Chapter 483 Really Respect the King
"Since Brother Wang insists so much, let's go to see King Jing together. However, I'm not sure about Prince Jing's temperament. If he blocks us at the gate of Houmingyuan, then I have nothing to do."

Knowing that if she refuses again, Gong Sili will become more suspicious, so Gong Si'en is ruthless and agrees.

But he also kept a hand for himself.

As long as "Jun Zhoujing" doesn't want to see them, then Gong Sili can't make use of it.

"Okay." Gong Sili smiled meaningfully.

When they arrived at the gate of Houming Garden, the King Jing couldn't help but appear.

The three of them walked towards Houmingyuan at the same time.

Yuan Deyin stood behind the two of them, his mind spinning quickly.

This Gong Sili is a trouble at first glance, what should I do?
The moment they thought about it, they quickly arrived at the gate of Houming Garden.

"Your Majesty." Han Chuan walked over quickly, and respectfully saluted Gong Sili.

Seeing Hanchuan standing at the gate of Houming Garden, Yuan Deyin's pupils shrank slightly.

What does Gong Sili want to do?
"Half an hour ago, this son thought that King Jing rarely came to Shangjing even though he was out all the year round, so he asked Hanchuan to buy some delicacies from Shangjing so that King Jing could feel at home. Second sister, what do you think? How?"

Gong Sili looked at Gong Sien with a smile and asked.

Gong Sien twitched the corner of his mouth, and said in a neutral tone: "Brother Wang has a heart."

He is really amazing to be able to talk about surveillance so confidently.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates have been waiting at the door for a long time, but the maidservants in Houmingyuan said that King Jing has not woken up yet." Han Chuan said respectfully.

"Oh? Haven't gotten up yet? It's already the top of the sun, isn't it a bit bad to not get up yet? In this way, this son will reluctantly wake him up."

Gong Sili shook his head helplessly, then walked in quickly in front of Yuan Deyin and Gong Sien.

Seeing this, Gong Sien wanted to stop him.

If Gong Sili went in and found no one inside, then the problem would be serious.

But at this time, Yuan Deyin shook his head slightly at him.

Her eyes have a soothing effect.

Gong Sien froze for a moment, then looked at Yuan Deyin in puzzlement.

Jun Zhoujing is not inside, why is she not nervous?

Yuan Deyin looked at Gong Sili's back, and the corner of her mouth curved slightly.

On the way here just now, she was still worried that she would be worn out.

But when she came here, she knew...

Gong Sili is doomed to be disappointed!

Because they have been standing at the door for so long, Uncle Jiuhuang and others have not come out to stop them.

There is only one explanation -

"King King" is here.

Sure enough, Yuan Deyin and Gong Sien followed into the yard, when suddenly a voice of dissatisfaction came from the front.

"Who is so noisy?"

this voice...

Isn't it Jun Zhoujing's voice?

Gong Sien looked up in shock, only to see that the door of the room was opened, and Jun Zhoujing, who was wearing an inner coat and a cloak outside, came out from inside.

His face was less unrestrained and more angry.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Deyin's smile deepened.

As expected of Han Bingying, this disguise technique is not inferior to her.

Seeing Jun Zhoujing's face, Gong Sili hesitated for a moment.

However, he quickly realized that he said apologetically, "It was my son who was rude."

"You are... the eldest son of Princess Le'an, the prince of Gongsi, right?" Han Bingying looked at him with raised eyebrows and asked leisurely.

"Exactly. My son saw King Jing and you didn't get up for so long, and was worried about what happened to you, so he barged in." Gong Sili continued to apologize.

"So that's the case, the son has a heart. This king has just arrived, and he was a little uncomfortable, so he slept for a few hours." Han Bingying nodded with a clear expression.

"Xiaoyuzi, serve tea. This king has heard from the world many years ago that the son of Gongsi is brilliant, and he was the number one scholar in civil and military affairs. If it weren't for the hereditary throne, he should be a famous general in Wei Guo now. Today, the king You should have a good chat with Prince Gongsi."

Han Bingying laughed heartily.

At this moment, his gestures are very much like Jun Zhoujing.

When Yuan Deyin heard this address, she frowned, feeling delicate.

Could it be the little Yuzi she thought of?
Just as she was muttering in her heart, she saw Yu Shengxiao slowly move out after changing her appearance.

Even through the human skin mask, it can still be seen...

He was so angry that he was about to explode!
what the hell!

This subordinate of Xiao Deyin dared to order him, what a dare!
But thinking that Gong Sili was still here, he could only suppress his anger, and reluctantly poured tea.

"Your Majesty Gongsi, please sit down." Han Bingying went back to her room to put on her clothes, and then walked out quickly.

The two of them arrived under the big tree in the yard, and Yu Shengxiao had already set the teacups.

Gong Sien also followed.

After sitting down, taking a sip of tea, Gong Si looked up at Han Bingying and Gong Sien obsessively.

"I don't know how King Jing and Second Sister Wang met?" He asked softly, as if he was suddenly curious about this question.

"Yes..." Although Gong Sien didn't know what was going on, the "King Jing" beside her probably didn't know about her and Yuan Deyin, so she was very anxious to speak out and wanted to explain it for her.

But as soon as she spoke, Han Bingying next to her interrupted her words calmly.

"When I first came to Wei, I happened to meet En'er and was hunted down on the road. She was a girl, and her family was so rough, so I naturally wanted to help. With the opportunity to get in touch, I discovered that En'er was not only Good looking, good personality..."

The ice image seemed to be trapped in memories, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Deyin was listening on the side, not knowing what words to use to describe his mood for a while.

Han Bingying is also really good, he even knows about hunting.

Is there anything else he doesn't know?
However, his acting is too involved, and the love words he said are too nasty.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's indescribable expression, Yu Shengxiao cast a blank stare at her from the side.

That appearance seems to say——

See, when you played Jun Zhoujing and said such nasty words, it disgusted us too.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"I wonder if Prince Gongsi knows about En'er being hunted down?" It was Han Bingying's turn to ask.

Han Bingying paused with the hand holding the teacup, and after a while, he said helplessly: "Of course, this son has heard about this matter, and ordered a thorough investigation, but the pursuit happened halfway, and I want to It will be really difficult to track down the murderer."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the prince of Gongsi has this heart. In the future, this king will take care of En'er, and this kind of problem will never happen again." Han Bingying vowed.

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to give Gong Sien a loving look: "En'er, even if something happened to me, I will never let you get hurt again."

Gong Sien: "..."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Brother, your words of love disgust us.

(End of this chapter)

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