Chapter 508 Prince Mu's Secret
Looking at Yuan Deyin's appearance.

Prince Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a bit of deep emotion on his resolute face.

The few white hairs on the temples do not look old, but it seems that he has a sense of inviolable loneliness.

His fingertips slowly followed Xiao Bai's fur, and there was a long and hideous scar on the palm of his hand, which spread to the side of the sleeve, making Xiao Bai tremble again.


This good-looking uncle really understands rabbit language, master, you have to hold on.

"The rabbit said that you are its owner and wants to go back with you."

Prince Mu added in a calm tone.

Yuan Deyin shook his head pretending to be terrified: "Prince Mu, you don't want to scare this servant, how can a rabbit speak human language? This servant really doesn't understand what you mean."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, this rabbit, you can keep it for now." Prince Mu didn't seem to want to delve into this question, he threw the rabbit on the ground.

"My lord, this is your rabbit, you..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say something more, but he interrupted her coldly.

"This king asked you to keep him, and you will keep him. This is an order."

"Slave, slave girl obeys orders." Yuan Deyin could only come down.

Xiaobai didn't dare to mess around at this time.

It can only freeze in place, in a dilemma.

"Go, follow your original master, this king is not a good person, and you will not end well if you follow this king."

Prince Mu lowered his eyes and glanced at Xiao Bai, his tone was extremely cold.


Woohoo, he's so scary.

In the end, fear overcame him, and Xiaobai didn't bother to pretend anymore. With a quick kick on his hind legs, he jumped onto Yuan Deyin's body.

Yuan Deyin's temples protruded.

She really wanted to beat up this stupid rabbit, why did she keep causing trouble for her!
But now, foreign enemies are more important.

Yuan Deyin had no choice but to suppress her anger, she lowered her head, and said loudly: "Although I don't understand why the prince insists on giving this rabbit to the servant to raise, but this is the order of the prince, and the servant will definitely follow it." of."

"The maidservant is taking the rabbit back to the eldest princess' mansion first."

Yuan Deyin said another word, then quickly turned and left with the rabbit in his hand.

Her heart couldn't help but "puff puff" beating.

Prince Mu is definitely not an easy person.

But for some reason, for such a powerful and unknown person, Yuan Deyin vaguely felt that the other party would not hurt her.

This feeling is really weird.

"My lord, the night is dark, the girl is alone, do you need my subordinates to escort her back to the eldest princess' mansion?"

Looking at the back of Yuan Deyin leaving, Lin Shui and Lin Mu appeared behind him at the same time, Lin Shui also asked this question.

"No, she is not simple, you may not be her opponent."

Prince Mu spoke expressionlessly.

But when he looked in the direction Yuan Deyin left again, there was a smile of admiration in his eyes.

"My lord, you..."

Both Lin Mu and Lin Shui looked at Prince Mu with unbelievable eyes.

They were all guards trained by Prince Mu's mansion. They were fought among thousands of people back then. None of the dead soldiers around the emperor could match them. The prince actually said that they were not the girl's opponents?
She looked like she was only eighteen or nineteen years old.

"It's so easy to find out that you are following me, how can you be an ordinary person, and just now when she was on guard against the king, she accidentally leaked a little bit of her breath, which should not be underestimated."

Prince Mu suddenly expressed a lot of meaningful emotion.

that girl...

Even he has not seen through the true skill.

It's surprising at such a young age.

The prince actually gave her such a high evaluation?

The shock in Lin Mu and Lin Shui's hearts was even more indescribable.

According to the words of the prince, if the prince hadn't appeared, the girl would probably be angry, and the two of their stalkers would have to confess here today.

"My lord, why did you tell that girl your ability to communicate with animals?"

Lin Mu couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Only a few people close to him know about the ability of the prince.

Others, even the prince's father and the current emperor, never knew this secret.

That's right, after all, this ability is too shocking.

If it is known by others, if others don't say it, it will first cause the emperor's suspicion.

So for so many years, they have been carefully guarding the secret.

But who knew, the prince had just told the girl this secret so frankly.

"She won't tell the king's secret."

Regarding Lin Mu's worries, Prince Mu's face remained calm.

"Why does the prince trust that girl so much?"

"Instinct. It's just like the king saw that person back then." With a soft sound, Prince Mu's voice became a little more helpless.

Now, Lin Mu and Lin Shui didn't know what to say, because every time he mentioned that person, the prince seemed to be in a serious mood.

"My lord, how do you know that the rabbit is the girl?"

After hesitating for a moment, it was Lin Shui's turn to start asking questions.

"This king told you to look at the Duke of Ming's mansion, did you look at it?"

When this matter was mentioned, Prince Mu's face instantly turned cold.

Before they could answer, Prince Mu continued to speak in a cold voice: "Prince Xiao is too ambitious. This king doesn't want to interfere with these matters, but Duke Ming is a loyal minister. If he dies like this, how dare Wei Guo have loyal ministers... "

Although I swore an oath in front of the late emperor, I will always remain neutral.

Be a courtier who is loyal to the emperor, even if it is foolish loyalty.

But he couldn't let him watch the rest of his loyal ministers die tragically.

So the only thing he can do is to secretly send someone to watch the Duke of Ming's mansion.

If Wei Xiao couldn't hold back and attacked the people of the Duke of Ming in private, he would definitely not sit idly by.

Anyway, Wei Xiao has not yet become emperor, so he can still stop him.

Sure enough, Wei Xiao really took action...

Knowing what their lord meant, Lin Mu and Lin Shui bowed their heads guiltily.

"My lord, it was our dereliction of duty that made it so easy for Wei Xiao to send someone to take the young lady and young master of the Duke of Ming's mansion to swim in the lake."

In fact, it was not a coincidence that Prince Mu could appear by the lake so quickly.

"This king is worried that there are still uncertainties, so he visited the Duke's mansion at night. Nothing else was found, but a rabbit..." Prince Mu said coldly.


Is that the rabbit?
"It hid in the corner, and while stealing food, it talked to itself, saying that its master didn't enjoy happiness in the Princess's mansion, and it suffered here."

Recalling the scene of seeing the fat rabbit, Prince Mu's tone became much better.

It can be seen that he quite likes this rabbit.

I don't know if it's the love of the house, or why?

"This subordinate still doesn't understand why the lord thinks that girl is the owner of that rabbit?" Lin Mu and Lin Shui still couldn't figure it out.

"Of course it's because of that."

After Prince Mu's words fell, he took out a string of bells.

When the wind blows, the bells jingle.

(End of this chapter)

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