Chapter 544 The Prince Is Here
"Forget it, let's not talk about it..."

Hearing Zhuang Fu's words, not only was Gong Siqin not happy, but there was irony in those eyes.

Don't want fame?

How can there be anyone in this world who doesn't care about power and fame.

Just listen to these respectful words against your will.

As long as Zhuang Fu can still work hard for her, she can guarantee his prosperity and wealth.

But if he dared to have second thoughts about her, then she would definitely kill him with her own hands.

"Princess, my subordinates have recently discovered that Jiugui seems to have made another move, and their people have appeared in Shangjing..."

Thinking of another thing, Zhuang Fu's expression suddenly became serious.

"A dove ghost?"

Hearing this, Gong Siqin finally became a little flustered.

The dove ghost organization is like a nightmare to her, and she never wants to go back to that place in her life.

"Princess, could it be that they came to arrest us?" Zhuang Fu asked worriedly.

For so many years, no one has been able to break away from the Jiugui organization, and he and the princess are special exceptions.

Could it be that Jiugui's people repented and wanted to take them back?

"Impossible, the princess has signed a contract with the lord, and he agrees that the princess will leave the organization, and the master of the county will take over the country of Wei within five years, and give him one-third of the country ..."

Gong Siqin slapped the table and retorted loudly.

Entering Jiugui's lair was the thing she regretted the most when she came to this world.

Back then, she followed Wei Le'an to Xizhao Mountain to pray for Master Honghua, but on the way, because she ran away privately, she ran into people from the Jiugui organization killing people.

She almost became the soul under the knife.

At the critical moment, she had the courage to reveal her identity, and said that she could cooperate with them and help them with affairs.

"Princess, could it be that the five-year agreement is coming soon, and the lord can't wait, and then sent someone to watch us?" Zhuang Fu expressed his guess.

"No, it's a dangerous thing to appear in the state of Wei. If the lord really can't wait, I'm afraid he will personally summon the princess to give him a good beating instead of sending someone Come watch us..."

Gong Siqin shook her head, she stared at Zhuang Fu with a puzzled expression.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and asked quietly: "Zhuang Fu, do you remember that Jiu Gui has been looking for someone?"

Gong Siqin's words also made Zhuang Fu start to think.

Although Gong Siqin is the "right protector" in Jiugui, she can only be in charge of the killing tasks in the organization, and has no way to get in touch with the core tasks of the organization...

However, they all knew that Venerable Lord set up Jiugui, as if to find someone.

"Princess, this subordinate remembers that his father also came to Wei State to perform a mission back then." Zhuang Fu remembered something and hurriedly told my father-in-law Siqin.

"What task?" Gong Siqin frowned and asked Zhuang Fu.

"The tasks in the organization cannot be passed on to the outside world, even to your own relatives, so the subordinates don't know exactly what tasks my father performs." Zhuang Fu shook his head.

Hearing this, Gong Siqin just wanted to say "trash".

His father died a long time ago, and the clues are actually broken here.

But soon, Zhuang Fu remembered something again, and he said anxiously: "Although my father never told my subordinates what mission he was performing, my subordinates once overheard him talking with the other killers, saying that he was a dove. The only time the ghost has ever missed was in the Kingdom of Wei, and if it wasn't because of Jun Mu, he would have succeeded."

"Jun Mu? Isn't that Prince Mu? The mission your father was going to perform back then is related to Prince Mu?"

Gong Siqin's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed quickly in his eyes, and his mind was also spinning quickly.

Speaking of...

This Prince Mu is really a troublesome person.

Tonight, as he said, he followed her when he saw her and Wei Xiao leaving the city, instead of... he was lying in ambush early in the morning?
Prince Mu, do you already know her secret?
"Send someone to the princess to watch Prince Mu's mansion." Really unable to figure it out, Gong Siqin ordered Zhuang Fu impatiently.

"Subordinates obey."

"By the way, you should immediately send someone to Chiyan to get a portrait of Yuan Deyin. Yuan Deyin is the granddaughter of the old woman Chunyu, and she has also come to Wei State now. If she is caught, it will do more with less for our plan. Therefore, we must find the portrait for the Princess."

Gong Siqin remembered something again, and she was angry with Zhuang Fu in a gloomy tone.

"This subordinate will do it."


Your Majesty the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

All the ministers wore court clothes and black hats on their heads, with dignified expressions.

"Shi Shangshu, tell me, why did the emperor call us here before the time to go to court today?" Yang Shaoqing and Yang Wei walked to Shi Gun's side and asked tentatively in a low voice.

They are not people who stand in line, so they have to be more cautious on weekdays, and they will tremble with fear whenever there is a disturbance.

"Didn't it mean that he has found a doctor from the people to treat the emperor, is he already in good health? When he went to court yesterday, his complexion was much better? Probably... he found that his health is much better. Remembering that there are still many political affairs that have not been dealt with, That’s why you hurriedly summoned us?”

Shi Gun was silent for a while, and then expressed his guess.

"Now that the emperor is in good health and the prince has been released again, I don't know if the matter of the abolition of the prince is still mentioned?" Yang Wei whispered.

"Yang Shaoqing, be careful, if you and I don't want to be involved in this vortex, remember not to talk about the prince in this kind of place." Shi Gun pressed Yang Wei's hand and said earnestly.

Yang Wei glanced around, only to find that Prince Mu is on the left, King Gongsi is in the middle, Prime Minister Zhong and Prince Xiao are on the right, and there are many ministers from the Prince's Party and Prince Xiao's Party. …

He quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Misfortune almost came out of my mouth.

He and Shi Gun glanced at each other, and quickly stepped aside, silent.

"King Xiao, why did I hear that someone saw you and Prince Mu going out of the city last night, is there such a thing?"

Zhong Cheng turned his head and glanced at Wei Xiao.

The tone sounded like he was asking a simple question, but the wrinkles on his face were all stretched into stern arcs, making it very uncomfortable to hear.

Although the other party was his grandfather, and he would have to rely on him to ascend the throne and stabilize power in the future, Wei Xiao was still very unhappy when he heard this questioning tone.

He said with a half-smile: "Grandpa, I'm just going to deal with some minor problems, and it happened that Uncle Mu was also out."

"Now is a special period, so many eyes are staring at you, you should pay attention." Zhong Cheng said seriously.

"This king understands." Enduring the anger in his heart, Wei Xiao nodded.

Just at this time, the eunuch's shout came from outside.

"His Majesty the Prince is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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