Chapter 514 Cousin
"Qin'er, you are finally here."

Seeing Gong Si Liqin coming, Wei Le'an suddenly felt that his headaches were much better.

She hurried forward, grabbed Gong Siliqin's hand, and patted the back of her hand lightly.

"Mother and Concubine, it took Qin'er a while to dress up, that's why she came late, you and the king won't blame you, right?"

Gong Sili lowered his eyes and said in a guilty tone.

"It's okay. How could the mother and concubine blame you, it's just your cousin Xiao Wang..."

Wei Le'an had a terrible headache.

The thought of Jun Xiao still needing to explain well gave her a headache.

"Qin'er was standing outside the door just now, and she also heard the whole story. Consort Mu, don't worry, Qin'er will do her best to convince her cousin." Gong Siliqin comforted Wei Le'an very gently.

"This matter is more serious, you mother and daughter should not get involved." Gong Siye looked serious.

"Father, don't be in a hurry. The crown prince has just been imprisoned in another place, so why be afraid? As long as the emperor's uncle still hates him for a day and hasn't summoned the rest of the princes back, Cousin Xiao is the best candidate for the crown prince." .As for helpers, do you think Cousin Xiao can find another partner who is more suitable for cooperation than Gongsili Palace in the entire Wei Kingdom..."

"Father, Queen Mother and Concubine, your attitude was too low before. Although it is cooperation, but the situation is more critical now is Cousin Xiao. If you ask someone, it is he who is begging us!"

Gong Siliqin analyzed clearly.

Gong Si Liye stared deeply at Gong Si Li Qin, his daughter was quite cunning.

Wei Le'an also let out a long sigh of relief.

Qin'er is right.

No matter how angry Xiao Er was, he couldn't find a better cooperation partner than Gongsili Palace, so why were they so passive!

"Qin'er, you should calm down." Wei Le'an continued to pat the back of Gong Siliqin's hand, and said in a relieved tone.

"Qin'er just wants to share the worries of her father, queen, mother and concubine, instead of doing things recklessly like Brother Wang."

Gong Sili suddenly turned his head and stared at Gong Sili ironically.

"By the way, concubine mother, why did Qin'er hear that you poured out the tonic soup today? Does it mean you don't like the taste?"

Gong Siliqin asked softly again.

Hearing that Gong Si Liqin actually mentioned the matter of tonic soup, Wei Le'an's heart was itchy, and his mood was a little irritable.

She glanced at Gong Sili, and finally took the responsibility on herself: "Your body is weak, and the imperial doctor said that you can't drink too much tonic."

"Oh, so that's the case." Gong Siliqin responded with emotion, and didn't ask any more questions.

She took her hand out of Wei Le'an's palm, and walked towards Gong Sili step by step.

In front of him, with her back to Wei Le'an and Gong Siye, she smiled provocatively at Gong Sili.

"Brother Wang is really capable. He has gained the trust of the emperor. I wonder what else Brother Wang has found out besides the affairs in the palace?"

Gong Sili frowned, her lips pursed tightly.

Gong Si Li Qin was not in a hurry, she smiled strangely again.

Then I said with my mouth: "Brother Wang, you said you told the father, mother and concubine what I did. Do they believe you or me?"After all, you are the emperor's man now.

Her appearance successfully made Gong Sili's face darken.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "oops".

Wei Le'an, who was standing behind, and Gong Siye, who was absent-minded, didn't see what was going on at all, and Gong Siliqin fell heavily to the ground.

She covered her feet, and then said in an aggrieved tone: "Brother Wang, if you think Qin Er's words are wrong, you can refute them, why did you push me?"

"Li'er, you pushed your sister?"

Wei Le'an looked at Gong Sili in disbelief.

"Mother, I..."

Gong Sili wanted to say something else, but Gong Sili began to cover his face and cry out in grief: "Mother, brother may just be angry for a while. He wants to support the emperor, but we can't understand him. He has something in his heart." Gas is also what it should be.”

"Li'er, you're going too far!"

Wei Le'an, who always loved Gong Sili, finally lost his temper at this moment.

She came over, raised her hand, and wanted to slap Gong Sili in the face.

But at a distance of half a foot, her hand still stopped.

She said angrily, "I am so disappointed in you!"

"Come here, take the son back to his courtyard, and he is not allowed to step out of the courtyard without the order of the palace."

She also ordered that Gong Sili's feet be restrained.

Gong Siye was not far away, he just watched this scene solemnly, and had no intention of stopping it.

It could be seen that he was also disappointed in Gong Sili.

"Mother and concubine, I accidentally fell down. Don't blame Brother Wang. If Brother Wang can't leave the mansion, how should the emperor explain it?"

Gong Sili grabbed Wei Le'an's skirt, and then pleaded with Wei Le'an with a sad expression.

Hearing the word "Emperor", Wei Le'an, who was already a little soft-hearted, became even more angry at this moment.

Li'er has gone too far, if he doesn't stop him, he doesn't know what he will do in the future.

"Hurry up, take the son away immediately, and guard him strictly. If the son disappears, you are the only ones to ask."

Soon, several guards walked in.

"Master, let's go." They looked at Gong Sili in fear.

Gong Sili glanced at Wei Le'an, then at Gong Sili again, only to meet the mockery in Shanggong Sili's eyes.

He clenched his fists tightly, but in the end he didn't say anything, straightened his back, turned and left.

"My lord, please trouble me that you have been doing activities in the yard during this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to find the younger one."

The guard sent Gong Sili back to his room, and after politely speaking, he quickly left.

In the dark room, Gong Sili didn't turn on the lights, but his whole body exuded air-conditioning, and his face was full of anger.

Maybe because he felt too angry, he picked up the teacup next to him, poured himself a cup of herbal tea, and wanted to drink it.

In the end, before his lips could touch the teacup, there was a sudden "snap", and someone slapped his head hard.

"Who?" He was vigilant and wanted to fight.

As a result, Yuan Deyin's distasteful voice came from my ear: "It's the princess! Are you trying to bring in everyone from outside?"

"You went back to the mansion? Wait, didn't the mother concubine send someone to guard the yard of my son? How did you get in?"

There was darkness in front of him, and Gong Sili could only vaguely see Yuan Deyin's figure, which was very petite.

"That's all?" Yuan Deyin muttered in disgust.

Gong Sili: "..."

Does she mean that the guards outside are not worth mentioning?

She has such a big tone!
"Why aren't you allowed to drink tea?" Gong Sili was filled with anger, and when Gong Sili spoke to Yuan Deyin, his tone was also mixed with a bit of resentment.

Without directly answering his question, Yuan Deyin turned around and lit a lamp.

Half of the room was lit up, she took out the silver needle and threw it into the teacup, but the silver needle turned black.

"The tea is poisonous!" His eyes turned cold and he said angrily.

"If the princess hadn't stopped you just now, you would have gone to find your ancestors now." Yuan Deyin folded his arms and said in disgust.

"It's true that my son was careless. Thank you." At this time, Gong Sili was able to bend and stretch, not only apologizing to Yuan Deyin, but also thanking Yuan Deyin without blinking his eyes.

"Do you know who it is?" Yuan Deyin took out the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, ate it depressedly, and then raised his eyes and asked.

Uncle Jiuhuang is not here, no one will warm her up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"Besides this prince's good sister, who else can she be? She is cruel, but just because this prince discovered her secret, he started to kill her."

Gong Sili spoke sarcastically.

Glancing at Yuan Deyin, he was able to reach out, grab a piece of osmanthus cake from her arms, and ate it unceremoniously.

"You..." Yuan Deyin finally showed anger on his face.

He actually robbed her of sweet-scented osmanthus cake!
"This son is starving to death, I will buy you a box some other day." Gong Sili said helplessly.

Perhaps it was Yuan Deyin who saved his life just now, and he is not as alienated and vigilant towards Yuan Deyin now as he was a few hours ago.

"I heard that your sister Bai Lianhua framed you just now, and then you were grounded by your dear concubine mother?" Yuan Deyin looked at him with disgust.

Then he muttered again: "Aren't you very good when you investigated me? Why did you get knocked down by her so easily this time?"

"Do you really think that these people can hold back this son?"

Suddenly, Gong Sili snorted coldly, and stared sharply at Yuan Deyin.

The aura on his body also seemed to be reborn, changed.

Yuan Deyin froze while biting the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"you do this delibrately?"

Before Yuan Deyin could clarify something in his heart, Gong Sili suddenly approached her ear and said, "I don't know what to call you. Is it Princess Deyin or...cousin?"

(End of this chapter)

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