Xianhong Road

Chapter 1039 Not Simple Jailor

Chapter 1039 Not Simple Jailor
Li Jing didn't expect that a menacing challenge would end so soon.

Zhang Bing was lying on the ground without standing up for a long time, his face was extremely gloomy, and he looked at Yang Fan with dissatisfaction and doubts.

How did you lose?

Zhang Bing still can't figure it out.

He clearly felt that the moment he met Yang Fan's palms, the mana power of the other party was not better than his own.

But what was strange was that his own palm strength inexplicably declined, while the opponent's strength suddenly skyrocketed, and he was severely injured and knocked into the air in one fell swoop.

He guessed all kinds of things, but he didn't know that Yang Fan's small reincarnation palm was perfect and perfect, and his strength was extremely skillful.

With a little less strength, although he can gain the upper hand, it cannot make him lose his combat power.

If it is too heavy, it may hurt its life.

Although in the challenge, life and death were irrelevant, but Yang Fan didn't want to make too much noise and attract attention.

The jailers watching the battle all around were excited and prepared to watch a battle between dragons and tigers, but in the end they all dispersed with disappointment on their faces.

This also achieved Yang Fan's goal. Although he won, it was not eye-catching.

"Let's go look elsewhere."

Yang Fan and Li Jing left and wandered around the most terrifying purgatory layer in Luo Tian Prison to familiarize themselves with the environment.

As jailers, they are not only responsible for guarding their respective cells, but also perform patrol tasks.

In addition to the jailers, there are a large number of immortal soldiers guarding the entrance of each floor, and sometimes there will be law enforcement immortals who come to inspect and supervise.

The main object of supervision is not the prisoners, but to check whether they, the jailers, are performing their duties.

The jailer is mainly responsible for guarding the criminals, and both parties perform their duties.

Not long after Yang Fan and Li Jing left.

"Ascended... what's your name? If you want, I can help you win the position of captain of the jailer."

In front of the window, the voice of the purple-robed son 'Qi Lin' came.

"Why should I trust you?"

Zhang Bing showed a look of alertness.

According to past cases, the reason why many prisoners escaped was due to the use of jailers.

The method of using jailers is nothing more than seducing them for profit.

"Hehe, I've been here for hundreds of years. I'm bored, and I prefer to have some fun. If you believe me, the exercises in this jade slip and a bottle of 'Yun Xian Dan' can help you improve your cultivation within ten years." Big rise, enough to defeat that person and become the new captain of the prison guard."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"But I don't have the key in my hand."

Zhang Bing gritted his teeth, secretly hating the little old man, why he gave up the position of the jailer captain to Yang Fan.

"That's simple. I still need a pot of tea."

Qi Lin smiled brightly.

And Leng Jianfeng, a true disciple of "Nine Swords" who was also in Cell No. 9, watched all this indifferently, without saying a word.

half a month later.

Zhang Bing, who had just recovered from his injuries, came to find Yang Fan and told him: Mr. Qi sent him to make a pot of tea.

Yang Fan naturally didn't dare to neglect, and the three of them came to the door and window with a look of wariness.

After Zhang Bing brought the tea, Qi Lin rewarded him with a bottle of elixir and a jade slip.

After getting these two items, Zhang Bing glanced coldly over Yang Fan.

"You two go on patrol first."

After Yang Fan sent Zhang Bing and Li Jing away.

"Dare to ask Mr. Qi to leave me alone to talk, what advice can you give?"

Yang Fan said calmly.

"I have already given this person an elixir and a set of exercises, which are enough to increase his cultivation in a short period of time. Are you afraid of losing your status as the captain of the jailer?"

Qi Lin said jokingly.

"Then dare to ask Mr. Qi, what is the best way to help Yang keep his position as the captain of the jailer?"

Yang Fan smiled.

Qi Lin was slightly taken aback, Yang Fan's performance was not anxious, but very leisurely.

Logically, he should be very worried and ask himself for help.

"Hehe, my son also has a set of exercises and a bottle of elixir here. I secretly give it to you now, so that your cultivation progress will not lose to that person's. Then there will be another good show to watch."

Qi Lin smiled.

"Sorry, Yang is not keen on the position of jailer captain."

Yang Fan shook his head and left.

Looking at his leaving back, Qi Lin was very surprised, and then said meaningfully: "I'm afraid this person is not simple..."

As a jailer, everything was normal, and nothing major happened in Tianluo Prison during this period.

After all, such things as escape and robbery are extremely rare.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten years have passed.

Through communication with other local jailers and law enforcement immortals in Tianluo Prison, Yang Fan has a certain understanding of the heavens.

Heaven is the original interface that was born after the initial chaos.

Equivalent in status, there is also the underworld.

The Immortal Realm and the Buddhist Realm that are attached to the Heaven Realm are all interfaces born later, and their status is slightly lower, but they are also as strong as clouds, losing to the higher upper realm space.

The Celestial Realm is divided into two major regions: the Inner Domain and the Outer Domain.

Outland is the "Galaxy World" where Yang Fan is at the moment.

The inner domain, however, is the core and origin of the celestial world - the starry sky world.

The jailers and law enforcement immortals in Tianluo Prison are at the right level. They have only heard the legend of "Star World", but they don't know the specific situation.

The Outer Domain Galaxy is divided into eight major star domains.

Each star field has tens of thousands of galaxies.

There are trillions of planets in every galaxy.

Take the "quick sand galaxy" where Tianchenxing is located as an example, it belongs to one of the 18 galaxies in the Great Cloud Star Field.

In the Quicksand galaxy, there are at least ten trillion planets like Tianchenxing.

The world of stars and rivers in the heavens is vast and boundless, and there are even many unknown areas that have not been explored.

Regarding the situation on Tianchenxing, Yang Fan knew the famous "Three Clans and Four Clans".

As the name suggests, these are the three top sects and the four super families.

They are all giants on Tianchenxing.

Of course, on top of the "Three Clans and Four Clans", there is also the supreme "Star Lord".

On each planet, Xingjun is the nominal supreme ruler.

The "Star Mansion" where Xingjun lives has power all over the planet, and is inextricably linked with the three clans and four clans, and they check and balance each other.

"Tianchenxing is so insignificant in the galaxy world, and I am placed on Tianchenxing at this moment, and it is also insignificant. There are countless high-ranking true immortals and golden immortals who are stronger than me..."

Yang Fan sighed in his heart.

But he still has fighting spirit in his heart.

In the past ten years, apart from performing tasks, Yang Fan has spent most of his time deducing the formula of "Land Fruit Period".

However, this is not an easy task.

"The reincarnation stage...needs to really enter death and the great cycle of reincarnation, understand life and death, surpass life and death, and master life and death..."

Yang Fan's expectation for the next realm is unprecedentedly strong.

After the round fruit stage, there are still several realms with a general direction, which appear vague.

This gave him greater confidence that one day, he would be able to step onto the pinnacle of the upper realm, look down on the boundless galaxy, and look down on the endless universe.

In the past ten years, Zhang Bing and Li Jing have been hanging out together, occasionally running errands for the criminals in the No. [-] cell.

Every time, the two have to borrow the key from Yang Fan.

After getting the benefits, Yang Fan will also be separated from some of the oil and water.

Yang Fan didn't have to do anything to get benefits, so Zhang Bing and Li Jing were naturally unwilling.

In fact, Yang Fan didn't care about these low-grade immortal stones at all.

You must know that he once obtained a large amount of top-grade immortal stones in the Blood Sun Palace.

The fairy stone in the upper realm is a common currency.

The rarer the fairy stone, the higher the value.

Only 100 yuan of low-grade immortal stone can be exchanged for a middle-grade immortal stone.

Only 1000 yuan of middle-grade immortal stone can be exchanged for a piece of high-grade immortal master.

Only 1 yuan for a high-grade immortal master can be exchanged for a top-grade immortal stone.

That is to say, a top grade fairy stone can be exchanged for 10 billion ordinary fairy stones! !

After knowing the price of a top-quality fairy stone, Yang Fan suddenly realized why even the eminent monk Nianci and the pretty fairy nun couldn't restrain the temptation in the Tibetan Crystal Palace, and finally died because of it.

You must know that in the hidden crystal palace, the top grade fairy stones are piled up like a mountain.

In Tianchenxing, ordinary currency circulates, but it is still a low-grade spirit stone.

Even in higher-level places, the ordinary currency in circulation is only middle-grade or top-grade.

After some guessing, Yang Fan found that the fairy stones he had mastered were more than enough even if he bought ten or a hundred Tianchen stars.

——But without the corresponding strength, even buying a planet is futile and cannot truly rule.

"The real treasure of the hidden crystal palace is not these fairy stones, but the crystal Buddha sculpture."

Yang Fan thought of the crystal Buddha sculpture he got from the Tibetan Crystal Palace.

On the crystal Buddha sculpture, hundreds of millions of Buddhist scriptures and principles are engraved, which has the miraculous effect of purifying the mind and suppressing demons.

However, with Yang Fan's cultivation and level, it is far from being able to comprehend the secret of this Buddha sculpture.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Yang Fan has made new progress in deducing the round fruit period.

In his realm, not only has half of his foot stepped into the reincarnation period, but he has also completed seven or eight out of ten of the exercises and formulas.

"Give me another 100 years, up to 500 years, and I can complete the mantra formula, and enter the round fruit period within a thousand years."

Yang Fan looked forward to it.

Moreover, after a thousand years, it was time for him to regain his freedom.

On this day, while patrolling the prison as usual.

Swish! !

Zhang Bing flickered and stood in front of Yang Fan: "Fan Daoyou, it has been 20 years since I challenged you last time."

20 years?
Yang Fan suddenly realized.

There is a limit to challenging your superiors, and you can only challenge once in a maximum of 20 years.

"So, you are still dissatisfied in your heart, and you still want to challenge Fan?"

Yang Fan said a little playfully.


Zhang Bing gave a cold drink.

Soon, a notary was called in, and a dozen guards watched in front of Cell No. 9.

Zhang Bing exuded a terrible cold breath, which made ordinary jailers deeply disturbed.

"Hehe, this piece of ice not only completely transforms the body of a fairy, but also reaches the peak of a first-level true immortal, which is only one step away from a second-level true immortal."

The captain of the prison guard in Cell No. [-] said with a smile, his eyes full of anticipation.

Everyone else is gearing up and excited.

Canopy! !

In a flash, the two figures clashed together.

Taking the same situation 20 years ago, it happened again:
Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng ~ ~ ~
Yang Fan was shaken back and let out a muffled grunt. A layer of frost had already formed between his palms, and his face was pale. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Boom! !
Zhang Bing, however, was sent flying by a palm and hit the golden attic, screaming and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"how can that be……"

Zhang Bing was seriously injured and lost his combat power, completely incoherent: "No...impossible..."

The jailers who watched the battle were all taken aback for a moment, and then dispersed in a hurry.

"It's so boring."

"Still sucks."

"What a disappointment..."


And the eyes of the two prisoners in No. 9 cell: Qi Lin and Leng Jianfeng, all twinkled.

Tebi was Na Qilin, with a face full of shock and puzzlement.

After a storm is over.

"Your Excellency is not a simple jailer. Why don't you cooperate with Qi? Do you really want to stay in this ghost place for a long time?"

Qi Lin stared at Yang Fan with flickering eyes.

"Hehe, why not stay here? Fan really likes this place."

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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