The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 434 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 434 Lead the snake out of the hole
"What, something happened to Wu Bian?"

When Yuan Deyin heard this, her expression changed suddenly.

Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao also came out at this time, they walked over quickly, and said in a worried tone: "Is it possible that those people from Miaojiang are chasing and killing them again?"

"No way, what should you do if they come after you?"

Wu Rao covered her mouth, panicked.

"Wu Rao, it's okay, we won't hurt you." Seeing Wu Rao like this, Yuan Deyin quickly comforted her.

"Princess, that's not what I mean, I'm worried about you. The people of Miaojiang, especially the patriarch, have unfathomable abilities. What if you..."

Wu Rao shook her head with red eyes.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin continued to comfort her.

Turning her head, Yuan Deyin said seriously to Wuyi: "Sister Wuyi, hurry up and go to Zongmu Taishishu's room to see if they are okay."

"The slaves obey."

Wu Yi hurriedly turned to check.

Soon, she will be back.

"Princess, they are all sleeping, everything is fine."

"That's good." Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of the big rock hanging in his heart.

"Wait, why don't you see Jun Yu?"

Yunmo looked around and found that Jun Yu was gone. He frowned and asked in a worried tone.

"By the way, where did Uncle Nine Emperors go?" Yuan Deyin realized, and she looked around anxiously.

"Could it be in his room?" Yu Shengxiao stretched her waist, her expression not flustered at all.

It seems that according to Jun Yu's ability, nothing will happen.

"No, this subordinate just came over from there just now, and there is no sign of the prince in the room." Wuying hurriedly said.

There's none?
"Is something wrong with the prince?" Wu Rao asked worriedly, covering her mouth.

"Let's go and see what's going on with Wu Bian first."

Although Yuan Deyin was still concerned about Jun Yu's safety, but thinking that there was another Wu Bian, she quickly turned her head.

A group of people came to Wu Bian's room door, only to find that the door was open, and a bloody smell came over their faces.

After seeing it for sure, Cang Ling couldn't help but screamed.

Because Wu Bian was lying on the ground weakly, and a sea of ​​blood condensed around him.

There are also large and small wounds on the body, which shows how vicious the killer is.

"Don't look." Wuyi hurriedly reached out to cover Cang Ling's eyes at this moment, and kept comforting her.


Yuan Deyin called Yu Shengxiao, and the two quickly ran inside.

They turned their backs to the door, and then checked with Wu Bian.

"Master, do you still have the silver needle?"

"Take it."

Yu Shengxiao quickly handed over the silver needle.

Because their backs were facing them, people outside couldn't see the situation inside at all. They could only feel that Yuan Deyin and Yushengxiao had been busy, and it seemed that the situation was not good.

"The blood has finally stopped." Suddenly, Yuan Deyin said weakly.

"Wu Bian, can you hear me?" Yu Shengxiao looked at Wu Bian and asked anxiously.

Doctor Yu asks, is Wu Bian still conscious?
Excitement flashed in the eyes of Wuyi and the others standing outside.

If Wu Bian is still conscious, then the possibility of finding the real culprit is very high.

So they held their breath and waited for Wu Bian's answer.

"Yes, it's Jun Yu." Wu Bian's voice also came out.

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if it took all his strength to squeeze it out.

After he said this, Wuyi Wuying and the others instantly became serious.

"Stop slandering our lord." Wuying said angrily.

"That's right! Wu Bian, did you read it wrong? How could the prince hurt you?" Wu Rao gritted her teeth and said anxiously.

But at this time, Yuan Deyin's dull voice came: "Don't ask, he has passed out."

Standing up, Yuan Deyin slowly turned his head, his tired eyes were a little more dignified now.

Looking up at Wuying, she said softly: "Go in, help Wu Bian to the bed with Master, and then guard here, the princess will go find Uncle Nine Emperors."

"The truth is with you."

"My king wants it too!"

Shen Chuannan and Yunmo immediately stood up.

"Princess, I am familiar with this place, so let me go with you." Wu Rao volunteered.

Glancing at her, Yuan Deyin pondered for a while, and felt that it made sense, she nodded quickly: "Okay, but you must pay attention to safety."

Soon, they divided the work, and everyone looked in one direction.

Wu Rao was walking eastward, she turned her head while walking, and found that Yuan Deyin and the others were gone, so she stopped immediately.

She stood there grimly.

"Damn it, how did Jun Yu do things so unwisely, but he didn't kill Wu Bian completely!"

Although Wu Bian has never learned anything, he is just a trash who was abandoned by the teacher.

But she can't tolerate the existence of the other party.

Cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots will definitely have an impact on her success in the future.

The medicine was dispensed by Wu Ling, but the line of writing left in the bowl was added by her.

Because after getting along these days, she felt that people like Yuan Deyin were difficult to deal with, and they might ruin her plan.

So she wanted them all to get out of Xiaowu Village with their lives.

However, their group is not simple.

Going head-on with them didn't do her any favors, so she decided to break them down internally.

Yuan Deyin seemed quite jealous. If she knew that her Ninth Emperor Uncle had killed Wu Bian, she wondered if she would continue to trust her Ninth Emperor Uncle.

This plan is perfect, but she is very upset that Jun Yu failed to kill Wu Bian completely!

Gritting her teeth, Wu Rao's eyes flashed gloomy.

Now that so many people have left their homes, it is the best opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate Wu Bian!

Thinking of this, she quickly turned around and ran back.

When she arrived at the yard, she could feel a strange silence in the yard.

She walked slowly to Wu Bian's house.

She originally wanted to use Gu worms to stun Yushengxiao and Wuying.

But who knew, when she looked in, she saw Yu Shengxiao and Wu Ying already fell to the ground.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, shifted her gaze to the side, and finally saw Jun Yu sitting beside him, sipping tea slowly.

"Since everyone is here, why don't you come in?" Jun Yu said indifferently.

Knowing that she had been discovered, Wu Rao snorted coldly in her heart, and finally stood up on her own initiative.

She was afraid of Jun Yu's force.

After all, that night, she personally saw him kill Elder Jin's Gu worms, and accidentally injured Yuan Deyin.

However, she has nothing to fear now.

What is there to fear from a person who has been poisoned and is about to die?

So, just like that, Wu Rao walked up to Jun Yu with a contemptuous expression, and then looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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