471 Threat
"I heard that the second cousin came to the capital this time, and she also brought Chi Yan's respectful king. It is said that you are the only one to marry him. Is there such a thing?"

Wei Xiao stared at Gong Sien like a smiling tiger.

"Second prince, that's just a joke between the two children, don't take it seriously." Gong Siye said softly.

"Uncle, don't be nervous. It's not like this king thinks that your Gongsi Palace has close contacts with Chi Yan. This king is curious on the one hand, and thinks this is a beautiful thing." Wei Xiao said meaningfully.

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Gong Si'en and helped her up.

"Although Wei State and Chi Yan are old enemies, as far as the current situation is concerned, fighting with Chi Yan will definitely damage the foundation of Wei State. Therefore, we must maintain friendly relations, put down our flags and drums, and raise our troops to store up energy, so that Wei State can become stronger again. However, the grievances between Wei Guo and Chi Yan for so many years cannot be broken just by breaking it. Marriage is a good way. King Jing's status in Chi Yan's royal family is extraordinary. If the second cousin can become Princess Jing, we can be considered The royal family of the Wei Kingdom can now speak to the Chiyan royal family..."

Wei Xiao spoke out what was in his heart.

Gong Sien stood up with a low eyebrow, but she couldn't help being sarcastic in her heart.

Wei Xiao's words are sanctimonious, but in the final analysis, isn't the fundamental purpose just to stabilize the situation, and in the future, will Wei swallow Chi Yan when it grows stronger again?

Different from Wei Qinhuai's uprightness, under Wei Xiao's magnanimity is his wolfish ambition that cannot be concealed.

"Cousin, King Jing may just love me on a whim, and I don't know what he will think in the future."

Gong Si'en spoke lightly, implying that you don't want me to be used by you.

"It's nothing, as long as King Jing's heart is with you now." Wei Xiao looked indifferent.

"Okay, since your father and King Jing have spoken for you, you can stand by the side." Wei Le'an said indifferently at this time.

She glanced at Gong Si'en with disgust in her eyes, burning with anger.

The little bitch.

She just wanted to punish her, but there were so many people speaking up for her.

If things go on like this, how will I kill this little bitch in the future?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Wei Le'an could only ask Gong Sien to stand aside.

"Xiao'er, how is your father doing recently?"

Wei Le'an took a sip of tea, then spoke kindly to Wei Xiao.

That appearance was completely different from how he treated Gong Si'en.

"After taking the medicine given by the imperial physician, my bones have hardened a bit. Don't worry, my father will definitely last until my cousin Qinyin gets married."

Wei Xiao said meaningfully.

His words implied a deep meaning, expressing his position.

When Wei Le'an heard this, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

So she didn't speak, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was in a good mood.

As long as her imperial brother is still alive, Qin'er will marry Wei Xiao, then she will definitely be the concubine, the future queen.

As for whether her imperial brother will die, it doesn't matter.

As long as the longevity of their Gongsi Palace can be ensured, the life and death of the rest of them is irrelevant.

"The prince's matter..." Gong Siye knocked on the table, wanting to talk about Wei Qinhuai's matter.

"Everyone who has nothing to do with them will step down." Wei Le'an interrupted Gong Siye's words in a cold voice at this time.

"The servant (servant) obeys."

All the maidservants here retreated one after another.

Yuan Deyin and Wuyi looked at each other. Although they were not reconciled, they had to go out with these people at this time.

"Why are you still standing there like a log, are you waiting for this princess to invite you out?"

Wei Le'an's slightly sinister eyes fell on Gong Si'en.

"Insignificant people", one of them is Gong Sien.

"En'er obeys." Gong Si'en nodded sympathetically, then turned and left.

From the beginning to the end, she never disobeyed Wei Le'an.

She is arrogant and domineering in front of outsiders, but she is submissive and timid in front of Wei Le'an, this is what Wei Le'an wants to see.

He wanted her to lose her reputation in front of outsiders, but also wanted her to be as humble as a dog in the mansion.

Since this is what Wei Le'an wants her to be like, then she is like this!
Yuan Deyin walked last.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wei Le'an wanting to drink some tea.

The fingers under her sleeve moved, but no one could see clearly, a small stone bounced on the teacup.

The tea was poured down, and it was almost poured on Wei Le'an's body.

Wei Le'an's face sank all of a sudden, she quickly stood up from the chair, looked at the wet table, and asked angrily: "Which lowly servant girl is it, who didn't even put the teacup firmly?"

She blamed the tipping of her teacup on the fact that it was not in place, so she began to question it loudly.

"Okay, it's just a trivial matter, so don't get angry." Gong Siye said in a deep voice.

Although Wei Le'an was unwilling, he did not continue to lose his temper.

"You, come here, clean this place, and stay here to serve by the way." Wei Le'an glanced at Yuan Deyin and ordered directly.

"Your servant obeys." Yuan Deyin lowered his head, revealing only his thin chin, and said in trepidation.

Then he walked to Wei Le'an's side in small steps, and helped her wipe off all the water on the table.

"The princess has not been in the princess mansion all these years, how slack have you all become, you can't do such a small thing well!"

Wei Le'an spoke indifferently.

After seeing that Yuan Deyin's hands and feet were still agile, her face turned slightly better.

"Auntie, uncle, how many soldiers and horses do you have that can be mobilized?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Wei Xiao shot straight in.

Speaking of the matter of soldiers and horses, Wei Le'an was not unusual, but Gong Siye's smile faded a lot.

"Second prince, you should know how many soldiers and horses this king has. The Ye family army has a total of 20 people, but they are all concentrated in the southeast area. The soldiers and horses are handed over by the emperor to the king, and the number of soldiers recruited and reduced every year is recorded in the Ministry of War..."

"Uncle, that's not what this king wants to hear!"

Wei Xiao suddenly interrupted Gong Siye's words with sharp eyes.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence for an instant.

"Auntie, the king is sincere enough to marry Qinyin's cousin. But uncle's behavior now makes me doubt your sincerity."

Wei Xiao's eyes fell on Wei Le'an again.

Wei Le'an's smile also faded a bit, but seeing from the corner of her eye that Gong Siye just had a sullen face, pursed her lips, and had no intention of speaking, so she suppressed her urge to speak.

"Uncle, I know your ambitions. This king is not like my father, who is ignorant and ignorant of foreign affairs; nor is my elder brother, who is weak-hearted. What this king wants to do is to firmly grasp the power of Wei and the world." Hold it firmly in your own hands..."

"Five years ago, there were [-] soldiers and horses in the Yejia Army that were not recorded..."

(End of this chapter)

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