Chapter 682
"Yes, that necromancer, his name is Frst Vesper, and he is said to be a disciple of Kiergaard..." Su Mo looked so solemn that he almost believed it himself.

"Kelgaard!" Both Count Dracula and Baron Santos raised their spirits violently.

They can despise a necromancer who can be beaten by Su Mo, but they will never despise a disciple of the Lich King Kiergaard, even if this disciple has no power to restrain a chicken.

"Are you sure he is Kiergaard's disciple? Kiergaard has been dead for many years." Count Dracula didn't believe it.

A thousand-year-old demon like him feels like he can't shit when he hears Kiergaard's name.

What a dick Kiergaard was when he was alive. Just look at Rudolph now. No one dares to provoke him. If he sees him, he turns around and walks away. The Pope at that time used bloody examples to tell everyone how to pretend to be low-key.

It's a pity that a person's lifespan is limited, let alone a person who is eroded by the power of death.

He can't escape the end of his life without becoming a real lich—of course, there is also a rumor that Kiergaard didn't actually die, and he was researching the method of becoming a lich without side effects. method.

In the universal concept, a lich is a walking corpse, with neither emotions nor rationality, and even incomplete memory, and there is no essential difference between death and death.

The evidence for this theory is simple. If he really died, the liches sealed by him would come out to make trouble. In fact, no lich has ever come out for a walk in the years since Kiergaard died.

"I'm not sure, because I just heard what they said." Of course Su Mo would not admit it, he said, "But I have seen the kind of monster transformed by First, who gave humans the physique and strength of a beast. Wild, they are not afraid of death, know no pain, and their combat effectiveness has improved by more than a little bit."

"How could such research be allowed to exist in the human world." Count Dracula already felt threatened.

If a large number of such monster legions really appeared, his blood slave army might not be an opponent.

"The last time I went to hate them, I felt that this group of people would definitely develop and sweep the mainland," Su Mo said happily, with a silly and sweet look, "Fortunately, we are allies now!"

"Hmph!" Baron Santos snorted heavily, and scolded: "You shitty allies, why does Grand Duke Stan regard them as allies?"

"Yes." Count Dracula nodded in agreement.

"What happened, is there anything I don't know?" Su Mo asked puzzled.

"Oh!" Count Dracula was obviously a little embarrassed, and just kept sighing.

It was Baron Santos who came forward and explained: "Not long ago, we approached Grand Duke Stan, hoping that he would lend us some funds to develop his strength for the sake of an ally. He actually said that he is not rich for the time being, and he can't even take out 500 million gold coins."

"I...%(*&," Count Dracula yelled, "He built a ruined city, and he spent 500 million gold coins, which is more than a southern province's fiscal revenue in a year, and he couldn't borrow it. [-] million, isn't this obviously perfunctory?"

Su Mo almost let out a pig cry from laughter, managed to hold back his laughter, and then scolded: "It's so contemptuous, does he think we vampires can't afford it?"

The three vampires scolded for a while as if in a competition.

Then Su Mo finally couldn't help but asked curiously: "You two, how come you have no money after you have lived for so long, and you still have to borrow 500 million gold coins from others."

Baron Santos and Count Dracula glanced at each other, both a little embarrassed to speak.

In the end, of course, Baron Santos, who was not enough coffee, was responsible for the explanation. He said bluntly: "After the establishment of the Satyr Dynasty, silver coins were introduced. Those things are very unfriendly to us, so we seldom save money..."

"..." Such a powerful reason, Su Mo opened his mouth, but couldn't find his own voice.

"After the Sartre Dynasty, we were almost under house arrest. In addition, we were too particular about food and clothing, and we had to raise a large number of blood slaves. We were almost at the end of our rope now." Baron Santos lowered his head.

Count Dracula coughed twice, his eyes were red.

"I have 100 million gold coins here. It's the reward for building the city that Grand Duke Stan gave me. You two should use it for emergencies." Su Mo looked sour after hearing this, and couldn't help but want to donate generously.

If someone could analyze his heart, he would definitely be able to see the rolling laughter of a villain exuding black air all over his body.

"This... this..." If they dare not move at this time, are they still human? Well, they are not human in the first place, but they are grateful to Su Mo for seeing people's hearts in times of crisis.

What was handed over was 100 gold coins in real money. Grand Duke Stan, that insanely rich guy, was so penny-pinching. Who would have thought that it was the poor boy Tie Ma Binghe who would help him with all his pockets.

Baron Santos touched Count Dracula's arm, and said: "I remember you still have a good shoe, we don't need it anymore, why don't you give it to this child."

"Yes, I almost forgot about this thing, alas, it's been too long." Dracula took out a boot after rummaging around.

Flying Man (Legendary): Armor 280, Dexterity +50, Movement Speed ​​+12, Special Effect 1: Kick, instant, kick the target quickly, interrupt the spell being cast, making it impossible to cast within 1.5 seconds Any spell, cooldown 5 minutes, special effect 2: stay in the air, instant, jump up, the user is not subject to any form of damage and control after jumping and before landing, cooldown time is 5 minutes, double special effects share cooldown time, equipment requirements Level 50, durability 121/180.
Can I buy a piece of legendary equipment for 100 million, yes, but it is definitely not a legendary equipment with good attributes.

No matter what level of equipment is in the new world, there will always be some hateful garbage.

These shoes are legendary, they have nothing to do with rubbish, they were "bought" by Su Mo for 100 million gold coins, and besides the shoes, the 100 million gold coins also bought Su Mo [-] prestige.

His reputation directly reached 60.

Giving 100 million gold coins to Grand Duke Stan will definitely not be polite, but he may not even give 500 reputation.Su Mo gave Wallace [-] million gold coins, but Wallace failed to give Su Mo [-] reputation, let alone legendary equipment.

It can be seen that the value of the same thing to different people is completely different.

In the eyes of those who love you, you are priceless, but in the eyes of those who do not love you, you may only be 3000 yuan a night.

As for spending 100 million to buy [-] prestige, Su Mo felt that he had earned it.

In fact, if it were people from the Great Guild, as long as they wanted to save their reputation for titles, they would definitely agree to such a deal. Even exchanging 1000 million gold coins for [-] reputation would feel like a piece of cake in the sky.

Su Mo almost continued to take money out.

Fortunately, his reason told him that now was not the time. Count Dracula and Baron Santos were so poor that they could hardly get away with it, and there was the shameless Archduke Stan for comparison, so the 100 million gold coins were extremely valuable.

If Su Mo really took out another 100 million gold coins, not to mention legendary equipment, he probably wouldn't even have [-] prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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