Chapter 456 Two Men
"How do you know that the one outside is the Nine Emperors... Chi Yan Ninth Prince?"

Yuan Deyin continued to look at Gong Sien and asked, wondering if the other party had seen the face of Uncle Nine Emperors?
As a result, Gong Sien said lightly: "Although the princess has never seen your Ninth Prince, but the princess has seen the appearance of the Jade Doctor. When he came to Wei State, it caused a great sensation. The princess is lucky. met him once."

"I heard that after Chiyan Deyin's princess had an accident, this Jade Doctor returned to the Valley of Doctors. No matter how outsiders invited him, he was unwilling to come out of the mountain again. But now, he actually appeared in the Wei Kingdom. There are not many people who can touch him, and if you think back to the cold and arrogant appearance of the man in the black robe beside him, there will be no one else except Chi Yan, the god of war."

Gong Sien said in a firm tone.

Yuan Deyin sighed helplessly in her heart.

It turned out that it wasn't that Jiuhuangshu's face was too easy to recognize, but that a certain master's face was too ostentatious.

"So, just now you deliberately mentioned that the surname of 'Jun' is the surname of Chi Yan, and you were also testing me?" Yuan Deyin asked expressionlessly.

"Yeah." Gong Sien didn't hide anything, she nodded frankly.

She continued to explain: "When you rescued the princess on the street, the princess noticed the jade doctor, and the jade bone fan in his hand is the only one in the world. So at that time, the princess made a bold guess, You and your group come from extraordinary backgrounds, maybe that is the opportunity for this princess..."

"You don't want to follow the princess to the palace. The princess is still a little worried. I didn't expect that I would run into you when I met the killer on the road. This time I saw the face of the jade doctor. The princess firmly believes that I The guess is correct."

"Although the princess doesn't know which prince of the Chiyan royal family you are, since you are by Jun Yu's side, your status must be extraordinary. And now the princess needs someone with a background to cooperate with the princess."

Gong Si'en really didn't hide anything, and directly told her plan.

What she said made Yuan Deyin speechless for a moment.

How could someone explain their calculations clearly?
Pressing the center of her eyebrows, Yuan Deyin became more interested in Gong Si'en, she suppressed a smile and said, "Then who do you think this princess is from the Chiyan royal family?"

"Everyone around Jun Yu is so respectful to you... Could it be that you are King Xu, or King Jing?"

Gong Sien squinted his eyes and guessed.

He actually guessed her as Jun Zhouxu and Jun Zhoujing.


Not important anymore.

Yuan Deyin sighed in her heart, but she didn't even refute.

Her slender fingers landed on the table next to her, knocking repeatedly.

"If you really want to find a partner, why don't you consider Jun Yu? After all, he is more powerful. If he came to your country of Wei as an envoy, your father and king will be courteous when he sees him."

Yuan Deyin continued to speak out his proposal.

Although the relationship between Chi Yan and Wei Guo is very stiff.

But according to Chi Yan's current strength, Nine Emperor Uncles came to Wei State openly, and Wei Emperor did not dare to do anything to them.

However, Wei Po's old thief has long suspected that his cousin and Uncle Nine Emperors have contacts. If Uncle Nine Emperors came to rescue his cousin as a minister, it would be interference in Wei's internal affairs, and the situation would not be so "friendly" by then. up.

That's why they must not expose their identities to save people.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's proposal, Gong Sien's confident face finally collapsed.

He glanced at Yuan Deyin, and then said: "Do you think Jun Yu is willing to cooperate with this princess? In the whole world, no one knows that in the past twenty years, only one princess Deyin has been able to join him." eyes!"

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Hearing Gong Si'en talking about her, Yuan Deyin glanced away unnaturally.

It turned out that it was well known that the Nine Emperor Uncles doted on her.

"Are you King Jing or King Xu? I heard that King Jing is a prodigal son who loves beautiful women. You look so restrained. Could it be that King Xu?"

Gong Sien is still guessing Yuan Deyin's identity.

Yuan Deyin rolled her eyes in her heart.

The Chiyan royal family is not just the two of them, is it?

She is Yuan Deyin!
But thinking of her current attire, Yuan Deyin choked.

It seems that only those two identities are worth guessing.

"Whether it's King Jing or Lord Xu, are you sure you want to marry me?" Yuan Deyin's strange eyes suddenly locked on Gong Si'en's face.

"Well, my princess urgently needs a tenable identity now, and you are the right candidate. Also, my princess saw that you were rushing to Shangjing, so I ventured to make a guess..."

Gong Sien looked at Yuan Deyin neither humble nor overbearing.

Yuan Deyin's interest was aroused, and she asked: "What guess?"

"What is the reason for you to hide your identities and go all the way north to Shangjing. The princess thought about it for a while just now. There should be nothing in Shangjing now except for Prince Wei who is about to behead..."

"My princess also overheard my father and his staff mentioning that the emperor suspects that the prince has contacts with Chi Yan's people. So, are you here to save the prince?"

When she said the last sentence, Gong Sien stared at Yuan Deyin with burning eyes.

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows.

This is a smart person, if not done well, he may also become a terrible enemy.This is Yuan Deyin's inner thoughts at this time.

"This princess can help you delay the execution date of the prince."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin hadn't let go yet, Gong Sien still showed his hole card.

"Can you delay the execution date?"

Hearing Gong Si'en's words, Yuan Deyin's heart was moved even though he didn't know whether it was true or not.

Because what they lack most now is the time to deploy.

"My princess said yes, so of course I can!" Gong Si'en said in a haughty tone.

She poured Yuan Deyin a cup of tea, and said: "You only need to disclose your identity when you arrive in Shangjing, and then ask the emperor as a minister to marry the princess, everything is easy to talk about."

"But you don't have to worry, the princess doesn't want to be a real couple with you. After the matter is resolved, the marriage will be forfeited."

Gong Sien said firmly.

She still has a lot to do.

If the Tang family and Wei Le'an seized the opportunity in the capital, she would definitely remain passive.

Therefore, she must find a backer so that those people will not dare to touch her in a short time!
"Xu Wang, what do you think?" Gong Si'en looked at Yuan Deyin and asked.

Yuan Deyin put down the teacup slowly, and said helplessly, "Don't you think it's awkward for two men to pretend to be husband and wife?"


Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Gong Sien's expression changed drastically.

At this time, Yuan Deyin has already stretched out his hand to grab Gong Sien's chest.

"Well, it's really not normal to be so soft." Yuan Deyin said in a leisurely tone.

(End of this chapter)

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