Chapter 559
"They are different from those sluts. The most important thing now is not Wei Qinhuai, but the third child. It is said that Emperor Chi Yan wants to marry the eighth princess. In order to promote the eighth princess, he also proposed a city as a dowry gift, but the only requirement is Let the third son ascend the throne." Zhong Anyun said in an obscure tone.


Hearing Zhong Anyun's words, Wei Qingxi's voice became extremely sharp.

At first, she thought that the return of the Third Emperor Brother and the others would at most cause a little trouble for the Second Emperor's succession...

Unexpectedly, the opponent came directly to seize the position.

"Queen Mother, what does Emperor Father think?" Wei Qingxi said loudly while holding Zhong Anyun's arm.

Before Zhong Anyun could answer, she began to talk to herself again: "No, father is the emperor of Wei Kingdom, he hates others to make conditions for him the most, and he will definitely not consider the conditions of Emperor Chiyan."

"You are wrong. If it was before, he might not have considered it, but now the Wei State is different from the past. Since the death of Queen Mother Chunyu, Chi Yan has grown stronger, and the Wei State is no longer the Wei State of the past..."

Although she didn't want to admit the decline of Wei State, Zhong Anyun was still in a bad situation, and this was the fact.

"Why do you want to mention that old bitch Chunyu again? It seems that after she dies, Wei Guo will not be able to survive. Xi'er thinks that Emperor Father has led Wei Guo very well, so why listen to Chi Yan! "

Wei Qingxi spoke very unhappy.

"Xi'er, my palace tells you to study hard on weekdays, don't always be arrogant, and think about problems from your point of view." Hearing Wei Qingxi's willful words, Zhong Anyun's tone cooled down.

She was extremely willful when she was young, and she never thought that her daughter would follow her.

Zhong Anyun looked at Wei Qingxi with a bit of resentment.

For a long time, in order to raise her son, she had forgotten that she had a daughter.

As a result, Xi'er has been doing things and looking at problems all these years according to her temperament.

Realizing that he was reprimanded by his mother, Wei Qingxi pouted unhappily, "

"Queen, why are you so fierce?"

"The empress mother just wants you to understand that the empress mother cannot be with you forever. In the future, you will marry someone and assist your emperor brother. You must learn to grow up. Although I also think that old bitch Chunyu deserves to die, but I have to admit that her skills are stronger than your father's. Moreover, in the current state of Wei State, if she can really marry Chi Yan, it will definitely solve the current predicament of Wei State."

Zhong Anyun said earnestly.

She couldn't see through these problems at the beginning. It was her father's stern exhortations that made her understand.

Now she is telling Xi'er these words, hoping that she can grow up a little too.

"Okay," Wei Qingxi was not very happy when she heard her mother's preaching, she said in a muffled voice, "Xi'er knows, mother's mother doesn't have to mention that old bitch anymore. Since mother's mother said that father would consider Chi Yanhuang Doesn't that mean that it will be difficult for Second Emperor Brother to succeed to the throne?"

"Mother, do you think that Emperor Chiyan is blind? Among the many imperial fathers and daughters, only Xi'er is the most favored, and her talent and appearance leave them far behind. As for Xiao Ba, she is the most boring , just like a piece of wood, every time I bully you, you won't make a sound..."

Speaking of the eighth princess Wei Qingping, Wei Qingxi's tone was full of contempt.

Suddenly thought of something, she leaned into Zhong Anyun's ear excitedly and said: "Queen, why don't you find a way to send Xi'er's portrait to Chi Yan, so that it is impossible to guarantee that the person Chi Yanhuang is looking for is Xi Son. In this way, Second Emperor Brother will be able to get Chi Yan's help logically."

Hearing Wei Qingxi's words, Zhong Anyun's eyes also flashed a bit of light.

That's right, her daughter has excellent looks and talent, isn't Chi Yanhuang just a womanizer?It will definitely be more satisfactory.

Thinking about it, Zhong Anyun wanted to call someone to prepare a portrait for Wei Qingxi.

At this time, the old mother walked in quickly and said respectfully: "Empress, Princess Qinyin, please see me."

Gong Siqin?

Zhong Anyun and Wei Qingxi looked at each other, and the two mother and daughter laughed tacitly, then Zhong Anyun resumed her maternal attitude, and said slowly: "Let her in."

Soon, Gong Siqin walked in with lotus steps.

Behind her, there are several maidservants who are carrying a box.

The box looked very heavy, and the maidservants were sweating while carrying it.

"So it's Princess Qinyin, why are you free to come to this palace today?"

Zhong Anyun drank tea, squinted at Gong Siqin with her eyes, and spoke in a neither salty nor bland tone.

"Queen mother, don't talk about me, she came to see you out of kindness."

Wei Qingxi also spoke in a strange way at this time, and it sounded like he was fanning the flames rather than helping Gong Siqin out of the siege.

Gong Siqin looked at this scene, and her eyes flashed a bit harshly.

Are they blaming her for not visiting them first after she came to Shangjing?
Zhong Guyun and Wei Qingxi, really think they have this face?
Back then, the relationship between Zhong Anyun and Wei Le'an was not very good, after all... Everyone wanted to compete for the status of the most noble woman in Wei State.

One is the eldest princess and the other is the queen. They often compete with each other on some occasions. Over time, this gap has formed.

Later, Wei Le'an left Shangjing and moved to the Palace of Gongsi, and the fight between the two of them became better.

But now, Gong Siqin has become Wei Xiao's prospective fiancée...

Zhong Anyun thought that she could overwhelm Wei Le'an, but she waited and waited. Seeing that Gong Siqin had been in Beijing for so long and had visited so many people, but had never stepped into her palace, she naturally felt unhappy.

So seeing Gong Siqin appearing now, he naturally wanted her to show off.

Taking a deep breath, Gong Siqin pretended to be guilty and said: "Empress, Qin'er has always wanted to come to see you, but she has never been able to find a suitable gift for you, so she has been embarrassed to come here, and finally found it today." , so I rushed to visit you..."

Hearing Gong Siqin's words, the expressions of Zhong Anyun and Wei Le'an changed slightly.

Did you even bring them gifts?
Wei Qingxi's eyes were fixed on the big box, and his thoughts moved slightly.

The gift should be in this box, right?
Gong Siqin is Wei Le'an's only daughter, who has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child, so she naturally has the conditions to prepare gifts...

So, what treasures are in this box?

Thinking of this, both Zhong Anyun and Wei Qingxi felt a little more urgent.

But Zhong Anyun still pretended to be reserved and waved her hands: "You have a heart."

"Hmph, the queen mother is the queen. After so many years, what good things has she not seen? What good things can you give away!" Wei Qingxi said pretending to be disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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