Chapter 488
Not only Yuan Deyin was puzzled, but Nanny Wang also looked at Gong Siqin with puzzled eyes.

Gong Siqin chuckled, and took the initiative to take Gong Sien's arm.

"Mother Wang, Cousin Xiao Wang said that the visitor is a guest. He respected the king and came to our capital from thousands of miles away. We can't let him stay in the princess mansion all the time. How boring it would be. So, today's lake tour , specially asked the princess to invite him and his sister."

"So that's how it is. Prince Xiao is generous, and the princess is kind." Nanny Wang quickly praised her.

Han Bingying was next to her, her eyes almost rolled into the sky.

Anyone with a brain knows that Wei Xiao has no good intentions in calling them out.

This old nanny has to boast so nicely.

"Sister, sister, I haven't traveled with you for many years, it's my sister's fault."

Gong Siqin held Gong Sien's arm tightly, and said guiltily.

Gong Sien pulled out his arm with a smile on his face, and said: "Don't worry about it, I don't like traveling in the first place."

lack of manners!
Seeing her own princess, she talked to her in a friendly manner, but Gong Si'en didn't appreciate it, and Wang Momo gave her a disgusted look.

Gong Sien acted as if he hadn't seen it, he pulled out a flowery smile, and then walked to Han Bingying's side on lotus steps.

He held Han Bingying's arm affectionately, and then said with a charming smile: "My lord, En'er has never traveled with you before, this feeling is really yearning."

Han Bingying's smile froze.

Two big men, as for getting so close?

But with so many pairs of eyes watching, the play still needs to be performed.

So he showed a difficult smile, "This king is also very yearning."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Jun Yu: "..."

I don't know what to say, so I'll give you two thumbs up.

"Hmph, shameless." Wang Momo spat directly.

"Okay, let's all go, Cousin Xiao Wang is waiting for us by Linyuan Lake, don't make him wait in a hurry."

Gong Siqin didn't seem to care about Gong Sien's indifference at all, she chuckled, then turned and walked towards the first carriage.

When she passed Yuan Deyin's side, her footsteps paused.

"Are you the maid next to the concubine mother?" She asked softly, her eyes looked at Yuan Deyin from beginning to end.

Yuan Deyin trembled, and then replied in a panic: "Return, report back to the princess, yes."

"Then you come here and serve the princess." Gong Siqin continued.

"Your servant obeys." Yuan Deyin hurriedly lowered his head and followed behind Gong Siqin step by step.

The first-class maids around Gong Siqin could only back away, and looked at Yuan Deyin with resentful eyes.

What's up with this servant?

She was actually able to be transferred from the eldest princess's yard, and the princess let her serve by her side.

Seeing this scene, Han Bingying not far away had a very bad expression.

Miss, how can they serve others!

When he was about to lose his temper, Jun Yu behind him lowered his voice and said indifferently: "If you can't hide your emotions and ruin her plan, then you will hurt her."

With these words, Han Bingying was successfully sobered up.

His eyes gradually regained clarity.

That's right, those bitter ladies can eat, he must not make things difficult for the lady.

So he immediately said to Gong Sien: "Let's go."

After speaking, he dragged Gong Sien to the second carriage.

During this period, Gong Sien's strange eyes glanced at Han Bingying's body.


Yuan Deyin is the princess, she knows this.

But why this man pretending to be Jun Zhoujing respectful to Yuan Deyin doesn't seem to be because she is the princess.

Yuan Deyin seems to have another identity...

But what is the identity?

Here, Yuan Deyin cautiously followed behind Gong Siqin.

When she got to the carriage, she hurriedly poured tea for Gong Siqin.

And Gong Siqin just looked at her like this the whole time.

After taking the teacup and taking a sip, she said in a low tone, "My princess heard from my concubine mother that you can take care of her body?"

"Yes, yes." Hearing her sudden question, Yuan Deyin was so nervous that he could hardly speak.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's frightened appearance, Gong Siqin's smile deepened.

She stretched out her hand, tapped the table lightly, and then said casually: "Don't be afraid, the princess just wants to care about the health of the concubine mother. Did you find out that there is something wrong with the concubine mother's body? "

In the last sentence, Gong Siqin's tone was inexplicably cold, and her eyes were fixed on Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's eyelashes trembled slightly, hiding the deep meaning in his eyes.

Why did she feel that Gong Siqin's words seemed to be probing for something, and she was afraid that she would find out something else.

Could it be that there is something else in Wei Le'an's body?
Suppressing the emotions in her heart, Yuan Deyin said with trepidation: "Return, report back to the princess, the eldest princess has suffered from the root cause of her illness after giving birth in the early years, her body is relatively weak, and the supplements she takes can't suit the remedy to the case, so she has not been able to recuperate..."

"That's all?"

"Well, that's all." Yuan Deyin looked at Gong Siqin timidly, and then asked in a low voice, "Princess, but what did this servant do wrong?"

"No, you've done a good job. You can continue to recuperate the body of the concubine mother. After the recuperation, the princess will reward you a lot." The smile on the corner of Gong Siqin's mouth deepened, and she said not lightly.

Hearing that there was a reward, the tension on Yuan Deyin's face disappeared instantly, replaced by excitement.

"The servant thanked the princess, and the servant will definitely take good care of the eldest princess' body."

"My princess also heard that you and Brother Wang are relatively close." Gong Siqin's tone changed suddenly.

Yuan Deyin's complexion also changed suddenly, and she said with trepidation: "Jun, the princess, the servant just said a few more words with the son, and it was the master who wanted to ask the servant, the servant really dare not think about it." Grandpa."

At the end, Yuan Deyin panicked to the point of crying.

Gong Siqin sneered, and she said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, the princess just said that casually, just to satisfy curiosity."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the teacup and sipped the tea slowly, as if she really just asked this question on a temporary basis.

Yuan Deyin timidly sat beside her.

But when she lowered her head, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.


Why does Gong Siqin know that she and Gong Sili have an intersection?
Taoyao's tongue-in-cheek girls had already been kicked out of the princess' mansion, so they had no chance to tell Gong Siqin.

As for Wei Le'an and Wang Momo, they both thought that her status was lowly and not worth mentioning, so naturally they didn't want such things to be publicized.

Now comes the question, who told Gong Siqin?

Suddenly, Yuan Deyin had a flash of inspiration.

she knows...

(End of this chapter)

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