Chapter 485

For Gong Sili's words, Yuan Deyin was secretly startled, but responded quickly on the face.

After Gong Sili and Han Chuan left, Yuan Deyin took a look around and made sure that there was no one there, then quickly returned to Houming Garden.

She climbed over the wall and entered without disturbing the watchers in the yard.

She just opened the window, and Yu Shengxiao inside snorted vigilantly: "Who?"

"It's me, Master." Yuan Deyin said helplessly while turning in.

How long has it been, how come Master can't even distinguish her footsteps!

Hearing the slight disgust in Yuan Deyin's tone, Yu Shengxiao coughed awkwardly.

After Yuan Deyin came in, he found that everyone was here.

Gong Sien is also there.

He just stayed here on the pretext that he had something to say to "Jing Wang".

She breathed a sigh of relief, as long as everyone is here, it will be much more convenient to explain things and ask questions.

"Little Deyin, tell me what's going on with this brother?" Yu Shengxiao glanced at Han Bingying who was sitting next to her, and asked Yuan Deyin suspiciously.

Just half an hour ago, a man came here secretly, saying that he could replace Xiao Deyin to play King Jing.

He was shocked at the time, how could anyone know that "Respecting the King" was fake? Could it be that Wei Le'an or Gong Siye sent someone to test it out.

But later, Jun Yu spoke out, saying that this person is Xiao Deyin's subordinate, and he really came to help them.

Even so, he still had a lot of things he couldn't figure out.

"As you can see, he is my subordinate. Yi Rongshu is from the same faction as me. Since I can play King Jing, he can too." Yuan Deyin said in a relaxed tone.

"Okay, he's good at disguise, and can play King Jing. But what's going on when he told Gong Sili that this genius doctor is Yu Hai's apprentice?" Yu Shengxiao continued to ask.

This is the question that puzzles him the most.

Gong Sien also knocked on the table, "I've never seen Gong Sili trust someone so much. I've heard of Yu Hai's name, but hasn't this person been around for many years?"

He was also puzzled.

"Could it be that Gong Sili still has a relationship with Yu Hai?" Shen Chuannan sighed softly at this time.

Although he was not outside just now, he was able to hear the conversation outside clearly when he was inside the house, so there is no obstacle to communicating with everyone now.

"Exactly." Just when everyone was still confused, Han Bingying nodded.

"No, Mr. Yu Hai has been in seclusion for at least 30 years, but Gong Sili is only in his twenties." Shen Chuannan shook his head first.

"That's right, I've never heard that Gong Sili and Yu Hai knew each other." Gong Sien also shook his head.

"Then do you know about your grandmother, the old concubine?" Han Bingying took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"Grandmother?" Hearing Han Bingying asked about the old concubine, Gong Sien had a complicated expression.

After all, in this Palace of Gongsi, he only has feelings for two people.

One is his mother and concubine, and the other is his grandmother who passed away more than ten years ago.

Grandma is really a nice person.

He was gentle to him and to his mother and concubine, never being harsh on them because of his father's affairs.

When the concubine mother passed away, she even angrily asked her father to find out the cause of her concubine's death, but was stopped later by her father.

Before his grandmother passed away, she was his only warmth in Gongsi Palace, she protected him, and he grew up safely to more than ten years old.

"I don't know why this brother asked about my grandmother?" He looked at Han Bingying and asked in a complicated tone.

"Because your grandmother had a lifesaver, and that person was Yu Hai." Han Bingying said indifferently.


"Recall, before the old Princess Gongsi passed away, did she have a jade flute beside her?" Han Bingying looked at Gong Sien and continued to ask.

Jade flute?

Gong Sien was silent for a while, and soon, he nodded suddenly, his eyes suddenly enlightened.

"That's right, my grandmother does have such a jade flute. Back then, I was very curious why my grandmother was good at the qin, but she cherished the flute the most."

"Back then, your grandmother was seriously ill, and it was Yu Hai who saved her. At that time, your grandmother asked Yu Hai what consultation fee he needed. Yu Hai said that he didn't need any, just a promise. If he needs it in the future, Gong Si The palace is about to help. Your grandmother felt sorry, so she recognized him as her adopted son, and promised that if he or his descendants want to become an official in the future, they only need to take out his jade ring finger and they can come to her."

Han Bingying gave all the explanations in a calm manner.

"So Mr. Yu Hai is the adopted son of my grandmother? Then he is my uncle?" Gong Sien asked in shock.

Grandma never told him these things.

"Yes." Han Bingying nodded.

"By the way, I remembered. Before my grandmother passed away, she called Gong Sili into the room, handed him the jade flute, and gave him some instructions. Now that I think about it, it should be the words of old Mr. Yu Hai. "

Gong Sien wanted to understand something again.

He was still a little upset back then, saying why his grandmother gave her precious jade flute to Gong Sili instead of him.

Now he understands, because he is a "woman" and Gong Sili is a "man", the future hereditary prince of Gongsi Palace.

It is most appropriate for Gong Si to leave to fulfill that promise.

"No, even if the old concubine Gong Si told Gong Sili to repay her kindness, wouldn't it be fine for him to reward me directly when he saw the jade finger? Why did he still bring me into the palace? Is this called a reward?" ?”

Yu Shengxiao still didn't understand.

"That's because Gong Sili has been looking for Yu Hai recently. He has something to ask Hai for help."

Jun Yu, who had been silent all this time, spoke coldly at this moment.

Does he ask for the sea?

Everyone looked at Jun Yu in shock.

Yuan Deyin lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, and soon, she remembered Hanchuan's strange behavior just now, and she seemed to understand something.

She said quickly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, it's a fact that Wei Po is seriously ill, and it's also a fact that the imperial doctor in the palace couldn't save him. But Gong Sili is secretly looking for someone to save him, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin continued: "There are only two people with superb medical skills known to the world, one is the master and the other is Yu Hai. But as we all know, the master is your person, and ordinary people dare not reuse it. The rest It was Yu Hai. And Gong Sili also thought of the advice of the old concubine, so he secretly searched for Yu Hai, hoping to get his help through the favor of the year..."

After Yuan Deyin finished his guess, Han Bingying clapped his hands before Jun Yu could answer.

He looked at Yuan Deyin with a smile, and then said, "That's right, miss, your guess is right."

(End of this chapter)

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