Chapter 443 I know it all
"My princess will ask you again, are the people who follow my father and my princess really Zhujiang or Zhujiang?"

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and asked.

This is the question she most wants to know the answer to right now.

"Little princess, you may not know that our Miao Jiang not only knows Gu skills, but also our strength is changing appearance." Gu Xiang smiled strangely.

"De, Princess Deyin. The Gu family has a unique secret technique, which is to change the appearance of another person for a certain period of time. But this will cause great damage to the body, and it requires a very deep skill. This In the past 300 years, only... the patriarch has succeeded in training."

Wu Ling hesitated for a while, and finally told what she knew.

"Okay, the princess knows." Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and said softly.

She has already found the answer to their words.

However, it was really Brother Shu Jiang, the brother Shu Jiang who was by her father and her side.

"The real Hu Jiang who died on the battlefield?" Jun Yu said coldly, his indifferent eyes fell on Gu Xiang.

"That's natural. If it was true that the cup was in that battle, do you think the Ji King would die so easily? Little princess, after all, the cup is also inseparable from the death of your father. His majestic Miao Jiang patriarch , How capable! Why did Piansheng leave in such an important battle, and let the real Shujiang appear to replace him. Do you think he expected something a long time ago?"

He looked at Yuan Deyin with weird and provocative eyes.

Meeting his eyes, Yuan Deyin suddenly laughed.

She walked up to him, and clasped his neck without blinking her eyes.

Then he said indifferently: "If your purpose is to provoke the relationship between the Princess and Brother Zhong, then you are doomed to be disappointed."

Although she didn't know why she suddenly left during that battle...

But she knew that if the royal father really had an accident in front of him, he would never leave him dead.

The neck of the cup was clasped, and the other party couldn't speak, his whole face was flushed, the martial arts scars on it were even more ugly, and when his whole body began to twitch, Yuan Deyin finally let him go.

Gu Xiang fell to the ground in embarrassment, and then kept panting.

"Do you know why your father chose Guo Que instead of you among the two children?"

Yuan Deyin asked suddenly.

Gu Xiang didn't expect Yuan Deyin to ask this question, but when he thought of something, resentment flashed in his eyes very quickly.

He snorted coldly, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's not because of partiality! He thought the eldest son would be able to keep the Miao border, and the second son deserved to die."

"You have lived for almost 100 years, but you still don't understand your father's heart. This princess will tell you the answer. It's because your father understood it a long time ago. If Miao Jiang was handed over to you, There is no doubt that Miaojiang will be destroyed!"

Yuan De's voice was indifferent.

"What do you know, and you're still trying to guess!" Zhu Xiang continued to be disdainful, he didn't agree with Yuan Deyin's words at all.

At this time, Jun Yu who was standing by the side said indifferently: "It's been 100 years, you can't compare to Gu Que in terms of ability; I have blamed myself for a long time, and blamed others for my failure, but I didn't know that I had a chance back then."


"Ask yourself, if Miao Jiang is really in your hands, can you keep it?" Jun Yu asked coldly again, this time, his aura was even more domineering.


"If you are in the gutter, if you can't see yourself clearly, you are destined to never get up. If this king is your father, not only will you choose to die, but you will even kill you yourself."

Jun Yu's words hit the cup directly.

The truth that he was unwilling to admit all this time was told nakedly by Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

Gu Xiang shook his head first, and kept talking to himself: "No, no..."

"I am the most qualified person to be the patriarch, I am..."

"Father must have done something wrong, and I must be better than Guo Que."

"You are all talking nonsense, you are deliberately provoking me..."


But at the end, Guxiang hugged his head and let out a desolate cry.

He started rolling on the ground, then convulsed in pain.

Soon, he started foaming at the mouth.

Realizing that something was wrong, Yuan Deyin quickly put his hand under his neck to feel his pulse.

"He has taken poison." Yuan Deyin said coldly as he looked at the body that was gradually stopping the convulsions of the cup.

Detoxification is her forte.

But she wasn't going to save people.

Gu Xiang has done so many bad things, if he is allowed to live in this world, it is really too unfair.

In this way, Yuan Deyin watched the aura of the goblet grow weaker and weaker, and then died completely.

That is, at the moment when he died, all his black hair turned white.

The skin also loosens, becoming a thin layer of skin that wraps around the bones.

He was a young man in his twenties just now, but the corpse now looks like a century-old man should have.

"After you die, you will return to your fundamentals." Wu Ling sighed, and then said such a sentence in a complicated tone.

Gu Xiang died, but Yuan Deyin's heart was not at all easy.

Because the cup is the same age as the cup item.

So in other words, the cup should look like this.

Human life is limited. Although some means can be used to make people look younger, the age in the flesh and blood cannot be changed.

After reaching a certain age, the cup will still die.

At this moment, Wuyi's anxious voice came from not far away.

"Princess, the patriarch of the cup has woken up."

Knowing the identity of Zhong Que, Wu Yi's name for Zhong Que has changed.

Upon hearing the reminder, Yuan Deyin quickly lifted her skirt and ran towards the room.

Because she was too anxious, the bell around her waist rang in a hurry.

When he arrived at the house, Yuan Deyin just saw the cup but wanted to sit up from the bed.

But because of the wound on his heart, he was struggling.

Her face fell instantly.

She quickly ran over to help him, and then pretended to be angry and said: "Brother Chujiang... Zhongqi, are you crazy? Although your body is stronger than ordinary people, you hurt your heart. If there is another accident , even I can’t save you.”

Hearing her caring words, and her unfinished "Brother Jiang", Zhu Que's expression changed after all.

He raised his eyes, looked at her with complicated eyes, and asked softly, "You know everything?"

Up to now, Yuan Deyin has nothing to hide.

She said in a muffled voice, "Well, I know everything. I know everything about you, Gu Xiang, and Brother Zhu Jiang."

(End of this chapter)

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