believe that anyone else can be teleported." Laifu called over to the very destructive Sandwalker Jason.

Sandwalker Jason pushed hard from the ground and directly overturned the teleportation array.

However, the teleportation array still sent something.

Yes, not people, but things.

Laifu saw half of the head, half of the body, and half of the arms and legs. The person who was teleported was actually split in half.

Half of the transfers were successful, and the other half failed.

It doesn't really matter where the losing half goes.

"Damn monster, it's a pity." The necromancer muttered angrily, obviously the person teleported here was not a simple person.

What's even more frightening is that the other end obviously didn't know that there was a problem with the teleportation array here, and the tilted teleportation array was still spitting out people.

Whoever vomits is not a whole person.

Even if he is barely alive, if he loses his arms and legs, or loses half of his body, how much fighting power will he have?

Laifu is really an eye-opener today.

First I saw monsters assembled for experiments, then I saw the teleportation array and necromancer, and now I saw the teleportation array killer.

Yes, the teleportation array is like a killer.

The power of space shreds people who try to pass through the teleportation array, no matter whether he is a powerful commander-level NPC or an ordinary soldier, as long as you have not reached the point of ignoring the power of space, you can only be cut without rules.

I never sat in a teleportation array before!
Laifu was in a cold sweat. He once wanted to carry this teleportation array back and planned to build a teleportation array by himself.

The necromancer vomited blood angrily, and he cast a skill angrily.

It wasn't the apostles that were aimed at, but the wizard in white robe who had just been sent flying and was still lying on the ground.

Maybe it was because he was jealous that the young man in white robe was more handsome than him.

The white-robed wizard, the distant nephew of Grand Duke Stan, a recognized genius wizard, just burst open with a bang, turning into pieces of flesh and blood.

Where did this come from?

Laifu was dumbfounded, but this necromancer's brain is convulsed and he plans to abandon the dark and turn to the bright?

However, what was surprising was that after the white-robed wizard blew up, the runes on the teleportation array quickly dimmed, and it seemed that there was something wrong here.

In fact, Laifu's knowledge is still shallow.

If it were any other great wizard here, they would recognize how badly the Necromancer played [Soul Enslavement].

Soul enslavement, as the name suggests, is a trick to play with the soul. It can capture the soul of a person and wait for his fate. If you let you live, you will live, if you let you die, you will die, and you can also make your life worse than death.

Whether the enslaved soul will die for a while, the necromancer has plenty of ways to resurrect it.

As for the sequelae of dying and being resurrected again...

The necromancer hated the white-robed wizard to death. If this guy hadn't rushed back and said that there were many monsters rushing into the test site, everyone would not have used the teleportation array for reinforcements.

After all, if it's just monsters, they don't know how to destroy the teleportation array.

Moreover, the white-robed wizard exaggerated the power of the invading monsters so much that Grand Duke Stan stepped up the dispatch of reinforcements, and even wanted to capture these monsters alive to study more powerful assembled monsters.

Necromancers had to use this means of delivering messages.

In fact, he can also choose others, such as those who are already dying after teleportation. They are going to die anyway, so it would be nice to leave their souls to report back.

However, necromancers are so willful.

His name is First Vesper. Although he is loyal to Grand Duke Stan, he has a very special status in the camp of Grand Duke Stan. He is just a distant brother of the Stan family, and he will kill him if he wants.

The remnants of the newly transmitted soldiers were quickly cleaned up, and the corpses were torn to pieces by the monsters.

Shield Sword Knight was covered in scars. Although he protected the necromancer and killed more than a dozen powerful apostles, his life finally came to an end.

Beat resistance and invincibility are not the same concept.

What's more, even if you are invincible, how long can you be invincible?
In the end, there was only one necromancer left, and hundreds of apostles fought around him.

I have to admit that this necromancer is very powerful. Relying on equipment, props, potions, corpses, and various means, he stubbornly resisted the siege of the apostles.

Laifu even felt that he could survive until the moment when a large number of reinforcements arrived on flying mounts.

(End of this chapter)

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