The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 414 Jun Yu injured the little girl

Chapter 414 Jun Yu injured the little girl
Du... Patriarch Dugu?
Yun Mo's expression completely changed.

His fingertips were trembling.

He looked at Jun Yu's back with disbelieving eyes.

My heart felt as if I had been punched a few times, and my depressed mood was severely blocked.

He knew that Jun Yu had a relationship with the Dugu family, but he didn't know that he was actually the head of the Dugu family.

It is said that the ability of the Patriarch of the Dugu Family... is second only to the Lord Tuo Ling.

"Everyone, back off!"

Elder Jin also realized the dire situation.

He hurriedly told everyone to back off.

But Jun Yu who was opposite him smiled indifferently: "It's late."

His palms began to lift, and the blue light became more dazzling.

All the King Gu turned into a puff of smoke.

The blue light hit Elder Jin's lifeblood.

Elder Jin looked horrified and quickly dodged.

But no matter how hard he tried to dodge, he was finally hit by the blue light on the shoulder.

Blood flowed.

Like sunlight, the faint blue light in Jun Yu's palm began to spread in all directions.

Then it turned into a huge cage and surrounded all the Miaojiang people.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew away, and those Miao people also began to pass out.

Elder Jin wanted to stop him, but when his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness.

This scene is simply horrifying.

In the blink of an eye, Jun Yu easily controlled these people.

How perverted is his strength!
"What is the secret technique of the Dugu family!" Yun Mo couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Everyone in the world knows the secret techniques of the other three families, but the Dugu extremely mysterious.

To be honest, he can't see what Jun Yu's secret technique is now.

Hearing Yunmo's words, Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

Before, she didn't know what the Dugu family's secret technique was.

It wasn't until in the Death Soul Formation that she discovered that Madman Yu knew the affairs of the hidden family very well, so she often tested him, and finally found something.

"The secret technique of the Dugu family is that they gather the best of the world." Yuan Deyin said softly.

"Collecting the great achievements of the world? What do you mean?" Yun Mo didn't understand.

"That's it - they know all the secret arts of the world." Yuan Deyin added softly.

Yunmo: "What?"

They know all the mysteries of the world!

So is this the biggest weapon of the Dugu family?
Jun Yu is already the god of war in the outside world, if he gathers the great achievements of the world, wouldn't it be...

Yun Mo suddenly felt a sense of frustration.

He used to think that if he worked hard, when he reached Jun Yu's age, he might surpass him.

But only now did he know that some people's abilities were destined to be insurmountable by others from birth.

"Then he has such a great ability, why didn't he use it earlier!" Yun Mo couldn't help but speak again.

If Jun Yu had shown his abilities earlier, they wouldn't have been hiding in such embarrassment.

"The secret technique of the Dugu family is not so easy to use." Hearing Yunmo's words, Yuan Deyin's expression became worried.

Seeing her expression like this, Yun Mo's heart tightened. Could something be wrong?

This idea just came out of his heart, and Yun Mo suddenly felt the temperature around him suddenly drop.

Although he also had internal energy to protect his body, the temperature was so low that his teeth chattered from the cold.

He turned his head to look at Yuan Deyin, only to find that her condition was not much better.

He opened his mouth to ask her what was going on.

But before he could speak, Yuan Deyin stretched out his hand.


Yuan Deyin's worried voice fell, and he pushed him away forcefully.

After pushing Yun Mo away, it was too late for Yuan Deyin to escape.

The faint blue light hit her and hit her body. She was thrown aside and hit the big tree next to her.

Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth.

"little guy!"

Yun Mo yelled anxiously and wanted to come over.

But Yuan Deyin shouted anxiously: "Don't come over, don't!"

After stopping Yunmo, Yuan Deyin raised his head with difficulty.

Standing not far from her was Uncle Nine Emperors, the one who did something to her just now... was also him.

Yuan Deyin suppressed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and kept adjusting his zhenqi so that his body didn't feel so painful.

"That's why you can't easily use the Dugu family's secret technique..." She said softly helplessly.

The reason why the secret arts of the Dugu family are so powerful is because all the secret arts are passed down through inheritance.

The previous Patriarch would extract the secret technique engraved in the flesh and blood through cramps and broken bones, and then pass it into the body of the next Patriarch...

In this way, the power of the secret technique will only become stronger and stronger.

However, the secret technique mixed with too much energy is simply not acceptable to the new Patriarch.

When using the secret technique, if the new Patriarch cannot catch this power, he will be backlashed.

There is a reason why the Dugu family has not been born for many years.

Because their patriarchs have a short lifespan.

After all, after the death of Lord Tuo Ling, there are almost no Patriarchs who can truly control the secret arts of the Dugu Family.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin called Jun Yu worriedly.

But Jun Yu's ice blue eyes had no warmth, he looked at her as if he was looking at a dead object.

Aiming at her body, he raised his right hand, and the icy blue light turned into sharp ice.

"No!" Seeing this scene, Yun Mo shouted anxiously.

But Jun Yu was faster.

The sharp blade in his palm shot directly at Yuan Deyin...

But Yuan Deyin did not hide.

She just stood there, looking at him with calm eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp blade was in front of her, about to penetrate her skin.

But at this critical moment, the sharp blades fell to the ground one after another.

With a "poof", Jun Yu spat out a mouthful of blood.

The icy blue color all over his body began to fade slowly, and his eyes returned to their original appearance.

He knelt on the ground on one knee, looking a little embarrassed.

Yuan Deyin watched this scene, she let out a breath, and a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." She got up quickly, walked towards Jun Yu, and supported him.

"Why don't you hide?" Jun Yu raised his head slowly, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He almost killed her just now.

"Because Deyin knows that Jiuhuangshu will not let Deyin die." The little girl spoke seriously, her clear eyes were full of determination.

"But this king still hurt you just now." Jun Yu looked at the bloodstain on the corner of the little girl's mouth, and his body trembled with distress.

How could he hurt her?
He thought he could control the power in his body, but he didn't know...

It's his fault.

"No, Deyin is fine!"

In order not to worry him, Yuan Deyin began to pat her chest, trying to make her body look okay.

But these two slaps made her grin her teeth in pain.

Uncle Nine Emperor's really terrifying enough, it hurts her to death.

Forget it, stop pretending!

Yuan Deyin was generally discouraged, and stopped saying that she was fine.

But the way she looked at Jun Yu was still full of trust.

She continued: "Uncle Nine Emperors controlled himself at the last moment, this is already very powerful, okay! You know, the previous Patriarch Dugu couldn't do this..."

But after she said this, Jun Yu looked at her with sharp and serious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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