Chapter 555 Disappointment
After Jun Yu walked out, the room became quiet, and Gong Sili looked at Yuan Deyin with probing eyes.

After hesitating again and again, he finally asked, "Why does my son think that your relationship with the Prince Regent is a bit like... an unmarried couple?"

Is it his delusion?

"If you think I'm wrong, don't be angry."

Worried that he might misunderstand the relationship between Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, Gong Sili added with a strong desire to survive.

But obviously, a certain Princess Yuan Deyin was very calm.

Looking at him, she nodded seriously.

"If you go back to Chiyan, if the emperor's elder brother can spare time to give us a marriage, then we really have such a relationship."

Gong Sili: "!!!"

"This son understands, no wonder Jun Yu was so angry just now, and he just killed Wei Xiao."

Gong Si said with lingering fear.

It turned out that it was because of such a relationship.

Although he was still a little shocked, he quickly figured it out.

The two of them are not related by blood, calling Jun Yu the Nine Emperor Uncle is just an honorific title.

"Then what should we do with Wei Xiao's body?" Gong Sili looked down at Wei Xiao's body, feeling a little headache.

"If the emperor knows that Wei Xiao is dead, the situation will be serious."

After all, the Zhong family is behind Wei Xiao, and they can help the emperor check and balance the prince.

If the emperor knew that Wei Xiao was dead, he would definitely investigate the matter at all costs.

"Don't worry, your emperor won't care about this matter." After all, he himself was about to die.

Yuan Deyin shrugged and said calmly.

Gong Sili looked at Yuan Deyin suspiciously, not understanding what she meant for a while.

"Princess." At this moment, Wu Xi walked in from the outside.

"This subordinate is late to save you, this subordinate deserves to die." Wu Xi was about to kneel down and plead guilty.

But Yuan Deyin stopped his movement first, "Brother Wuxi, you are here. It's okay, the other people, Uncle Jiuhuang, have already helped to clear it up, and now we have to deal with Wei Xiao's body."

Wei Xiao's body?
Wu Xi looked down at Wei Xiao, whose body was completely dead, without any shock in his eyes.

When they came in just now, they had already seen the corpses all over the ground, and those wounds, it was obvious that the prince had done it.

Now that the prince is here, those who hurt the princess will naturally be unable to live, even if this person is Wei Xiao.

"Subordinates obey the princess's arrangement." Wu Xi immediately lowered his head and spoke respectfully.

Gong Sili at the side looked at Wuxi Wuxi, and his heart turned slightly.

Since he was called "Wu Xi", then this person must be one of Jun Yu's top ten hidden guards, but hearing the other party's tone, he really regarded Yuan Deyin as his master.

From this point of view, Yuan Deyin's identity is recognized by the entire Regent's Palace.


I really don't dare to offend her.

At this time, Gong Sili looked at Yuan Deyin with some trepidation.

In the past, at most, he regarded her as a partner, but judging from the importance Jun Yu paid to her, he felt that he had to face up to his status, so as not to be slapped on the head by Jun Yu one day without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Gong Sili recalled the incident of flirting with Yuan Deyin in the princess' mansion at the beginning, and his smile froze in an instant.

"Don't worry, the Princess will not tell Uncle Nine Emperors about those attendants."

Yuan Deyin glanced at Gong Sili from the corner of his eye, and found that he suddenly became nervous, and she could guess everything in an instant.

He said something directly and coldly.

This made Gong Sili's expression even more unnatural.

"As for Wei Xiao's body...give him to Queen Zhong."

Yuan Deyin spoke indifferently.

She remembered what she heard from Wei Po. Back then, it was Empress Zhong who tricked her concubine into the palace, and that Empress Zhong had repeatedly tried to take the life of the prince's cousin over the years. Queen Zhong also paid the price.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi could understand in an instant.

He stretched out his hand, picked up Wei Xiao's body, turned around and left.

"You really want to give Wei Xiao's body to Empress Zhong? If she is provoked, it is not impossible for her to rebel." Gong Sili looked at Yuan Deyin solemnly.

"If she can rebel, then the princess will be very happy. After all, all the plans can be advanced." Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed other emotions.

She and her uncle planned together, and originally wanted to force Wei Xiao and Queen Zhong into rebellion...

It's just that he didn't expect that Wei Xiao, who was pushed into a hurry, would still have feelings for her, and there would be side effects.

Fortunately, Wei Xiao's accidental side also helped them.

"Han Chuan is probably still locked up here. You don't plan to deal with this traitor?" Yuan Deyin turned around and asked Gong Sili.

When Gong Sili heard Yuan Deyin's words, his face changed slightly, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.


Almost forgot about the traitor.

He and Yuan Deyin looked at each other, and they went downstairs quickly.

As a result, when he reached the first floor, Yuan Deyin walked straight to the front yard.

Gong Sili couldn't help asking: "Wait, you're not with this son."

"Han Chuan belongs to you. You should handle the matter of him being a traitor. It is inconvenient for the princess to intervene. Besides, the princess has to find Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin snorted coldly, then turned and left without hesitation.

"You..." Gong Sili clenched his teeth tightly as he watched Yuan Deyin's leaving back.

He really couldn't see that at her young age, she valued sex over friends.

After retracting his eyes, Gong Sili also turned around quickly, and he walked in the direction where those people left Han Chuan just now.

Soon, he pushed open one of the doors.

The moment the door opened, he saw Han Chuan, whose hands, hands and feet were bound, now lying on the ground, with blood all over his body, and a blood-stained whip next to him.

Because it was Wei Xiao's people who came, Han Chuan struggled to make a sound.

"Just give up on your heart, I will never betray the princess."

"The princess can't be betrayed even if he dies, but the son can be betrayed at will, right?" Gong Sili sarcastically said.

Hearing this voice, Han Chuan froze, and panic began to appear on his face.

He didn't even dare to look up at Gong Sili.

"The present son is standing in front of you, Han Chuan, why don't you dare to look at the present son? Could it be because of your guilt?" Wei Xiao sarcastically said.

His most trusted subordinate actually betrayed him twice in a row.

"If you really like this prince's younger sister, you can tell him directly, and he won't stop you, but Hanchuan, you absolutely shouldn't, you just cheated this prince." Gong Sili stood with his hands behind his back, He looked at Han Chuan indifferently.

"My lord, it's useless for my subordinates to say what has happened so far. No matter how you want to punish your subordinates, your subordinates are willing to bear it."

Han Chuan lowered his head, as if giving up on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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