Chapter 538 New Secret
Seeing that Prince Mu's expression didn't change much, Wei Po took a breath, and then he dared to continue.

In fact, he knew what Queen Zhong did back then.

Including that she was reluctant to marry Emperor Mu because she couldn't ask for it.

But this has no effect on him.

As long as he can get the support of Zhong's family, sit on the throne, and fight against the old lady Chunyu, he doesn't care who Zhong Guyun's heart is for!

What's more, because of hatred in Zhong Guyun's heart, Zhong Guyun would sometimes take action against Concubine Le, Brother Mu, and the people that Brother Mu cared about, so why not do it?

"Back then, when Le Xin was imprisoned in the palace, I went to visit her secretly. Originally, I wanted to force her to tell your secret so that I could control you, but I accidentally saw it..."

"What did you see?" Prince Mu's tone became a little colder, with a hint of urgency.

"It seems that several groups of people are chasing and killing her. It was at that time that I realized that Le Xin has martial arts..."

When talking about martial arts, Wei Po secretly glanced at Prince Mu again.

Because when Wei State went to Beijing, everyone knew that the girl next to Prince Mu was defenseless.

But that night, he actually saw her kill more than twenty killers with his own eyes.

Can Xin'er know martial arts?

Hearing this, Prince Mu pursed his lips slightly, but did not make a sound.

Seeing that Prince Mu didn't stop him, Wei Po continued to talk, and a group of people told her that if she didn't go back with them, Concubine Le, you, and even the whole country of Wei would be implicated.

Speaking of this, Wei Po felt that his head was chaotic.

In fact, for so many years, he has been unable to understand a problem.

Why did those people say such things to Le Xin?

They were really loud, if Le Xin didn't go with them, how would Wei Guo be affected?
At that time, Wei State was the largest country that even Chi Yan could not compare to.

How dare a group of ignorant children say such things.

But after being emperor for so many years, his mood began to change.

Often when I dream back, I think of the original picture...

Could it be that what those people said was true!
After all, on this land, there are not only countries, but also other powerful existences.

Could it be that Le Xin really has some secret identity?

"What happened later?" Prince Mu asked in a deep voice, his tone was a little more flustered.

He seemed to understand the reason why Xin'er wrote to him, telling him not to look for her.

"Later, she got rid of all those people and left the palace. The emperor found the corpses all over the place, but he couldn't find anyone, and he didn't plan to tell you the truth... You know what happened later. Brother, I I've told you everything I know, so please give me a good time."

Wei Po asked with a trembling voice.

He was in too much pain to take it.

"The state of Wei hasn't completely changed hands yet. You haven't seen with your own eyes that you lost what you care about most. How can this king let you die so easily?"

Prince Mu looked at Wei Po with emotionless eyes, and then spoke.

"What, you lied to me?"

Wei Po stared at Prince Mu angrily.

He thought that if he told these secrets, he could get a happy one.

And Prince Mu didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

Yuan Deyin wrinkled her small face, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind to sort out.

So she called out: "Brother Wu Zing, you keep an eye on him, absolutely don't let him die."

"Yes, county lord."

Walking in without a trace, he took out the medicine left by Yu Shengxiao, and strode towards Wei Po.

After Yuan Deyin told him to leave without a trace, he quickly left with Prince Mu.

Wei Po was in pain and kept yelling, but he could still clearly hear the last conversation between Yuan Deyin and Wujing.

This guard called "Wu Ting", he remembered that Chi Yan Junyu's top ten hidden guards were from the "Wu" generation.

And this guard just now called that girl as princess.

Could it be...

An answer emerged in Wei Po's mind.

The granddaughter of the old lady Chunyu is Yuan Deyin of Chi Yan, and Wei Hanhe is Yuan Ji, the King of Chi Yan Ji!

This answer greatly stimulated Wei Po, he spit out a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat.

This move of his made the surrounding mice even more excited.

And Wu Zing just watched from the side with a blank face, and waited until he felt that Wei Po was really about to die, then stepped forward and hung him with life-sustaining medicine.

Life-sustaining medicine, as the name suggests, is life-sustaining.

But it can only make people's body linger on, the internal organs are still slowly rotting, and then die in pain.

After walking out of the cave, Yuan Deyin felt that the air outside was so fresh.

"Prince Mu..."

Yuan Deyin saw Prince Mu also come out from the corner of her eye. From her position, she felt that he was full of loneliness.

"From now on, call me the king's uncle, or, uncle."

Prince Mu looked at the lonely moon in the sky, and suddenly said this to Yuan Deyin.

Although the voice was a little tired, it was a little warmer than when it was inside.

Is he... acknowledging his father's identity?
Yuan Deyin's eyes flickered, not knowing how to express his mood at this time.

Looking sideways at her, Prince Mu hid the tiredness in his eyes and smiled lightly.

In an instant, the moonlight behind him became his foil.

He raised his hand, wanting to touch her head, but when he remembered something, his hand squatted in the air, and finally put it down again.

"Let's call this king my uncle. Your mother and concubine... were once the person that the entire Prince Mu Palace wanted to protect."

As if recalling the previous scene, Prince Mu's eyes were filled with nostalgia.

"Uncle, uncle?"

Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, and finally called out the title.

Hearing her soft call, Prince Mu had a real smile in his eyes.

He said "hmm".

No matter what, the daughter Xin'er left behind is also the one he wants to protect.

"Uncle, uncle, I'm sorry, I'll say sorry to you on behalf of concubine mother, and leave without saying goodbye. You have been looking for her for so many years."

Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes, and there was a layer of mist in his thick eyelashes.

Although she knew that her mother and concubine must have her own difficulties, she also felt very sad to see Prince Mu...uncle like this.

"The king is not angry." Prince Mu put his hands behind his back, his eyes moved from Yuan Deyin's body to the night behind him.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "If there is a mistake, it is also my fault. She was hunted down, but I couldn't help her."

Xin'er chose to leave Wei State so as not to hurt him and his concubine mother.


"Okay, let's not talk about the past now, the most important thing is now. Little girl, tell me frankly, but someone is chasing you."

Prince Mu interrupted Yuan Deyin's words, his whole body's aura changed suddenly, and his brows and eyes became a little sharper.

Yuan Deyin knew that she couldn't deceive him, and she didn't want to deceive him, so she raised her head and said in a serious tone: "Those people have been looking for my concubine and me. Actually... Concubine mother and I are both from Fanzhou Island, That is, the descendants of God Lord Tuoling."

Yuan Deyin really doesn't want to admit that she is the blood of the "Tuoling God Lord", but since the incident 300 years ago, the world only knows the Tuoling God Lord of Fanzhou Island, not its original owner, so Only by explaining in this way can Prince Mu understand.

Fanzhou Island?
Prince Mu narrowed his eyes, a bit of shock and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"It's God Lord Toling who wants to bring her back, the purpose is to revive God Lord Toling."

After a while, a cold light flashed in Prince Mu's eyes, and he said angrily.

"Uncle, uncle, how did you know the intention of God Lord Tuoling?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Prince Mu in shock.

If people in the world heard that the subordinates of God Lord Tuo Ling wanted to find the blood of God Lord Tuo Ling, wouldn't they all think that they wanted to bring them back to revive Fanzhou Island?


He knew that Lord Tuoling had ulterior motives!
Looking at her shocked eyes, Prince Mu smiled instead.

"You and your mother and concubine probably don't know that the Le family in Jiaman Kingdom has a secret. 300 years ago, the Le family's surname was not Le. It was only to keep some secrets, so they concealed their names and concealed their identities..."

Does the Jiaman Kingdom also have secrets?

Yuan Deyin looked puzzled.

Because the Jiaman Kingdom is too small, almost the size of Chiyan City.

Moreover, this country has been hiding from the world for many years and has never participated in external disputes.

If it hadn't been for decades ago, when the war in Wei State broke out in that land, and the first emperor of Wei State fell in love with Concubine Le, the princess of Jiaman Kingdom would definitely not marry outside.

Also, this country is too mysterious. Of course, because it does not pose a threat, outsiders will not get to know them too much.

Therefore, Yuan Deyin could not know the secrets of the Jiaman Kingdom from the mouths of the world.

Now that she heard Prince Mu take the initiative to mention the secrets of the Jiaman Kingdom, she was a little nervous and quickly shook her head.

"Uncle, since this is the secret of the Jiaman Kingdom, Deyin shouldn't know about it, Deyin..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say something more, but Prince Mu interrupted her again.

"The surname of the Jiaman Kingdom is actually... Wanqi."

Ten thousand times?

Yuan Deyin's face changed slightly.

A very familiar surname.

She seemed to have heard it from the mouth of a lunatic.

"The Patriarch Wanqi 300 years ago was actually... the fiancé of Miss Fanzhou Island." Prince Mu said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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