Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 652 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 652 Two birds with one stone

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, neither of them said to let the other go.

This is the so-called true friendship in adversity, not to mention the "difficulty" this time is truly terrifying, humility is the price of life.

Even if the flame man and the petrified man have known each other since childhood and have a deep friendship, they can't hold back a word of death.

Your wife and I are self-supporting, and you have no worries.

These words can't comfort people at all, no one wants to wear a green hat on their head and walk around the market all day long.

During the battle, the shadow knocked out the flame man with a combo. After all, the flame man was no match for him. If it wasn't for the fear of the terrifying flames, the battle might have ended.

The flame man who was blown out got up after landing...

What is surprising is that he didn't continue to rush towards the shadow, but turned around and ran away.

Sure enough, a friend in need is a friend indeed!

The petrified man was stunned by this scene, he roared, and the whites of his eyes turned from black to white again, and this time his target was not the shadow or Laifu, but the flame man who wanted to escape without looking back.

The flame man ran a few steps with difficulty, but the slower and slower he ran, he finally fell to the ground with a thud.

The whole person was shattered into stones.

The power of petrification is so terrifying!
No wonder Shadow has always been so afraid of petrified people, presumably he has seen the power of petrified people's eyes before.

Taking advantage of the vacancy of the petrified man's attack, the shadow decisively threw a set of combined punches, and Laifu was not idle, it pierced the armor with one move.

Piercing armor can reduce the defense. Although hitting petrified people is not as low as hitting ordinary people, it will at least make petrified people's defense from unbreakable to a critical point that can be broken.

The petrifaction man screamed when he was beaten by this set.

He also seemed to know that if he didn't magnify his moves, he would be doomed. He roared loudly, and rows of spikes appeared in front of him out of thin air, and then shot them all out.

"Get out of the way!" Shadow reminded Laifu loudly, and then he quickly grabbed a petrified wolf and blocked it in front of him and the Beastmaster.

Laifu quickly hid behind his own corpse without his reminding.

The corpses of the two big bad wolves were separated by his clone technique. They should have disappeared, but because they were petrified by the petrified man, they were still at the scene.

The effect is only stone chips flying, and it seems that the attack is not very good. Only those who have seen it know what the consequences will be if they are hit by the spikes.

It may be that the small universe broke out in a dangerous situation, or it may be that he just killed his brother with his own hands and feels guilty. In short, the petrified man is completely crazy, and his petrification ability is constantly released.

"I'll block him, you attack!" With a loud shout, the Splitter appeared on the stage.

This guy has obviously been observing nearby for a long time. He expected that Laifu and Shadow would be wiped out, so that he would be considered out of control. As for the poison on his body, he was thinking of a way afterwards—— , he was skeptical about the poison that died without an antidote a month later.

Now there is no way, the invisible man is dead, the flame man is dead.

Only the petrified man is still in the final microcosm, if he still hides and does not show up, it will be unreasonable, who knows how Su Mo will settle accounts with him.

It would be better to divide people into targets.

There was no need to shout "Sun Thief" or other mocking words. As soon as the splitter Simmons showed up, he immediately became the target of the petrified man.

Compared with Laifu and Shadow, he is obviously a more ruthless traitor.

It was also because of the "discovery" of splitting people's betrayal that they lost the confidence to fight on, and the embarrassing situation where the flame man escaped and he killed his brother on impulse.

When things got to this point, the petrified man also knew that he had no possibility of escaping.

He decided to take a back seat before he died—this person would naturally become the separatist Simmons, a shameful traitor who betrayed Grand Duke Stan and killed his dearest friend.

Split people have the ability to split, and they are born to be the nemesis of petrified people.

Unless you can instantly petrify all the splitters, you will definitely still be attacked by him.

However, splitting people is not a sure chance of winning. After all, the petrochemical man is completely crazy at this time. His desperate style of play makes it impossible for anyone to easily win without getting hurt.

"Help, help, you guys are so unkind!" Splitter was instantly petrified into four clones. The feeling of his power disappearing made him flustered. Unless he ran away, he really couldn't beat the petrified man at this time.

The most important thing is that the petrified man doesn't want to live anymore, but he doesn't want to work hard at all.

"Tsk tsk, the split person is really stupid. Looking at the speed and position of the clone, it is really flying. I don't think we need to do it." Laifu, a wolf, was still sarcastic.

Shadow checked the Beastmaster's injuries, and found that the Beastmaster was just too weak and passed out after being hit hard.

"Grand Duke Stan's people are coming soon. Let's deal with the enemy first and leave here. There may be a large-scale hunt and kill in the future, and we won't let it go." Shadow said.

This is indeed the truth when Lai Fu thinks about it.

Even if the separatists delay in various ways, after such a long time, the news should be sent out.

Grand Duke Stan was robbed just after transferring the prisoners, and he also lost three capable subordinates. With his temper and status, it's no wonder he was able to swallow this breath.

"You all go away, let me deal with him." Shadow settled the beast king and walked towards the petrified man.

Laifu himself knew his own weight, so he didn't move. The Splitter had already lost five clones, and he jumped aside obediently. As long as his clones put their hands on the shoulders of other clones, they would merge into one.

Thirteen of the last eighteen clones remained, and this level of loss made the Splitter pale.

It took him several days to summon all clones, but he lost several at once.

The shadow rushed towards the petrified man, his body was twisted and deformed in various ways, and his position was more coquettish than that of the split man. The petrified man had no effect on his skills at all.

Shadow was rated as a Level [-] ability user, and there was a watershed gap between him and Level [-].

No matter how powerful the petrified man's eyes are, it's useless if the ability can't be released on the shadow.

Finally, the shadow once again approached the petrified man.

The petrified man became a sandbag, and was beaten cracklingly. If he hadn't had a strong defense, he probably wouldn't be able to last ten seconds.

The shadow just surrounded the petrified man and attacked.

He didn't seem to realize that he couldn't break through his defense at all, and the petrified man was still alive and kicking.

Laifu didn't think so, it could already see something was wrong from the petrified man's expression and movements.

The petrified man is obviously in great pain, as can be seen from his facial expression, and his facial features have already started to bleed. There is no injury on the surface of this guy, but in fact, he is probably smashed inside.

Internal strength?

Laifu's heart is hehe, this is a game with a Western fantasy background, why did everything come out.

In fact, it thinks too much. As a master of fighting, Shadow's grasp of strength and research on body structure can be said to be unrivaled. His blows seem to have done useless work, but in fact they have already damaged the internal organs of petrified people. caused great damage.

The petrified man's movements became slower and slower, and finally stopped moving.

Slowly knelt down, fell to the ground, and took the lunch box.

Laifu quickly cleaned the battlefield. After the death of the three level [-] ability users, some things were lost. They were all dark gold of level [-] as far as possible. They were not worth much money, but they were sold to buy meat for Nicole. At least it will keep her half full.

"Let's go!" Shadow picked up the Beastmaster, and didn't want to stay in this place anymore.

"Do you remember what I taught you?" Laifu finally told the splitters, and it didn't intend to take the splitters away, because it was unnecessary.

It is impossible for the shadow and the Beastmaster to tell the truth, and those who know the truth are already dead.

"I've done what I should do. Did you give me the antidote?" The separatist hated Laifu to death. He had a bright future and didn't want to mix with these guys.

"Oh, what should be done and what should not be done, we are not friends, we should help each other." Laifu laughed, caught up with the shadow, and disappeared into the distance together.

Huggins was still on Su Mo's side, and he also issued the next action order.

The goal of Lao Mao and Zuiwo's group has changed from harassment to distraction. At the same time, there are many players around the camp where the accident occurred. Most of them received the mission from the mercenary hall. .

Some were looking for Xiao Cui's family embroidered shoes, some were looking for Xiao Cui's lost ancestral mining pick, and some were looking for herbs that were said to only exist in this area...

In short, people die for money, birds die for food, no matter how ridiculous the task is, as long as there is money to take it, someone will come.

These players acted as smoke bombs for the escape of Laifu and Shadow. Some of them were even killed by angry NPC chasers. It was useless to cry to the system master.

Rifle and Shadow fled the area, into the forest.

This is the home field of the Beastmaster, and the beasts came out to participate in the obstruction and destruction, and they were even commanded by the Beastmaster to attack the city.

The commotion was so loud that even Grand Duke Stan had to restrain himself.

Otherwise, the high-level executives of the law enforcement team will investigate the legality of his actions, and why he angered the beasts and broke the tens of thousands of years of peace between humans and beasts, which is of no benefit to anyone.

Beastmaster has already recovered.

He can transfer his wounds to the beast and absorb the vitality from the beast.

Laifu secretly observed the Beastmaster, he had already discovered that the Beastmaster was different, he was no longer as compassionate as before, or cosplaying with the white lotus all day long, but he did not blacken into a big devil.

Those wild beasts that attacked the city were just showing off, they didn't really slaughter humans.

When he transferred the injury to the beast, he also considered the ability of the beast to bear the injury, and found a large group of beasts to help him bear the injury, instead of transferring the injury to a single beast.

"Okay, there's Gaar Forest ahead, no one can defeat me here." The Beastmaster held a cane in his hand, and his eyes were deep.

"I didn't expect us to come out alive." Shadow sighed.

"I'm sorry to start so late. After all, there are a lot of things to prepare, and the boss behind me has become an ally with Grand Duke Stan." Laifu said.

It explains a bit about the relationship between Grand Duke Stan and Count Dracula.

There is also the fact that he has become the great lord of Huggins, and he has invited two capable users to take refuge in Huggins.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened outside after being locked up for more than 20 days," the Beastmaster shook his head: "We won't go to your side, Grand Duke Stan will not let us go, we will only get involved in the past. you."

"That's right, but as long as you want us to do anything, you can send someone here to find us. With Lexus here, the animals in the forest will tell us everything." Shadow gratefully clenched Laifu's paw.

"You rescued us, we are a knife in your hand, as long as you don't stand on the side of Grand Duke Stan." The Beastmaster also made a promise.

"Don't worry, that day won't happen." Lai Fu said firmly.

"You have a grudge against him? It sounds like there is a story in it." After getting out of trouble, Shadow also wanted to listen to the story.

So Laifu continued to tell the story, telling the story of Grand Duke Stan's proving ground.

Shadow was fine, he just shook his head, probably because he was very disappointed with the object of his allegiance, and never thought that he would be loyal to such a person who had no bottom line.

And Beastmaster can't do it.

He is the king of beasts, the master and friend of beasts, and he is more willing to stand on the side of beasts than humans. Grand Duke Stan's experiment completely subverted his three views.

"Where is that proving ground?" the Beastmaster asked.

His emotions were obviously a little out of control, and the roars of wild beasts sounded one after another in the forest, which seemed to be affected by his emotions.

There is a legend about capable people, saying that they are all the blood of gods, and any kind of capable person can become a demigod-like existence when their abilities reach the limit.

Some people think that those who stand at the top of the food chain in the Eastern Continent are actually people with abilities.

For example, the King of Pirates, he may be a water controler, and Sylvana, the King of Rangers, is rumored to come from the Windrunner family, an ancient inheritance that controls the power of wind.

"Don't be impulsive, Lexus!" Shadow shouted in a deep voice.

"I don't know the location of the proving ground, but there are split people here. It doesn't sound difficult to fight. We need a plan and an opportunity. I will arrange it. When the time comes, we need the help of the two of you." Lai Fu It finally showed its fox tail.

Rescue Beastmaster and Shadow, on the one hand, these two people are my friends, on the other hand, I can also recruit them as thugs.

Kill two birds with one stone.

There was no need for Laifu to organize language pajamas, the beast king rushed to work for him.

Now even Grand Duke Stan's other proving ground can enter the planning stage. There is the splitter Simmons as the internal response, and there are two powerful ability users outside. Laifu does not need to use too much power to achieve the goal. .

I just don't know what's going on with Simmons.

I hope he has read the book "Actor's Self-cultivation" and has already arranged the script. If he dies because of a bad performance, it can only be said that his life is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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