Chapter 619 Arrested

Go all the way to Jinzhou.

The carriages of the Chen brothers and sisters have been following behind, but Yuan Deyin and the others don't bother to pay attention to them.

"My lord, Fan Yang is ahead." When Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu got off the carriage while looking for a place to rest, Wu Xi quickly walked over and said in a low voice.

"Fan Yang? Isn't this the place where the brothers and sisters of the Chen family said that bandits would appear?" Tao Lin couldn't help asking when she heard Wu Yi's words from the side.

"That's right, Miss Tao, that's right." Wu Xi nodded quickly.

"Fan Yang has become a den of bandits?" Yu Shengxiao sarcastically murmured as he fanned his fan.

Yuan Deyin with sharp ears heard this, she couldn't help turning her head, and asked curiously: "Master, from your tone, you seem to be very familiar with Fan Yang."

"That's natural. Your master traveled all over the world. Which places are you not familiar with? Let me tell you, Fanyang back then was a place full of beautiful women and simple folk customs." Yusheng Xiaoshen said mysteriously.

"Then why are there such rampant bandits?" Yuan Deyin didn't understand.

"I don't know about this as a teacher. I have been away from the world for more than seven years. Many things in this world are out of my control." Yu Shengxiao shrugged, and his tone was a little helpless.

"The occurrence of bandits in Fanyang is such a big deal, why haven't the officials here reported it to the court?" Tao Lin asked with a frown.

"The land of the Son of Heaven, there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and there are countless dark corners. The road to great harmony between the emperor and Chi Yan's people is a heavy burden." Jun Yu spoke slowly, and there was a little more helplessness in his deep voice.

Tao Lin froze.

It was she who was too impatient.

This is different from the Southwest, which is governed by the army.

In the entire Chiyan, one-fifth of the troops are concentrated in that place, because this is an important place to protect Chiyan from foreign invasions from the southwest.

Therefore, although the southwest area is not as rich as the capital, it is the safest place in Chiyan.

On the other hand, in other places, there are indeed places that the emperor can't take care of.

Especially with Jun Zhouchen leaving so much mess, the emperor and the regent have already sketched out the beautiful outline of Chi Yan in just seven years, but as for how to fill in these details, it will take a long time.

"Wuxi, hide all the weapons well. The king wants to visit Fan Yang secretly. If the situation is true, he will write a letter and return to Beijing immediately." Jun Yu said coldly.

"This subordinate understands." Wu Xi nodded immediately, then turned around to carry out the matter.

"Jun Yu, you don't have to blame yourself so much. Although the people in a place live uneasy lives, you royal family members are also responsible, but the responsibility of the emperor cannot cover thousands. Fan Yang has been known as a small martial arts since ancient times. There are many martial arts masters in this place. The people in this area can settle down because of them. Now that the situation has changed, something must have gone wrong. You are not Daluo gods, how could you expect so many things? ?”

It was rare this time that Yu Shengxiao actually comforted Jun Yu.

"Master, you said Fan Yang is also called Xiao Wulin?" Yuan Deyin couldn't help asking when he heard what Yu Shengxiao said.

"That's right, Fan Yang has emphasized martial arts since ancient times, so there are many martial arts families here. There are several martial arts leaders who came from Fan Yang." Yu Shengxiao explained calmly.

When he came to these places, his usefulness as a traveler could finally be brought into play.

"Doesn't that mean that the martial arts of those mountain thieves may also be very powerful." Yuan Deyin thought of this, and his face was solemn.

"Yes, this is also what the teacher thinks. When we enter Fanyang, everyone should be more vigilant, and we must not take it lightly."

It was the first time for everyone to see Yu Shengxiao so serious, so everyone's hearts began to tighten at this time.

"Let's go." After seeing that the horse had been fed with water, Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

Yuan Deyin asked for more food from Wuyi, and moved it to the carriage.

In their carriage, there is still a bright day.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming up, Mingri had a sad face, even if Xiaobai was teasing it, it was not happy.

"Tomorrow, bear with it, because there are villages where people live along the way. If you run along the road, you will inevitably scare people. The princess promises you that when you get to the mountains, you will definitely be let go." Run wantonly." Yuan Deyin said to it patiently.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Ming Zhou's mood was obviously much better.

It hummed a few times, then obediently ate the food that Yuan Deyin had just brought.


"Brother, they have entered Fanyang, should we follow?"

Chen Sisi poked her head out, and she saw that Yuan Deyin's carriage had entered Fanyang's territory, she quickly retracted her head, and said to Chen Yujing excitedly.

Although Chen Yujing was holding a book in his hand, he couldn't read it no matter what.

He is restless.

Last time, among the things that the group of bandits in Fanyang stole was something that their Chen family wanted to give to the leader of the martial arts alliance.

That kind of thing was what the leader himself said he wanted, so when he went out, his father told him to find that kind of thing halfway, and he must bring it back safely.

But who would have thought that before he could turn around and go home with that thing, he would be robbed by bandits on the way.

However, this matter is more important, and his father only told him one person.

Sisi is headstrong, he and his father both tacitly and do not intend to mention this matter with her.

She thought he was in such a hurry to go back because his father was seriously ill, and she didn't know that he still had plans to take back that thing.

"Sisi, go down this intersection and go around a city. There is a waterway that is closer to Jinzhou. It will not take more than a few days to go home through the mountain road. I will send someone to take you to the waterway now."

Cheng Yujing put down the book and said to Chen Sisi in a serious tone.

"Brother, are you going to drive me away and go back through this mountain road by yourself? Hmph, you can face danger by yourself, why can't I."

Chen Sisi snorted coldly, her tone very unhappy.

"Sisi, Fan Yang is really dangerous. Last time, we lost so many things before we could escape. This time, we have nothing to lose. My servants and I are men, so it is easy to escape, but you Women, the situation is different!"

Chen Yujing persuaded with earnestness.

But Chen Sisi said disapprovingly: "I don't care, anyway, the worst result is that these people will arrest me and become a copycat lady. If Dad knows that they have touched a hair of my hair, he will definitely send someone to crush them immediately This is a den of bandits. Brother, don’t our family have a good relationship with the leader of the martial arts? Let the leader of the martial arts come to save me.”

"Sisi, you..."

Chen Yujing didn't expect his sister to say such stupid words.

The relationship between their Chen family and Wulin is not as good as she thought.

Moreover, when the news of being taken away by bandits came, even if she was not harmed in any way, her innocent reputation would not be guaranteed.

"Sisi, now is not the time for you to be willful!"

Chen Yujing gritted his teeth and continued to persuade Chen Sisi patiently.

But Chen Sisi became impatient, "Brother, we are members of a big family anyway, how can we be cowards? Didn't we buy a few more guards in the capital this time? If you don't believe that there are so many of us, we still can't defeat those bandits..."

"Besides, didn't the group of bumpkins walk ahead? If there is danger, they will block first, and it will not be our turn."

At this moment, the servant driving the carriage asked in a low voice: "Eldest Young Master, Third Miss, those people have gone a long way, should we catch up? If we don't chase now, we won't be able to catch up later."

"Chasing, chasing, don't hesitate." Chen Sisi muttered loudly in the carriage.

When the servants outside heard her words, they all started to enter Fanyang in their carriages.


Seeing Chen Sisi being so willful, Chen Yujing was so angry that his temples ached.

There is really no other way now, and we can only pin our hopes on those people in front.

It would be great if they could subdue those bandits.

"My lord, there are many hidden trees ahead." Wu Xi quietly reported the situation to Jun Yu who was in the carriage outside.

Jun Yu had just fed a piece of osmanthus cake to his little girl, and after helping her wipe the corners of her mouth, he said softly to Wu Xi, "Slow down and give those bandits a chance to attack."


Deliberately slowing down to give the bandits a chance, hahaha...

Yuan Deyin wanted to laugh.

It seems that Jiuhuangshu is determined to deal with these bandits.

But this is also as it should be.

King He Yujun gave them two months and asked them to marry Sister Lin within two months.

So, they have two months to save the people over there.

There is still plenty of time, and it is enough to deal with the bandits here as soon as possible.

After all, if the bandits here are domineering, the people here will also be in dire straits.

They are all the people of Chiyan, and they are all saved.

Just as Yuan Deyin was thinking about this, the carriage stopped suddenly.

There was an angry voice from outside.

"Which high-ranking official passed by Fanyang Baodi? There are so many carriages, shouldn't it be time to pay the toll?"

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other.

They got off the carriage slowly, and Tao Lin, Shen Chuannan, Yu Shengxiao and Zuo Qie had already got off.

Zuo Qie's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Yuan Deyin shook his head slightly at him.Let him not act rashly.

After receiving her instruction, Zuo Qi was a little reluctant, but in the end he restrained his murderous aura a little.

Yuan Deyin looked up and found that their carriage was surrounded.

They are all men, and the oldest one should be the man at the head. He looks about 40 years old, with a full beard and several very obvious scars on his face.

As for the rest, there are those in their thirties, those in their twenties, and those in their teens.

Yuan Deyin roughly counted, there are more than 30 people, and their martial arts are not low.

Moreover, she could also notice that there were quite a few archers hiding in the woods.

The opponent is well prepared.

She raised her eyebrows, and she understood why the Chen family's martial arts were not low, but he still suffered at the hands of these bandits.

"Sorry, we don't have any money."

Yu Shengxiao fanned her fan and said slowly.

No money?

"Boy, who are you fooling!" The man in the lead was called Ma Quan, and he shouted, looking at Yu Shengxiao very unkindly.

"If you don't believe me, just search."

Yu Shengxiao shrugged calmly.

Ma Quan immediately signaled his men to go to the side of several carriages and began to search extensively.

"The head of the family doesn't have any valuables."

Soon, Ma Quan's men returned to his side, their faces all blackened with anger.

Originally thought that there should be a lot of valuable things in these mighty carriages, but unexpectedly, there was nothing, only a pile of worthless rags.

Seeing their despondent and depraved looks, Yu Shengxiao and the others just wanted to laugh.

They were going to Jinzhou to save people. It would be great if there were people from them in Jinzhou. Why did they bring so many things with them.

"Boss, this carriage hasn't been searched yet." A man with mischievous eyebrows pointed at the carriage that Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu were riding in, and said loudly to Ma Quan.

"Hmph, it seems that all the valuables are hidden here." Ma Quan snorted coldly, and immediately asked his people to search for the first carriage.

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other, but they were very calm.

The sly-eyed man strutted to the side of the carriage and opened the curtain, and the next moment, he started screaming.

"Big, big boss, help, help..."

Hearing this sound, Ma Quan immediately brought people over, only to see a drowsy tiger and rabbit nestled in the carriage.

"What's going on?" He looked at Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu warily.

Who are these people who carry tigers with them!

Yuan Deyin and the others took off their masks and veils a long time ago, and then put on a layer of something, so their faces are all sallow, and their appearance looks much more ordinary.

She wrinkled her face generously, and then said: "Master, when we were on our way, we saw this tiger was injured and felt sorry for it, so we took it with us. But don't worry, he was injured more severely. Can't hurt anyone."

Ma Quan looked into the carriage again, and sure enough, he saw that Ming Zhou's four paws were all wrapped up, with blood oozing from them, and he was also dying.

"Brother, although there is no money, this tiger is also a good thing. The tiger skin can be exchanged for a lot of money. And it is injured, so we can move it away at will." The eyes of the sly-eyed man lit up.

Ma Quan also nodded, he thought so too.

"Move the tiger and the rabbit to the mountain."

"Then master, what about these people?"

"Hmph, without money, we can only take them to the mountains to be our slaves." Ma Quan smiled contemptuously, and then began to give orders.

At this moment, someone shouted again.

"Master, there are still a few carriages here."

Soon, Chen Sisi and Chen Yujing were also forced to get off the carriage.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin and others seemed to be arrested, Chen Sisi became angry, and she cursed: "You country bumpkins, why are you so useless, you were arrested so easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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