Chapter 628 Set fire
Jun Yu raised his hand, and the wind swept over with his palm.

When the candles were extinguished, the coffin was opened.

Now the light in the mourning hall is only the faint moonlight falling from the roof tiles.

Under the moonlight, Chen Yixin, who was dressed in fine clothes, struggled to climb out of the coffin.

Although her hair and clothes were a little messy, she didn't look embarrassed.

It makes people look at it, but there is a feeling of pity and love for a troubled lady.

"How did the princess know that the girl's death was faked?" Chen Yixin raised her eyes, looking at Yuan Deyin sadly.

"Since the princess can save you when you are under the knife, it is impossible to find out that you have taken the fake death medicine."

Yuan Deyin spoke in a cold voice.

Because of Chen Yixin's injury, her pulse was already weak, and then she took fake death medicine, so those quack doctors who are not skilled in medicine would really think that she was poisoned to death.

"It's the girl who is stupid."

Chen Yixin twitched the corners of her mouth and shook her head helplessly.

That's right, this little princess is a student of the genius doctor Gu, it's a bit ridiculous for her to be playing tricks in front of her.

"Tell me, who is secretly helping you?"

Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"Help me? No one helped Minnv, everything was done by Minnv alone."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Yixin's face became a little nervous, and she quickly shook her head.

"No one will help you, how can you wake up? People who drink the fake death medicine must take the antidote within the specified time, otherwise, they will die without a doubt. So when you are buried, someone must secretly take it for you. medicine."

Yuan Deyin's tone is firm.

"This person must still be in the mansion now, and this person is still someone who can get close to you." Jun Yu also said indifferently at this time.

He walked past the little girl, and then walked to the coffin.

With five slender fingers, he easily removed the nails from the coffin board.

"This person is also a caring person. He knows that although you will wake up soon after drinking the antidote, if you stay in the coffin for a long time, you will inevitably suffocate to death, so you don't want to nail the coffin to death."

Jun Yu said in a low voice, his sharp eyes swept across Chen Yixin's body.

"Being close to you when you die, and doing something to your coffin, this princess thinks about it... It seems that there are only three people. Your maid Zilan, your eldest brother Chen Yujing, and your Father, Chen Ping. Did the princess make a mistake?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Chen Sisi, and slowly said the guess.

After talking for so long, she felt thirsty. She picked up the cup of tea from the ground and took a sip.

But just taking a sip, her eyebrows frowned.

"Princess, don't make wild guesses. Everything is done by the girl alone." Chen Sisi blushed and retorted anxiously.

"This king tried your maid, but she doesn't have the ability. Chen Yujing's grief just now is true, so the two of them can also be ruled out. Therefore, only Chen Ping is left."

Jun Yu picked up what his little girl said, and his tone became a little sharper.

This time, Chen Yixin's face was even paler.

Clenching her fists tightly and meeting Shang Jun Yu's sharp eyes, she could only nod her head in the end.

"That's right, it was what my father did." She said with a choked voice.

"Minnv hopes that the Lord Regent will not punish father for his crimes. He does not want me to marry the leader of the martial arts, and at the same time, he can make my elder brother give up. Father has already arranged everything for Minnv outside, and treats Minnv When they arrive at the cemetery, someone will rescue the Minnv, and then the Minnv will be able to live in a brand new place."

Chen Yixin knelt down and kowtowed to Jun Yu, every word was sad.

Is that so?

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other. From this point of view, Chen Ping wasn't bad at all.

He also knew that marrying his daughter to that bad old man of the martial arts leader would ruin her, so he came up with such a trick.

"Princess, you shouldn't have said those things to the elder brother Minnv. His best destiny is to marry Sisi."

Chen Sisi looked up again. She looked at Yuan Deyin and said in a lonely tone.

"Then do you think this is fair to him? He doesn't like Chen Sisi at all, but for your so-called best destination, he agreed to Chen Ping's conditions and tied him up with Chen Sisi."

Yuan Deyin's tone became cold.

"Min, Minnv..." Chen Yixin opened her mouth, but with complicated emotions, she didn't know what to say.

"Also, are you willing? You and Chen Yujing really love each other, but now you have to give up your happiness to others." Yuan Deyin continued to ask in a cold voice.

"Princess, the Minnv has no choice but to do this. You don't understand the situation of the Minnv, and the Minnv really has no choice."

Chen Yixin lowered her head, her voice was distressed.

Yuan Deyin's mood is also a bit complicated.

It is also a bit cruel to persecute Chen Yixin like this.

"Then you tell the princess, who arranged for you to be stabbed today?" Yuan De Yinban asked Chen Yixin seriously with a serious expression on her face.

"Could the princess think that this matter was arranged by Minnv? Minnv really doesn't know who was going to hurt her father. The suspended animation plan between father and Minnv was supposed to take some time, but today Minnv was injured. My father was afraid of accidents, so he advanced the plan."

Chen Yixin anxiously explained.

Because she was too anxious, she accidentally pulled the wound on her back, and the pain caused her tears to flow down.

Yuan Deyin hurried forward, fed her a painkiller pill, and then quickly felt her pulse.

Putting her finger on Chen Yixin's pulse, Yuan Deyin's clear eyes could not help but flash a little serious.

"I can't blame my father for this incident. The arrival of the two of you has also pushed the Chen family into a dangerous position. My father must also be worried that Minnv will be implicated if she stays, so he wants to send Minnv away as soon as possible."

Chen Yixin's words, inside and outside, are all about defending Chen Ping.

"You defend him like this, do you know that he may not really want you to live."

Yuan Deyin sighed softly and said in a complicated tone.

"Princess, what do you mean?"

When Chen Yixin heard Yuan Deyin's words, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her in disbelief.

Jun Yu also sensed something tricky from Yuan Deyin's words, and his eyes became serious.

He turned around quickly and began to inspect the mourning hall and coffin.

"These teas are poisonous," Yuan Deyin picked up the cup of tea he had just drank, and walked up to Chen Yixin.

"The only ones who can come to worship you are the two Chen family members. This princess doesn't believe that Chen Yujing will bring poisoned tea."

Yuan Deyin clapped his hands, and Xiaobai, who had been hiding in the dark, jumped out of the window. After a while, it came back with a mouse.

Throwing the mouse away in disgust, it ran away quickly.

Yuan Deyin fed the tea to the mouse, and soon the mouse foamed at the mouth, twitched on the ground for a while, and then became silent.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yixin's face turned pale for a moment.

She fell heavily to the ground, as if she didn't even notice the wound.

Distraughtly, she recalled that when her father fixed the coffin boards for her, he told her that he did not stare at the coffin to death. If she crawled out in the middle of the night, there would be tea and cakes in the mourning hall to fill her stomach.

He hoped that she would make it to the cemetery, where someone would save her.

"No, my father won't do that. If he wanted to poison me to death, he shouldn't have given me the antidote. Wouldn't it be better for him to suffocate me in the coffin?"

Chen Yixin kept shaking her head, she didn't want to believe that her father would harm her.

Although her father had resented her, he would not want to take her life away.

Chen Yixin's words also made Yuan Deyin calm down.

That's right, if Chen Ping wanted to kill Chen Yixin, he could just not give her the antidote, why bother?
"Give me the tea."

At this moment, Jun Yu walked up to Yuan Deyin.

Although Yuan Deyin didn't know what he wanted to do, he obediently handed over another cup of tea.

In front of the two of them, Jun Yu drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"Regent, no!"

Seeing this, Chen Yixin quickly yelled.

The princess said that the tea was poisonous, and if he drank it, the regent would be poisoned too.

Different from Chen Yixin's anxiety, Yuan Deyin was very calm.

Uncle Nine Emperors came out of a poisonous pit. To him, this kind of poison was insignificant, and the damage was worse than being bitten by an ant.

"Yin'er, did you drink any poison just now?" Sure enough, not only did Jun Yu not get poisoned, but he asked Yuan Deyin calmly.

What poison?

It was only then that Yuan Deyin remembered that she just noticed that the tea was poisonous, and she was impatient to find out the truth, but she forgot to find out what kind of poison it was.

She took the teacup from Jiuhuangshu's hand and licked it again.

Soon, something flashed in her eyes.

She quickly said, "It's half-day red."

"Yeah." Jun Yu nodded.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin understands. Banrihong, for human beings, after drinking a cup, the most direct reaction is that they will feel uncomfortable for a while. After six o'clock, that is, after half a day, blood will start to flow from the seven orifices. .The rat's ability to withstand is lower than that of a human, so it reacts so aggressively. The rat should not be dead..."

Yuan Deyin quickly touched the mouse on the ground with his foot, and sure enough, it stumbled and stood up.

Although it was not in good condition, it still looked like it was alive. It quickly found a hole and ran out.

Chen Yixin listened to Yuan Deyin's words, and her newly ignited hope also began to be shattered.

"Maybe someone with ulterior motives knew about my father's plan and wanted to kill me. It's the same old saying, even if this glass of wine is really poisonous, why did my father wait for me to die after half a day? He smothered me to death from the very beginning. okay?"

Chen Yixin was still struggling for the last time.

Jun Yu returned to the coffins at this time, and he pressed his hands in one place. Suddenly, a short arrow was shot from one end of the coffin, and it stabbed hard at the other end of the coffin.

Chen Yixin who had just stood up saw this scene, she staggered back a few steps.

"There are organs in this coffin. Assuming that the person is lying in the coffin normally, the short arrow shot from this position will not hit the person's vitals, but will hit the thigh and arm, and the person will slowly bleed to death. .”

Jun Yu said in a low voice.

The person who designed this mechanism is also very vicious.

The purpose of this person is to make everyone in the coffin slowly suffer to death.

Chen Yixin's head was buzzing.

She remembered that her father also said that he also prepared the coffin.

"Why did father do this, why did he torture me." Chen Yixin said with a choked voice.

Yuan Deyin lowered her eyes in thought, and she suddenly remembered that she had gone to Zilan to find out something before she came here.

"When Chen Yujing came back, he gave you something and told you that if your father asked, you would say that you hid that thing outside. No matter what your father said, you must not take such a thing Give it to him. For this reason, Chen Yujing forced you to swear."

Yuan Deyin supported Chen Yixin with his hands, and then asked seriously.

Zilan said: "Our second lady is soft-tempered. If the master said a few more words, I am afraid that the second lady would be willing to hand over everything. The young master also knew this, so when giving things to the second lady, he would Force the second lady to swear."

"You, how do you know?" Chen Yixin raised her head and looked at Yuan Deyin in shock.

"You tell the princess first, that thing is a stone? Also, has your father asked you about the whereabouts of the stone, but you are unwilling to tell him anyway."

Yuan Deyin looked at Chen Yixin with probing eyes.

Chen Yixin frowned, but still confessed, "That's right, there is indeed such a thing."

Hearing Chen Yixin's confession, Yuan Deyin raised her head quickly, she was slightly relieved, and then said to Jun Yu: "Uncle Nine Emperors, our initial guess was not wrong."

something like that...

It is estimated that it is the "stone" that the Wulin League is mainly looking for.

Chen Yujing's original plan was to retrieve that stone, and then use it to make a request to his father so that he could marry Chen Yixin.

But something happened on the road, and the stone was snatched by bandits in Fanyang, so he had to get a fake one.

Why are you sure that Chen Yujing's stone is fake, because the real stone has long been in the hands of her and Uncle Nine Emperors.

Worried that it would be ruined, Chen Yujing had no choice but to give the things to Chen Yixin first, and told her not to give the things to Chen Ping.

Chen Yujing originally wanted to use this fake stone to make a request to Chen Ping, but he never thought that it was this move that strengthened Chen Ping's determination to kill Chen Yixin.

"That thing was originally a bargaining chip used by Chen Yujing to negotiate with your father..."

Yuan Deyin told Chen Yixin the general situation of the stone.

Chen Yixin inadvertently burst into tears.

She clenched her sleeve tightly, and then choked up and asked: "So, my father spent so much effort, in fact, he wanted to transport me outside, let me suffer so much, and then I was overwhelmed, and finally told the whereabouts of the stone. he?"

"That's right, this is the only way to explain why Chen Ping is not in a hurry to kill you, but insists on taking you to the cemetery, and then it is not only a half-day red for you to die in the second half of the day, but also a mechanism to torture you."

Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone.

"Impossible, it's impossible for father to be so cruel, no..."

Chen Yixin obviously believed Yuan Deyin's words in her heart, but she couldn't accept it no matter what.

She covered her head and shook her head in pain.

Yuan Deyin looked at the closed door on the opposite side of the mourning hall, and suddenly had an uneasy thought in his heart.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Zhou Jing is the minion of King He Yujun and Wulin. Chen Ping has promised us and is willing to deal with Zhou Jing with us. Then why, he still needs to get that key?"

She turned her head and asked Jun Yu solemnly.

A dark light flashed in Jun Yu's eyes.

"Perhaps, Chen Ping never really planned to cooperate with us from the very beginning." He said coldly.

At this moment, a sharp arrow shot through the door.


Jun Yu pulled the little girl to his side.

The arrow was inserted straight into the coffin not far away.

There was a commotion outside, and they could see from the shadows that many people were coming with torches.

"Everyone is prepared. The evil girl murdered the head of the family, and then committed suicide by taking poison. She is not worthy of entering the cemetery of the Chen family. She will be burned to death by the head of the family."

As the voice fell, a strong smell of fire oil wafted in.

Immediately afterwards, countless torches and rockets were thrown in.

"Second Miss, be careful." Yuan Deyin ran over to grab Chen Yixin who was about to faint, and wanted to take her away through the back door.

But I never thought that the back door, doors and windows were all sealed.

The entire house was surrounded by flames.

(End of this chapter)

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