Chapter 601 Mutual Computation

Xiaobai gestured quickly, secretly telling Yuan Deyin everything he overheard.

Yuan Deyin, who was standing in the alley opposite Prince Mu's mansion, also relayed Xiaobai's words to Prince Mu.

"It's actually like this." Prince Mu murmured, and the anger flashed in his eyes.

Does this Honghua regard the entire Wei country as his chessboard?
After depriving Xin'er of her body, she still wanted the little girl's body.

"Perhaps, after Honghua is resolved, that woman named Lu Lan will not be able to stay in your concubine mother's body." Prince Mu turned his head and said to Yuan Deyin in a serious tone.

"Deyin thinks so too." Yuan Deyin nodded.

She raised her hand, touched Xiaobai's head, and said softly, "Xiaobai, thank you."

Although she disliked this little thing before, she had to say that it was the most effective at the critical moment, and it had already helped her eavesdrop on many secrets.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's thanks, Xiaobai's eyes turned slightly red.

woo woo woo...

Finally got the affirmation of the master silver.

It has finally proved that it is not a lazy and stupid rabbit, and it also has its own value...

It's just that Mingyue's brain ax is not here, otherwise it can show off to it.

"Uncle, we can go in." Yuan Deyin patted Xiaobai's head to let him leave first, then turned his head and nodded to Prince Mu.

The two walked towards the gate of the palace together.

Wuyi, Cang Ling and the others have been guarding them all the time.

I saw Yuan Deyin and Prince Mu appearing at the same time.

They hurried over.

"Princess, where have you been? The slaves couldn't find you, so they thought you were missing."

But Yuan Deyin seemed to have lost his soul, and his whole expression was strange.

"I found her in the suburbs, and I don't know what she has gone through. I feel like I have been frightened. Send her to rest. Tomorrow, the king will find an imperial doctor to show her."

Prince Mu said solemnly.

Cang Ling didn't know the truth at all. Hearing what Prince Mu said, her eyes instantly turned red.

She hurried to start, ready to help Yuan Deyin.

First, Yuan Deyun shook her hand away: "Don't touch me."


Everyone looked at Yuan Deyin worriedly, and then at Prince Mu.

Prince Mu sighed, and then said patiently: "This is how this king found her."

"Princess, this servant will take you back to rest." Cang Ling said worriedly.

Yuan Deyin frowned, but finally nodded.

After Yuan Deyin left, everything that happened at the gate of the mansion was heard from every corner of the mansion.

Everyone knows that Princess Deyin ran out by herself for some unknown reason at night.

When he came back, he was in a trance and resisted the people around him.

Others didn't understand this situation, but on Honghua's side, they were more certain that Yuan Deyin had changed.


Inside the old man's house.

He was originally meditating on the bed, but when he noticed something, he slowly opened his eyes, and a bit of obscure hostility flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it's a stinky mouse of the Wu clan. Heh, the mere Wu clan dares to appear in the world." Old Man Tianji said in disgust.

He stood up from the bed, lit a candle, and the golden light illuminated his face brightly.

If someone were here at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

Because, in the daytime, his smooth and young face is now wrinkled, and his eyelids are drooped, almost covering his eyeballs.

The hand holding the Huozhezi is also wrinkled and has spots on it.

Looking at his wrinkled hands, old man Tianji's eyes flashed with anger.

People who have attained the Tao will still age!
Over the years, he has been concentrating on cultivation, and the changes in his body are also telling him that he has always been on the right path.

He was born in the lotus pod, and he was called the Holy Son by the world since he was born. Others said that he is the god who can save the common people in the world.

Later, as he practiced, his cultivation became higher and higher, and his ability to spy on it became higher and higher.

He is determined to eliminate all the dirty things that should not exist in this world.

This is the case for Ling Ye Kingdom, the Wu Clan, and Yuan Deyin, the lone star of Tiansha...

These things should not exist in the world, and should be eliminated by him himself.

Everything is going according to the perfect plan...

Until seven years ago, he "killed" Yuan Deyin. He thought that if he did something good for the common people in the world, he would be able to improve his cultivation.

But who knows, from that time on, his way of cultivation seems to have fallen into a bottleneck period, and he has been unable to break through.

Moreover, his face, which had not aged in the past few decades, turned into an old and withered appearance at night, like withered petals.

Until later, he figured out that something happened to the Yue family, and then heard the news that Yuan Deyin was still alive...

he understands...

It was Yuan Deyin who ruined him!
As long as this lonely star of the evil spirit is alive, he will not be able to go back for a day!

And that dirty witch of the Witch clan that gets in the way.

He must personally destroy their souls, so that the world can be pure and clean.

Thinking of this, old man Tianji pinched out the flame of the candle with his hands, then put on a bamboo hat for himself, slowly opened the door and walked out.

And at this time, Honghua who was next to him also came out.

Because Honghua couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to see how Yuan Deyin was doing now, and whether she could deprive her of her body.

When the two met at the same time, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became tense, and both of them emitted bursts of air-conditioning at the same time.

"Mice of the Witch Clan, the dark corners are where you should be. You'd better go back to where you should be before I make a move. If not, don't blame me for being rude."

The night covered Old Man Tianji's ugly face, but his snake-like eyes were fixed on Honghua.

Hong Hua laughed out loud.

"You are just an ordinary person who has cultivated a little Taoism, and you still have to call yourself an expert. This master also advises you, if you are sensible, go back to Donghua Mountain immediately, and there is still a piece of land for burial, otherwise you will die No place to die!"

"The tone is really arrogant, then I want to see if you have the ability."

After leaving with a flick of his sleeves, Old Man Tianji went to Yuan Deyin's yard first.

Honghua was naturally not to be outdone, and followed suit.

At the same time, Lu Lan, who had already returned to her yard, naturally also dressed up, but brought a few maidservants along and headed over there.

And Jun Yu and others also started to visit.

This night...has only just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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