The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 467 The second identity of the mother concubine

Chapter 467 The Second Identity of Concubine Mother
"Yin'er, do you remember that Princess Ji said what kind of flower is this?"

""Xian Fang Zhu" says: Heartbroken grass is unknowable. Its flowers are beautiful and named hibiscus. Therefore, Taibai's poem said: "It used to be a hibiscus flower, but now it is a heartbroken grass. How long will it be good to use sex to others." In short In short, this kind of flower is called hibiscus flower. But the concubine mother said that there is a place where they are called poppies. This kind of flower can make a kind of poison, which can make people addicted after eating, and can manipulate people's hearts in severe cases."

Yuan Deyin frowned and told what he knew.

But the concubine mother clearly said that this kind of flower should not appear here.

"Xian Fang Zhu? Yin'er, how did you know about this book?"

Jun Yu's serious eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin tilted his head and replied softly: "These books were all read by my concubine when I was a child."

"However, I have read many books, but I have never heard of this book. There are also many poems you said in the past, and I have never heard of many princes in the capital." Jun Yu Shen Sheng said.

Jun Yu's words made Yuan Deyin's eyelids twitch violently.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what do you mean, the collection of poems my concubine mother talked to me may not be owned by this world?"

Although this sentence was asked by Jun Yu, Yuan Deyin already had his own answer in his heart.

Over the years, in fact, when I think about it carefully, Concubine Mu is really... a strange woman.

She is talented and knows many things that are out of the world.

She used to think that the mother concubine was most related to Fanzhou Island, but now she felt that the mother concubine might have other identities?

Just when Yuan Deyin was about to say something to Jun Yu, the housekeeper in front glanced back at them.

She quickly returned to her prodigal appearance, fanned her fan slowly, and walked forward step by step.

"Your Majesty, this is the Houming Garden."

The housekeeper turned his head and spoke respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded.

The steward turned to look at Gong Si'en again: "Princess Second, you have just arrived in the capital, it's time to greet the prince and princess."

These words sound like suggestions, but everyone knows that this is a threat.

Gong Si'en suddenly brought "Jing Wang" to the princess mansion, is it strange that Wei Le'an is willing to let her go?
Hearing this, Yuan Deyin frowned.

She wanted to stop it.

After all, Wei Le'an still wasn't sure how to deal with Gong Si'en.

But before she could speak, Gong Sien shook her head.

"Steward Liu, it was my princess who was negligent. King Jing asked your family to take care of it. My princess will go to pay my respects to my father."

After speaking, he turned and left directly.

Yuan Deyin looked at Gong Sien's back.

She understands that there are some things that Gong Si'en wants to handle by herself.

Nothing more...

She has been keeping a low profile for so many years, and to survive under Wei Le'an's hands, she must not be a defenseless person.

Withdrawing her eyes, Yuan Deyin walked into the yard swaggeringly.

The yard is huge and everything should be equipped.

It could be seen that although Wei Le'an didn't like their arrival, he still managed to save face.

"Your Majesty, this old slave will not disturb your rest. If you need anything, just ask the servants in the courtyard."

Butler Liu bent down and spoke to Yuan Deyin respectfully.

Yuan Deyin's cold eyes swept over the servants and maidservants who were cleaning outside the yard.

Listen to their breath...

Oh, it turned out to be Lian Jiazi.

Is this to serve her, or to monitor her?
Yuan Deyin laughed angrily, then said slowly, "Okay."

After the door was closed, her smiling face instantly collapsed.

"Being hypocritical with these people is really exhausting me to death."

Yuan Deyin threw the fan aside, and then sat on the pear blossom chair next to her with her feet wide open.

She also rolled up her sleeves like no one else, like a man wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves.

It was at this moment that the atmosphere became weird.

Sensing that the atmosphere was not right, Yuan Deyin looked up hesitantly.

In the end, I saw Uncle Nine Emperors, Master, Mr. Shen, Yun Mo and others all looked at her strangely.

"Cough, cough, cough... This king is entering the play, entering the play." Yuan Deyin quickly and weakly closed his separated legs.

"Princess, why don't you just be yourself."

Cang Ling walked up to Yuan Deyin with red eyes, she said distressedly, there was still a bit of worry in her eyes.

The princess is Chi Yan's most honorable lady. After pretending to respect the king, she has learned the rough behavior of men. What should I do in the future?
Hearing Cang Ling's worried words, Yuan Deyin touched his nose in embarrassment.

She said softly: "Cang Ling, don't worry, this king... well, this princess is still this princess, and I won't lose myself."

"My lord, this princess mansion is full of masters, especially around this courtyard, there are many first-class masters ambushing. The subordinates were almost discovered."

At this time, Wuying came through the window.

He patted the dead grass on his body, and reported the situation to Jun Yu in a solemn tone.

Fangcai, taking advantage of Yuan Deyin and Butler Liu's hypocrisy, Wuying quickly withdrew from the crowd, and then began to observe the surrounding environment.

Obviously, this is a dangerous place.

"Well, the princess wants you to find out how the eldest princess is going to deal with Gong Si'en."

Yuan Deyin sighed helplessly.

Although she knew that Gong Sien was capable, Yuan Deyin was still a little worried.

She originally wanted Wuying to follow, and come back to her to save people whenever there is a problem.

But with so many people staring at their yard, it was difficult to get out.


Through the open window, Yuan Deyin looked at the maidservants who were cleaning and spying on the house, the corner of her mouth suddenly curled up.

"However, it's not completely impossible."

After a while, Yuan Deyin appeared in front of them in the maid's clothes.

"Xiao Deyin, don't you want to go out like this?" Yu Shengxiao asked suspiciously.

"I just want to go out like this! We all pretended to be men to enter the princess mansion, so men will be suspicious when they go out of this yard, and women will not. Besides, this is the face of the princess, not the face of respecting the king. , how would they find out?"

Yuan Deyin shook his hand, telling Yu Shengxiao to calm down a bit.

"Princess, the servants also change their clothes and go out with you." Wuyi said seriously.

Yuan Deyin looked at the people in this room.

She understood that if she refused, Uncle Nine Emperors would definitely be the first person to be worried.

Forget it, there is one more person, in case of any accident, there is also a caretaker.

So Yuan Deyin nodded and said softly, "Okay, go and change quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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