Chapter 700

There is Mogan Mountain and Mogan River in the Eastern Continent. Mogan Mountain is named after the Mogan River. The Mogan River stretches for thousands of miles. I don’t know how many mountains and rivers it has traveled, but only Mogan Mountain has the right to have the same name as the river. , this naturally did not come by chance.

During the Satyr Dynasty, Mount Mogan once built a luxurious palace.

After the fall of the Sartre dynasty, this place became a land without an owner, and most of the palaces had become ruins.

It is said that because the last emperor of the Satyr Dynasty was hanged on Mount Mogan, many loyalists of the Satyr Dynasty would come to die every day after that, which lasted for several years.

This place is full of resentful souls, and most of the travelers who tried to settle here ended up in vain. Over time, this place became a forbidden place for living beings.

I don't know which day, a necromancer came to this place.

He signed a contract with the dead souls here, temporarily became the master here, and got the support of the souls. The dead souls blocked any creatures who wanted to come here to explore for him, and he offered blood and flesh sacrifices to the dead souls.

"It's quite difficult to deal with. They are all enhanced elites at level [-], and there are even quasi-bosses and bosses." The old cat's assassins have already ascertained the strength of these dead souls.

"Let the bright three idiots try it," Su Mo said.

Is it great to strengthen the elite? Who is not the strengthened elite?

"Who are you talking about?" There was a chilly voice next to it, it was Su Mo's fourth brother Luo Xia, who was playing a priest, and happened to be one of the three idiots.

Bright three fools, bishop, priest, priest.

The bishop has been weakened in the current version. It is all bells and whistles and useless things, and finally regressed into the ranks of the three idiots.

As for priests and priests, they simply add blood now.

It is said that after a period of time to open a new level cap, all occupations will be optimized, any occupation can choose a different route.

For example, a priest can also become an output profession by resetting attribute points and learning attack skills.

Of course, no matter how strong the output priest is, it is not as good as the professional output profession.

"The bright profession is very powerful. It belongs to the prey of the bright profession, and the power of the skills can be superimposed." Luo Xia returned soon.

The so-called superposition of professional skills refers to two players attacking a monster at the same time. If the light gives the monster a debuff state, then the two players will be in a double debuff state.

For the soul of the dead, the bright profession is naturally burned.

Even a relatively high-level boss, once burned by a large group of bright professional players, will definitely lose blood.

Unfortunately, there are not many soul bosses in the new world.

"Let's act as if we came here to spawn monsters, and then wait for the right time to appear, and then attack aggressively." The plan has been set long ago, and we just need to follow the plan.

There are basically all guilds here, it is really not suitable for Su Mo to give orders all the time.

First Vespal was working on a new project at this time.

He wanted human heads to grow on the torsos of different creatures, and more than one head. He called this plan the Two-headed Demon Project.

This kind of double-headed demon general not only has the powerful body of a monster, but also has a head responsible for casting spells - coupled with a tacit battle combination, it can't compare to two heads on a person's neck.

The experiment had reached a critical moment, but new problems appeared in front of him. He found that the double-headed monster must be awake in order to exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

Because two heads are needed to cooperate.

Is there any way to make two normal heads obediently obey.

First Vesper couldn't find a suitable solution for a while. After all, whoever wakes up from a sleepy sleep and finds that he has a monster's body and an extra head will not obediently follow his orders to do things.

Three finished products were made, and two of them committed suicide directly.

In the end, there was only one left, and the two heads came from the most loyal dead soldiers under Grand Duke Stan. After some experiments, it was found that the power was doubled, but after all, there was only one double-headed demon, and it was impossible to form an absolutely crushing combat power. As a result, neither First Vespal nor Grand Duke Stein could be satisfied with this status quo.

"Your Excellency, we found that there are some more adventurers around Mount Mogan. They are killing our undead allies for an operation they call leveling." Someone came to report to him.

"Oh, I see, you just need to keep paying attention." First Vespal paused for a moment with the hand controlling the test tube, and continued to devote himself to the experiment.

"Obey!" The people below retreated immediately.

The necromancer said one thing in Mogan Mountain, no one dared to question his decision, if there was, he would now become an irrational monster puppet.

First Vespal didn't take adventurers seriously.

He didn't pay attention to the dead souls who were killed, but they were just some cannon fodder. Moganshan didn't have much else, but there was no shortage of such things.

As for the leveling behavior of adventurers, he had been curious for a while, but he hadn't researched any clues. He couldn't understand why this group could improve their strength by killing aliens.

And this kind of research is very exhausting, always giving him a splitting headache, and finally he resolutely gave up the research.

Even the most powerful adventurer can't compare to the monsters he created casually, so there is no need to continue researching.

Su Mo received a tip and found a stranger wearing a Northern Legion battle uniform at a nearby town station. He knew that the time to fight had come, so he gave the order for a general attack.

It doesn't need too many bells and whistles, just push it by one person.

The skills of countless priests, priests, and bishops have been thrown out, and the light professionals who have been hidden by adventurers, as well as this fighting method of mutual generation and mutual restraint, have finally been fully displayed.

All of a sudden, the gray Mount Mogan burst into fiery light.

Those dead souls who were fighting in the corner were like ice and snow encountering molten iron, and instantly melted into air.

Only equipment and props were dropped, and some coins fell from midair.

Su Mo controlled the horse and moved forward slowly.

By his side, there was no protection from the elite forces of the Scarlet Battle Banner. All the people from the Scarlet Battle Banner ran to fight, and he left behind only four mysterious looking people.

The ghosts seemed to recognize him as an important person and started attacking him.

The overwhelming souls of the dead charged towards Su Mo.

But when they were about to rush forward, they were all frozen in ice. This kind of freezing was extremely terrifying, even a shapeless monster like a dead soul could be frozen.

"I want to leave for a while, I need to gather my monster army, and take care of the sheriff's dog by the way." The beast king was shivering from the cold, so he quickly found an excuse to go for a walk.

"It seems useless for me to stay." Shadow shrugged and walked away. Su Mo obviously didn't need his protection. These two guys who have never shown their faces are so powerful.

Shadow wisely knew that he was no match.

He didn't even know where Su Mo found such a powerful helper.

Even the mighty Shadow and the Beastmaster think that this ice seal is enough to be called a pervert, let alone these players who participated in the battle today.

"What happened here?" Some people don't know why.

"I saw the man in white robe next to Iron Horse Binghe raise his hand, and then the whole place was frozen. This must be cheating."

"Just get used to it, some people cheat all the time."

"Really, this game can still cheat. I've spent so much krypton gold, why don't you let me cheat?"

"With such a powerful NPC, what kind of bicycle do you need? I really don't understand why Iron Horse Glacier doesn't solve this testing ground by himself."

"Boss, boss, what's wrong with you."

"Wucao, our boss is so angry that he is offline, I finally know what it means to be more angry than others."

In fact, it is the players who really decide the situation on the battlefield.

The bright occupation caused the souls of the dead to retreat steadily, and soon withdrew from their defensive positions, and the players finally entered Mount Mogan.

Sheriff Thorin finally came to this place that made him feel complicated.

His ancestors had been singing and dancing here for many years, and finally ended the Millennium Dynasty by being hanged.

"It's horrible, Mount Mogan is really the world of dead souls." The servant next to him led the horse and muttered in a low voice.

"Although there are some foolish people here, why do they disturb the peaceful sleep of these dead souls? What does he want me to see?" Sorin thought for a moment, followed by the team and entered this famous mountain.

First Vespal had no way to continue the experiment.

The defeat of the undead surprised him, but the huge power of light that gathered made him uneasy. He was a necromancer after all.

Could it be that someone from the Holy See appeared?
This is almost impossible. Sartre is divided into three, the Magic Kingdom, the Holy See, and the nobles. If the nobles and the Magic Kingdom just dislike each other, then the Holy See is the deadly enemy.

There are many magicians in the Federation, but there are absolutely no high-level priests.

Those priests who walk in the Federation are all little priests with little strength, and their abilities are limited to treating minor diseases and disasters.

While driving the undead to fight back, he sent out an army of undead.

But neither the dead nor the undead can resist the light that dispels the fog of Mount Mogan.

In today's Mogan Mountain, there are at least [-] bright professionals who come here to shine. Even if everyone is a five-watt light bulb, gathering together can make a cardinal feel ashamed.

So Frost Vespal quickly dispatched an army of monsters.

They were all monsters transformed by him, some of them were given to Grand Duke Stan as a combat power, and some of them were still here to continue to be studied.

(End of this chapter)

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