Xianhong Road

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034

The space of the seven realms is boundless and boundless.

The human world Dongsheng Continent is like a speck of dust, floating silently in the vast universe, it is so insignificant.

How far away from this speck of dust is the mysterious world, the radiant light of the Milky Way, reflecting the Nine Directions Starfield, grand and magnificent, and boundless.


A huge golden disc, with a radius of ten thousand li, is like a large round island, with the ancient and vicissitudes of life flowing through it, hanging across the sky and the earth.

Above is the galaxy world, the stars are brilliant and endless.

Below is a sea of ​​clouds, and the outlines of continents, oceans, mountains and rivers are faintly visible.

In the middle of the golden disc, there is a five-color stone platform, engraved with complex gray formations, and a giant pillar of Optimus stands in each of the eight directions, shining white crystal light.

This is obviously a huge and immeasurable formation, and its specific use cannot be estimated.

Around the five-color stone platform, tall and majestic buildings stand tall and majestic, presenting a circle, surrounding the stone platform formation composed of eight giant pillars in the middle.

Even on the periphery of Yuanpan, you can still see the city wall as high as a thousand feet. The entire area of ​​Yuanpan is surrounded by the vicissitudes of life, mysterious and ancient.

call out--

Occasionally, a meteorite would fall near the disk, and when it came into contact with the ancient green air, it would instantly turn into fly ash, while the golden disk remained motionless.

Suddenly, on the five-colored stone platform in the middle of the golden disc, a piece of crystal light swayed, and the eight giant pillars of the sky burst into white crystal light, making the nearby ten thousand li area bright and dazzling.

"What a pure fairy spirit..."

An old man with white beard appeared from a corner of the five-color stone platform, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "This is the upper realm?"

This space is full of fairy air, sometimes violent, sometimes calm, almost endless.

The fairy spirit flowing anytime and anywhere, in such a cultivation environment, is ten times better than the effect of using top-grade spirit stones in the human world! !

This immortal who had just ascended was obviously shocked by the spiritual state of the upper realm.

It is hard for him to imagine how far the cultivation civilization here will reach in such a powerful environment. ,


A group of guards in purple fairy robes flew over from the buildings around the disc.

The man in the lead, wearing a silver crown on his head, wearing a silver armor, and holding a long halberd, is heroic and mighty, exuding a powerful fairy coercion from his body.

"Hehe, there have been quite a few Ascenders in the past month."

The heroic man in silver armor smiled lightly and led his guards to surround the old man with white beard.

"I'm Fanyang, from the human world, I dare to ask you who are the gods..."

The old man with white beard showed a slight look of panic on his face, but he quickly recovered his composure and remained calm.

Can one stand out from the hundreds of millions of monks in the lower realm and soar to the upper realm, how can one be idle?

"We are the law enforcement immortals of the Ascension Platform, responsible for receiving the Ascended here."

The heroic man in silver armor smiled, looked at the white-bearded old man, and said calmly: "Li Qing, Zhang Yuan, you two are in charge of this person."


Two guards stepped out from the crowd, a tough man and a cold-faced young man.

"Hmph, you ascenders are unrivaled powerhouses and peerless masters in the mortal world. There is no difference between us and passers-by. You better be honest and don't cause trouble for us. We didn't know how to repair the ascensioners who didn't know good or bad before. How many."

The tough man snorted coldly.

The cold-faced man sized up the old man named "Fan Yang" and remained silent.

The white-bearded old man didn't dare to neglect, nodded his head quickly, and followed the two guards.

However, there was still a strange look in his eyes.

This old man named Fan Yang is exactly Yang Fan who ascended from the human world.

With Yang Fan's eyesight, he can easily see the cultivation base of these law enforcement immortals.

Li Qing and Zhang Yuan who received him were both from the Triple Realm Realm.

With a triple true immortal cultivation base, even one person is more than enough to deal with ten ascenders from the human world.

Led by these two law-enforcing immortals, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary ascenders to make trouble.

Not long after, two law enforcement immortals brought Yang Fan to a small hall.

The cold-faced man took out a jade tablet, and sat on top with the sturdy man, Yang Fan sat next to him, calm in his heart, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

The sturdy man saw that such an ascendant was still doing his job, and his attitude was relatively humble, so he couldn't help but nodded his head.

"Which space are you from?"

The cold-faced man asked, ready to file for Yang Fan and enter information.

Yang Fan knew that this was the procedure of the Ascension Platform, and every Ascendant had to make a record after reaching the upper realm.

When the cold-faced man asked a question, his eyes were cold and indifferent, shooting out a chill that pierced his soul.

An invisible chill permeated Yang Fan's whole body, causing a slight discomfort in his soul.

This is a magical power used to interrogate prisoners, a mysterious spiritual power that locks Yang Fan's soul.

For ordinary ascenders, under the monitoring of this spirit, there is no possibility of lying.

"I am from the Hengchuan continent."

Yang Fan had been prepared for a long time, and quickly replied.

Before ascension, he had communicated with Elder Situ, who had already planned an origin and identity for him.

"Yokawa Continent?" The cold-faced man checked the jade card in his hand and nodded. Obviously, this mortal space exists.

Suddenly, a hint of surprise appeared on his iceberg-like face: "What a coincidence, my friend is also from the Hengchuan Continent, and is well-known in that world, under the name of 'Beichen Xingjun', Shocking through the ages, you should have heard of his name, right?"

"Mr. Beichen Xing?"

Yang Fan was secretly startled, could it be such a coincidence that this cold-faced man also knew about Hengchuan Continent.

As far as he knows, one ascending platform corresponds to many mortal spaces.

His mind quickly flashed the reaction of the cold-faced man when he first heard Yokokawa Continent.

"This..." Yang Fan frowned slightly, and said with a pensive expression: "Yang has practiced in the Hengchuan Continent for 10,000+ years, and he has never heard of the character 'Beichen Xingjun'."

"never heard of that?"

The cold-faced man was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face: "Maybe I remembered wrongly. After all, there is more than one Hengchuan Continent in this space. There are several corresponding to our Ascension Platform."

"Hahaha..." The sturdy man next to him, his stomach hurting from laughing, muttered in a low voice: "...this Li Qing is too good at fooling people, 'Beichen Xingjun' controls the entire 'Beichenxing' supreme rule King Xing is the ruler of a planet, or even a star system!!!”

If Yang Fan, an ascendant from the lower realms, knows who Beichen Xingjun is, then there is something wrong.

How could a monk from the lower realm know the local characters in the upper realm.

Yang Fan broke into a cold sweat secretly. It seems that this cold-faced man did not rely too much on mental monitoring supernatural powers, but also used scheming.

Fortunately, he is not a rookie, so Yang Fan can't hide this little trick, and it's not the first time he has encountered it.

"What's your name?"

"Fan Yang."

"How much time does it take to ascend."

"15 years."

Yang Fan said flickeringly without blushing and without quickening his heart.

With his supernatural powers, it is very easy to create a false age in front of the two inferior true immortals.

The cold-faced man swept Yang Fan with his spiritual sense, and he could determine a rough lifespan, so he nodded.

In fact, Yang Fan didn't even use it for 1000 years from the stage of refining Qi to the state of ascension.

After only recording some basic information, the cold-faced man put away the jade token and nodded: "Now, you can wait for the arrangement of the Ascension Platform."


Yang Fan quickly asked: "I wonder when Fan will be free?"

"Hahaha...boy! There are only three waiting for your fate."

The sturdy man said condescendingly.

"Ask the immortal."

In fact, Yang Fan already knew something about the situation of Feishengtai before.

However, the Ascension Platforms are distributed throughout the Upper Realm, and there are still differences in specifics.

"First one, pay a fee of one thousand immortal stones for the use of the Ascension Platform, and you can leave freely."|
The sturdy man chuckled.

"One thousand... fairy stones?!" Yang Fan pretended to be dumbfounded, and muttered, "This is too dark."

"Black?" The sturdy man smiled coldly: "Do you know how many heaven and earth spirit treasures are consumed and how much manpower and material resources are needed to build a 'flying platform'? In addition, the construction of each flying platform requires at least a celestial array." Master Fa’s action requires the approval of Lord ‘Star Master’…”

After Yang Fan listened, he understood.

The function of the Ascension Platform is to guide the monks who ascended to the upper realm smoothly.

After all, the process of ascension is to pass through the space barrier. If you encounter a space storm, it may be dangerous.

The ascension platform can ensure that each ascendant can ascend smoothly and evenly distribute them to all parts of the upper world.

Seeing Yang Fan's silence, the vanity of the sturdy man was greatly satisfied, and he said with emotion: "The first method, almost no ascender can do it, a thousand immortal stones is not a small number..."

How could a lower realm monk have a fairy stone?
Even if there is a great chance to get one or two yuan, 1000 yuan is not a small sum.

"Secondly, some families and sects came to recruit potential ascensionists. However, potential ascensionists all ascended within 5 years. As for you..."

The sturdy man sighed again, showing a trace of pity.

That's right, Yang Fan's apparent age is 15 years old, so he's not considered a potential ascender at all...

Yang Fan also showed a hint of frustration: "Does Fan want to stay on Feishengtai for the rest of his life?"

"Stay in the Ascension Platform? How can it be so cheap!!"

The sturdy man snorted coldly:
"Waiting for you is the third destiny!! Dispatched by Feishengtai for 1000 years, luckier, transferred by Master Xingjun, appointed backup law enforcement fairy, average luck, 1000 years of hard labor, mainly mining concentrate What's the first. Hehe... If you are lucky and participate in the war outside the territory, with your cultivation base, I'm afraid you can only be used as cannon fodder. If not, explore the dangerous star relics and unknown space regions..."

The sturdy man spoke clearly and logically.

After Yang Fan listened, he felt a stone in his heart, and it was settled.

Generally speaking, the operation of this Ascension Platform is not much different from what Elder Situ said.

Soon, the sturdy man and the cold-faced young man brought Yang Fan into a large hall.

Dozens of ascenders stayed here, all with worries about fate and the future in their eyes.

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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