Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 630 Trust Is Mutual

Chapter 630 Trust Is Mutual
"I... I really don't know wow, I'm just an ordinary guard, all I know is that there is a testing ground here!" The guard who was asked cried out with a wow.

The crying old nose is sad.

"I, I know, I was transferred from elsewhere, I can tell you everything, just please give us a good time." The other guard was about to throw up before it was his turn.

"Gude, come on, let's talk." Laifu waved his hand to let the giant wild boar Usopp go.

The giant wild boar Usopp didn't think it was cheap either, and he came and went as soon as he wanted it. He stood by the side looking forward to it, ready to pounce on it all the time.

It doesn't really want to kiss that much, but the panicked appearance of humans makes it very fulfilling.

Moreover, it also feels that humans are too superficial.

I like those who are beautiful, and I don’t like those who are not beautiful. If they are stumped, can’t they discover their inner beauty?
The guard reported a new coordinate, and Lai Fu wrote it down.

The other guards could no longer provide this information, and Laifu chose to believe them. The psychological defense of these guards had been breached.

Now that one is said, there is no need to hide the others.

"Who is that white-robed wizard?" Laifu asked.

"White-robed wizard? The one in white? That's Lord Cumberland, the distant nephew of Grand Duke Stan. He is in charge of the laboratory."

"Then is he dead?" The flesh and blood exploded, and logically speaking, he must die. These NPCs are not monsters or players, and can be resurrected infinitely. However, the other party's profession is a necromancer, so Laifu is not sure.

"..." Several guards looked at each other, and after a while they all shook their heads: "We don't know that we don't understand witchcraft."

"Where's the gray-robed wizard?"

"That's Foster Vespal. Foster is in charge of another laboratory, but this laboratory was actually designed by him."

"Is he someone of Grand Duke Stan, and is he also a relative?" Laifu asked.

"No, but Grand Duke Stan respects him very much and calls him Mr. First."

"Where are the players on Grand Duke Stan's side? Do you have any information about them?" Laifu had nothing to ask, and began to think about how to deal with these people.

"We...we really don't know." The guards shook their heads blankly.

"Then... is there anything new about Grand Duke Stan recently?" Laifu asked.

"We said, will you let us go?" The captives had already accepted their fate, but at this time they had the idea of ​​living again.

"It's not impossible, but it depends on whether your information is useful to me." Lai Fu replied ambiguously.

"I know where your friends are locked up, the one who can steal shadows, and the one who can drive beasts like you," said one of the guards.

"How did you know?" Laifu was startled, but his expression remained calm.

"People like us often switch defenses. I didn't know who was imprisoned there at the beginning. Only after hearing the conversation between the old housekeeper and our captain did I know who was imprisoned." The guard quickly explained.

"Mosaic, Lexus, where are they locked up." Lai Fu said the names of these two people.

"Are you really agreeing to let us go?" The guard was still worried.

"Of course, besides trusting me, do you have any other choice?" Lai Fu asked in a flat tone.

"Viper Heights, not far from Dans City in Viper Heights, a barracks about [-] kilometers to the north. Although it is not the territory of the Stan family, the local nobles have sworn allegiance to the Grand Duke." The guard said. I can only choose to believe in Laifu.

"Thank you." Laifu nodded.

Trust is mutual. Since the captive trusts it so much, it also chooses to believe the information provided by the captive.

In order to survive, the guards have long since lost the concept of loyalty. They will answer what should be said and what should not be said, as long as Laifu asks them, and sometimes they will compete to provide information if Laifu does not ask.

"Throw them down!" In the end, Laifu decided the fate of these people.

"No, you promised to let us go." The soldiers shouted in horror.

"I didn't execute you." Laifu said truthfully.

"We were tied up and thrown into the water like this, what's the difference from killing us, you damn beast!"

"The Archduke Stan will avenge us, and he will tear you apart."

"Master Foster will make your skulls into wine vessels, and then imprison your souls in them, making you howl day and night."

"Be decent, yelling is too disrespectful," Laifu sighed: "I have to admit, I broke my promise, but I also have my own difficulties. If I let you go, I won't have a chance to save my friends. What's more, you have already decided your own destiny by serving this proving ground."

"We are only soldiers, and we do what we are told," pleaded the guards.

"Soldiers without souls, you don't even know what you are allegiance to, pathetic guys, may the river water cleanse your sins, so that you will not be killed by those test subjects who were captured by you and died tragically after death."

Laifu signaled Caesar to throw several bundles of strong captives into the river.

"Old Tuo, you can catch up after making sure they are dead." Laifu shouted into the river.

The river was covered with pale waves, forming a huge vortex, which swallowed everything in an instant. No one responded, but Laifu was incomparably sure that Victor, the salted fish king, heard it.

"There are two warships coming this way, and they will encounter them in about 5 minutes." Iron-winged goshawk Snow provided information at high altitude.

"Two battleships, how can we carry the battleships back?" Laifu looked at the raft with a deep draft, and fell into great melancholy.

It's a pity that battleships and teleportation arrays can't be put into backpacks or space warehouses.

"We can sink the boat to the bottom of the water. There are many terrains like this. We will drive the boat away and sell it later. Laifu, I will hide the boat. When the time comes, I will share the money from the sale." Salted Fish King Victor Just stand on the river.

The water pushes it forward, and it is simply a practitioner of the quicksand river.

"Let's grab it first, Jason, you are in charge of the investigation, to see if there is any other support, especially if there is no federal fleet approaching."

Sell ​​it back to Count Dracula, tens of millions of casual things.

I am afraid that the boat that comes is not big enough.

As soon as they heard that the battleship was going to be robbed, the apostles immediately became excited.

The ones that can fly go straight into the air, the ones that can swim go into the water one after another, and the landlubbers who can neither fly nor go into the water are waiting to board the ship and fight.

Grand Duke Stan didn't know that his two warships, the meat buns, had beaten wolves.

He still underestimated the strength of the monster army, especially in terms of IQ and military accomplishment.

(End of this chapter)

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