Chapter 432
"啪" sounded.

Wu Rao was slapped directly to the ground. She covered her face and looked at Wu Ling with red eyes.

Wu Ling stood in front of Wu Rao, looked at the closed door, and then spoke loudly: "Say, have you entered Miaojiang again?"

In response to Wu Ling's question, Wu Rao's expression changed.

In the end, she got up from the ground, changed from her gentle appearance in the past, and her face became a little gloomy.

She looked at Wu Ling, and said indifferently, "That's right, it's me!"

In order not to make it difficult for Elder Wu, Wu Ling has actually not set foot in Miaojiang for many years.

In Miaojiang, the only person walking is not Wu Ling, but her Wu Rao.

What else is there to see Elder Jin deal with Yuan Deyin and his party? It's not Wu Ling, but her!
Wu Ling admitted in front of Yuan Deyin just now that she took the initiative to point the suspect at herself, but it was because she wanted to protect Wu Rao.

"Auntie, in fact, you don't have to admit it for me at all. I just entered Miaojiang during that time, so why should Yuan Deyin doubt it?"

Wu Rao said arrogantly.

"You really want me to say it? Do you think I'm a fool! That night, that is, the night when Yuan Deyin and the others were attacked by Elder Jin, you came back secretly, but you smelled very bloody. The bloody coat you are wearing is buried under the big tree in the yard, do you want me to dig it out for you?"

Wu Ling looked at Wu Rao, gritted her teeth and said word by word.

Hearing Wu Ling's words, Wu Rao's haughty expression was finally replaced by shock.

"You were not affected by my sleeping Gu worm that day?"

she asked in shock.

Before she came in, she deliberately released Gu worms that could make people sleepy.

When she came in, she also found that Wu Ling was sleeping extremely drowsily, as if she was controlled by her Gu worm.

So Wu Ling shouldn't have found out about her, and she shouldn't even know that she buried her bloody clothes under the big tree!

Staring at Wu Rao's shocked look, Wu Ling sneered directly.

"Wu Rao, have you forgotten that I was the one who taught your father's Gu skills?"

Although the Wen family was kicked out of Miaojiang, the Gu skills in their blood never faded.

Grandpa said she was extremely talented.

If the Wen family hadn't been kicked out of Miaojiang, she would have been a talented girl in Miaojiang, and it would not be impossible to replace her grandfather as an elder.

It's just that if you make a mistake, you should bear the mistake, and some things are destined to be lost.

"Although your father is also good at learning witchcraft and voodoo, but his talent is extremely poor. I have taught him dozens of things before he understands a little bit. Later, he taught you these superficial things, but he never thought, you It turned out to be a great talent..."

When Wu Ling recalled what happened back then, her tone became a little emotional.

"That's right, you also saw my talent back then, so you took me over from my father and taught me for a long time."

Wu Rao looked at Wu Ling, then spoke in a cold voice.

"So, do you really think that those things you made can escape my eyes?"

Wu Ling looked at Wu Rao with some resentment.

This is the child she watched grow up, how come the older she gets, the more she can't understand her!
"Auntie, I've always wanted to ask you, since we can't even step into the land of Miaojiang, why do we have to study Gu art so hard?"

Seeing Wu Ling's sad expression, Wu Rao's tone became even more indifferent.

"Of course it's because..."

"Don't tell me that Gushu is something left by our ancestors. It is our root. Even if we leave Miaojiang, we can't give up. Those words are stupid self-deception in my opinion! How much contribution Miao Jiang has made, as well as our descendants, which one of you and I are not extremely talented in learning Gu, why can we be expelled just because of a rule he insisted on?"

Wu Rao asked angrily with red eyes.

"Wu Rao, you are confused, how can we complain about the patriarch?"

Hearing that Wu Rao actually complained about the patriarch, Wu Ling's face collapsed.

The patriarch is almost like a god in their hearts in Miaojiang.

Even those of them who have been expelled from Miaojiang should maintain their reverence.

Hearing Wu Ling's words, Wu Rao raised her head and laughed ironically.

"It's so stupid that you can make you swear to follow after a cup of tea! The elders of the Wen family are like this, you are like this, elder Zheng is like this, and elder Jin is like this, you really deserve to die!" Wu Rao said contemptuously.

"Wu Rao, tell me, what happened that night? Is it true that Yuan Deyin said that grandpa died?"

She grabbed Wu Rao's arm and asked anxiously.

She simply couldn't be as calm as she was in front of Yuan Deyin.

That was her most respected great-grandfather.

At the beginning, after her grandfather passed away, she went to the entrance of Miao Jiang every day.

It was the great grandfather who accompanied her through those days and taught her Gu and martial arts.

"Of course... really dead. An old man who has lived for nearly a hundred years and is still loyal to the cup, he really deserves to die."

Wu Rao shrugged indifferently.

Her appearance made Wu Ling tremble with fear.

Wu Ling took a few steps back quickly, and she looked at Wu Rao with the eyes of a stranger.

"Wu Rao, tell me, is your grandfather's death related to you?" She asked with a trembling voice.

I started to feel more and more uneasy...

Because she felt that the answer in her heart was too real.

It is no exaggeration to say that when my great-grandfather lived to that age, no one in Miaojiang could be his opponent except the patriarch, not even Elder Jin!

But the great grandfather died suddenly, without any explanation.

It must have been man-made.

And that person...

Except for the patriarch, there are only people whom grandpa trusts.

After all, only people who are familiar with him will make Grandpa let his guard down.

"The patriarch is stronger than Grandpa, but he will never kill Grandpa, because he needs Grandpa... Wu Rao, tell me, who killed Grandpa?"

Wu Ling looked at Wu Rao, and asked her in a sad tone.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Ling continued: "From the first time I brought you in front of my grandpa, he liked you very much and said that you are an upstanding girl. He is also willing to personally guide you and not stop you Enter Miaojiang. Besides me, the person he trusts the most is you..."

"Wu Rao, tell me, besides you, who else could have killed Grandfather?"

While shaking her head with red eyes, Wu Ling struggled to express her guess.

"You tell me it's not true!"

At this time, Wu Ling hoped that all this was just her guess.

"Auntie, you guessed it all, why deny it?" Wu Rao said contemptuously.

"You, it's really you!"

Hearing that Wu Rao actually admitted it, Wu Ling got a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat and almost fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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