Xianhong Road

Chapter 1036 Tianchenxing

Chapter 1036 Tianchenxing

"Hehe, then tell me, how should the person who was beaten up and vomited blood be distributed?"

Facing the thoughtful question of the old man with white beard, the man in silver armor felt awe-inspiring and secretly excited. This is a rare opportunity to express himself.

"Returning to my lord, this ascendant is extremely weak and has no potential. He should be sent to the battlefield outside the territory. Recently, 'Tungsten Sporadic' is attacking 'Yueluoxing' with all its strength, and it needs a large number of cannon fodder..."

The man in silver armor said in a slightly flattering and humorous way.

Hearing this, the old man with white beard shook his head with a look of disappointment on his face.

The man in silver armor was at a loss, shouldn't this man be assigned like this?
"Then what do you mean, my lord..."

"This person's strength is probably not as unbearable as it appears on the surface, and he is extremely forbearing. The old man has noticed him before. In this environment, the kind of calmness and composure that no other ascendant can match."

There was a flash of light in the old man's eyes with a white beard, his eyesight was sharp, and he saw Yang Fan's unknown side from small details.

"Then what do you mean, my lord... to reuse this person?"

The man in silver armor was astonished and couldn't understand it, but he remained respectful on the surface.

He understood that this seemingly ordinary old man with a white beard was not an ordinary person, and had a very special identity.

"That's not the case. An ascendant, no matter how powerful his mind is, is just a low-ranking true immortal."

The white-bearded old man pondered: "It's better to send him to 'Luo Tian Prison' as a jailer, there is a shortage of manpower recently."

"Luo Tianyu?"

The man in silver armor trembled, that was the Rakshasa forbidden place where Tianchenxing imprisoned the most vicious prisoners.

In the past 1000 years, dozens of guards have died in Luotian Prison.

Ordinary immortals would feel cold in their bodies and tremble in their souls just by staying in that place for a while.

"You're out of luck..."

The man in silver armor stared at Yang Fan who was sitting cross-legged on the light screen.

"By the way, what's this person's name?"

The old man with white beard just asked casually.

"Fan Yang, from Hengchuan Continent."

The man in silver armor replied.

The white-bearded old man nodded, and said to him: "If you encounter Ascenders from the 'Dongsheng Continent', you will be detained and strictly guarded."


The man in silver armor nodded. He had known this news for a long time.

In the past 200 years, tens of millions of ascension platforms in the entire "Yunfang Starfield" have been doing their best to supervise the ascensionists in Dongsheng Continent.

The "Galaxy World" in the heavenly realm has a total of nine large starfields, which exactly correspond to the nine regions of the mortal space.

Dongsheng Continent happened to be in the corresponding area of ​​"Yunfang Star Field", and the ascenders there, after turning feathers into immortals, would definitely be in this big star field.

As for which ascending platform to appear on, there is no way to determine.

In order to evenly distribute the new force of the Ascendants from the lower realm, after the Ascendants determine a certain area, they will randomly go to a certain Ascension Platform.

In the hall where the Ascended gathered.

Yang Fan, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, faintly sensed that his personal destiny has been pushed forward by some people.

He was at peace in his heart, and firmly believed that no matter what arrangements were made, with his supernatural powers, he should at least have the ability to save the day.

A month later.

The man in silver armor led a hundred law enforcement monks into the main hall, announcing the whereabouts of the Ascended on the field.

"Huayue, Lingyuan, Huanjia...a total of eight people, sent to the 'Hall of Immortals', will hopefully be redeemed by the various forces of Tianchenxing, and have a free body..."

Huayue and other well-qualified Ascendants were named by law enforcement immortals.

The other ascenders couldn't help but show envy.

A cultivator with real potential and talent, even if he ascends to the upper realm, will be quickly absorbed by the big forces and embark on a superior path of cultivation.

For those Ascended who went to the Hall of Immortal Heroes by name, even the escorting law enforcement immortals were extremely polite to them.

Before leaving, the magnificent and beautiful "Hua Yue" turned her beautiful eyes and looked at Yang Fan who was still meditating cross-legged in the corner of the hall.

Yang Fan felt something, opened his eyes, smiled but not a smile, and said through his spiritual thoughts: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Hua, the next time we meet, maybe you are already a true disciple of a certain great sect, and you have been certified as the Da Luo Jin Immortal."

Seeing his calm and leisurely look, Hua Yue couldn't help showing complex expressions in her eyes. She took a deep look at him, and then left the hall.

In a few days.

Another law enforcement fairy announced the next batch of lists.

"Li Zi, Jiang Wu, Hong Jian...a total of 12 people were sent to the battlefield to serve as guards of the Immortal Soldier. As long as they can survive three wars, they will be free."

The Ascended who had been chanted their names felt chills all over their bodies.

Yang Fan also secretly got lucky, and the worst result would be to become a Death Squad.

Although as long as you can survive the three wars, you will be free.

However, they are not regular immortal soldiers, but cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Cannon fodder on the battlefield is usually sent to death. The chance of surviving three wars is no more than one in ten.

Nine lives.

"As long as you don't use it as cannon fodder, other allocations shouldn't be dangerous."

Yang Fan pondered in his heart.

half a month later.

"Ziji Demon, Murong Jin... a total of four people will be sent to the Tianchen Star Immortal Guard Reserve Team. After a thousand years, they will be freed. If they perform well, they will have the opportunity to become full-time members of the Immortal Guard Team..."

It is also enviable that several powerful ascenders were sent to the reserve team of Tianchenxing Xianwei.

eight days later.

The next batch of ascenders, dozens of them, were almost all sent to the ore for labor.

Labor for a thousand years! !
This is a no-risk assignment.

However, Yang Fan had learned from Hou Dong and Elder Situ that most of the Ascendants who did hard labor were mining, and they had a lot of tasks every day.If you fail to complete the task, you will be punished.

There are also many immortals in the past and present, who are overwhelmed and exhausted to death.

After all, the matter in the upper realm is different from that in the ordinary realm.

A grain of sand here is equivalent to a mountain in the human world, not to mention those ore crystals that have evolved through countless billions of years?

Of course, it is certain to suffer and suffer. At least half of the Ascended who participated in hard labor can survive.

After three screenings, only three people including Yang Fan were left in the empty hall.

"Shangxian, how do we distribute it?"

A lean man hurried forward and asked with a compliment.

"You three..." The silver-armored man glanced at Yang Fan and the others, and smiled mysteriously: "There will be more special arrangements."

More special arrangements?

The lean man exchanged glances with another cold man.

Yang Fan also stood up at this time and withdrew from the practice.

Then came the long wait.

In the empty hall, the three of Yang Fan looked at each other and got to know each other.

"My name is Li Jing, let me meet the two Ascension comrades first."

The thin man's eyeballs rolled straight, sweeping past Yang Fan and the two of them.

"Chen Bing." The cold man only said two words.

"I'm going down to Fanyang."

Yang Fan said flatly.

Finally after half a year.

The man in silver armor appeared again, followed by only six law enforcement immortals, and announced:

"The three of you will be assigned to the Tianchen Star 'Luo Tian Prison'. You will be free as a jailer if you appoint a jailer for a thousand years. If you perform well, you will have the opportunity to become an official jailer, or even the head of the jailer."


When Yang Fan and the three heard this, the job wasn't too bad.

Being a jailer is at least better than being cannon fodder and labor.

However, the smile on the silver-armored man's face made Yang Fan and the three of them vaguely feel that the distribution of themselves and others was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Come with us."

The smile on the silver armor man's face disappeared.

Soon, two Law Enforcement Immortals each took Yang Fan and the three out.

Leaving the main hall, Yang Fan unfolded his senses and paid attention to the whole picture of Feishengtai.

The entire huge disc floats above the nine heavens like an island, and above its head is the vast and boundless cosmic galaxy, which is hundreds of millions of times larger than the extraterritorial space of Dongsheng Continent! !

How big is the heaven?
Yang Fan was shocked.

After observing, Yang Fan confirmed the environment of Feisheng Platform, and with his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

The entire Ascension Platform is protected by a powerful formation.

There are at least a few thousand law enforcement immortal guards here, and their cultivation bases range from three-level true immortals to five-level true immortals.

The silver-armored man in front of him faintly brought a strong oppression to Yang Fan as he walked. He was obviously a high-ranking true immortal, much stronger than Zi Linyu's seventh-level true immortal who broke through hastily.

"Set off!!"

The man in silver armor and six immortal guards led Yang Fan and the others to the entrance of Feisheng Platform.

Soon, everyone flew away from the "Feisheng Platform", and a sea of ​​clouds was faintly visible below, boundless.

The few people on the field are all at the level of immortals, and even in the upper realm, they still have a certain ability to fly.

"Dare to ask Shangxian, how long will it take to get to 'Luo Tian Prison'?"

The skinny monkey man Li Jing asked.

"At your rate, it will take about 30 years."

The man in silver armor teased a smile.

30 years?
Li Jing and Zhang Bing looked at each other.

Yang Fan also showed a slight look of astonishment.

"Luo Tian Prison is a special prison. In order to prevent prisoners from escaping, there is no teleportation array on it."

The man in silver armor explained.

Swish! !

With a wave of one hand, several people's figures flickered, and they had already stepped on a flying shuttle.

The flying shuttle is about three feet long, and its body is silver in color. During the flight, a cloud of rosy clouds swayed behind it.

Standing on it, Yang Fan felt very stable, and his speed was ten times faster than before.

"Three years later, we will be able to reach 'Luo Tian Prison'."

The silver-armored man pursed into a smile.


The shuttle flew higher and higher, and the wind speed in the ear was getting faster and faster.

Li Jing and Zhang Bing secretly admired that this silver-armored man used a shuttle to lead ten people, which was ten times faster than himself and others flying alone.

Yang Fan looked calm on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart:
If you escape by yourself, what are your chances of winning?
After escaping, how likely is it to get rid of Tianchenxing's pursuit, and will it expose her true identity?
At a certain moment, Yang Fan only heard Li Jing and Zhang Bing exclaim, and looked at their feet together.

Yang Fan swept down, shocked.

In the dark and dead universe, under the light of the stars, a blue sphere below, like a treasure, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Around the sphere, there is a layer of thin clouds, and the outlines of land, mountains, and oceans can be vaguely seen.

"what is that?"

Several people were shocked inexplicably.

"Hehe, that's our hometown - Tianchenxing."

The man in silver armor said with a hint of pride.

Yang Fan was in a trance, and quickly recovered. He also heard about the heaven, earth, planets and other things in the upper realm.

"Ask the Immortal, where are we in the heaven?"

Yang Fan couldn't help being curious.

The silver-armored man looked him up and down, and said calmly, "This is Outer Domain, Galaxy World, Fangda Starfield, and Quicksand Galaxy."

"Our specific location is 'Tianchenxing', which is one of the ten trillion planets in the quicksand galaxy!!"

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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