Xianhong Road

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042
In the core of Tianluo Prison, in a fully enclosed underground palace.

A Xuanjia man sat cross-legged on the highest throne in the hall, looked at the little old man below, and said slowly: "That 'Qi Lin' of the Yulin Sect, escaped successfully?"

"Yes, Lord Warden, the prison escape was successful...but there are others who escaped together..."

The little old man looked flustered and spoke hesitantly.

"There is also Leng Jianfeng who is also in the 'Nine Swords Gate' of Cell No. 9?"

The man in Xuanjia looked detached, looked at the little old man below, and said with a smile: "Then Qi Lin is very smart and ruthless. With him alone, the chances of successfully escaping from prison are not great."

Hearing the words, the little old man became even more flustered, with cold sweat on his forehead, and said anxiously: "Report to your lord, there are also 'Old Demon Lu' and 'Death Wind' in Cell No. [-]..."

"What! These two prisoners escaped early?"

The Xuanjia man stood up with a "teng".

Suddenly, the entire hall seemed to be covered by a million-jin mountain, and the invisible shadow made the surrounding space faintly tremble.

With the strength of the little old man Jiuzhong True Immortal, it was difficult for him to move an inch at this moment, and he held back a mouthful of blood rushing to his throat while his blood was churning.

"Tiangan Laomo and Qiancunsha, these two old immortals, have negotiated with me hundreds of years ago to no avail. Could it be that they secretly manipulated it?"

There was a trace of haze on the face of the Xuanjia man.

"There was indeed a mysterious strong man at the scene, but he used poison. It is suspected to be someone from Tianluo Prison..."

The little old man said cautiously.

"Use poison?" the man in Xuanjia fell into deep thought.

The little old man knew very well in his heart that the reason why Qi Lin had the opportunity to escape this time was because of the negotiations between the senior officials of the Yulin Sect and Luo Tianyu.

Even if this Lord Warden, as a Daluo Jinxian, is a top powerhouse in the whole Tianchenxing, he has to give a little face to giants like Yulinzong and Jiujianmen.

Therefore, the warden turned a blind eye and ignored the prison escape that day.

In history, more than [-]% of the successful escapes from Tianluo Prison were done with the acquiescence of the warden.

Of course, every acquiescence means huge oil and water.

Hundreds of years ago, Lao Mo Lu and the elders behind Dao Mingfeng failed to negotiate with the warden because the price they were willing to pay was too low.

The warden tried to blackmail them, but failed.

Therefore, regarding the escape of Lao Mo Lu and Dao Mingfeng in Cell No. [-], the warden felt extremely unwilling and gloomy.

"Investigate for me... who did it?"

The warden's roar reverberated throughout Tianluo Prison like thunder.

An invisible spiritual power, with Tianluo Prison as the center, diffuses for millions of miles.


At this moment, in the depths of the desert, whether it was the escaped criminals Qi Lin, Leng Jianfeng and others, or Yang Fan who was plotting secretly, they all felt a terrifying aura.

An indescribable crisis came from the direction of Tianluo Prison.

Yang Fan's mind was shaken, his sense of crisis was stronger, his breathing seemed to be suppressed, he quickly concealed his breath, and operated the technique of reincarnation, so that he fell into a state of mind like a dead tree.


call out--

A silver light flashed across the sky, and a figure like a god stood in the sky above the desert for millions of miles.

An aura overlooking all beings in the world, from top to bottom, made hundreds of millions of creatures in the desert tremble.

The barren desert, deathly silence.

Even the sound of wind and sand was frozen.

I can't feel the flow of air, and even the sunlight outside is faintly distorted, making it look dim.

Yang Fan's whole body turned into a grain of sand, controlling the nature of life, allowing his breath to blend with the surrounding desert.

At this time, a powerful spiritual consciousness swept across the boundless desert.

Qi Lin, Leng Jianfeng, Ziyi Fairy and others were all stiff and cold, hiding in the pit, motionless.

"No...how could he make a move?"

The purple-clothed fairy muttered to herself, not daring to imagine.

If there is a strong person at this level, even if they have ten times more people, they will not be able to escape from Tianluo Prison, and they will not even be able to get out of Cell No. [-].

Soon, that godlike shadow found its target.

Swish! !

He directly used teleportation supernatural powers, moved tens of thousands of miles, and appeared above an oasis.

"Forgive me...my lord, forgive me!!"

Old Demon Lu crawled on the ground, unable to move at all.

The overwhelming coercion surged from heaven and earth, causing him to vomit blood, and his soul almost collapsed.

"The rules of Tianluo Prison, prison breakers, break a leg."

A cold voice came from above.

Click! !
One of Old Devil Lu's legs was directly twisted off by an inexplicable invisible force in the space, and blood overflowed.


Old Demon Lu's miserable scream and the cry from his soul clearly reached the ears of several escapees in the nearby area.

Yang Fan only felt a chill in his soul.

He couldn't estimate the strength of the person who made the shot, but the high-ranking true immortal was like an ant in front of him, and he could be crushed to death with a single hand.

Afterwards, that spiritual consciousness wandered around the desert again, searching for a long time, and soon found the Death-killing Wind.

"It's very hidden?"

The voice was cold, with hints of playfulness.

Swish! !

A ghostly gray shadow jumped out of the desert, but did not escape.

Click! !
The gray shadow directly broke his leg, and said calmly, "Master Warden, are you satisfied?"

Knowing that he had no power to fight back in front of Da Luo Jinxian, he simply did it himself to avoid the severe pain that penetrated into his soul.

"You're smart and you know the time."

The god-like figure nodded in satisfaction.


A moment later, the law enforcement immortal guards rushed over, detained the two felons, and put them on iron chains.

And that lofty warden is still hovering above the desert.

Yang Fan felt a more detailed sense of consciousness swept across his own desert.

At this moment, he felt that death was so close to him.

Qi Lin, Leng Jianfeng, Ziyi Fairy and others all curled up in the bunker, motionless.

"Take it back and interrogate."

The warden snorted coldly, turned into a meteor-like glow, and returned to Tianluo Prison.

After he left, Qi Lin and the others felt relieved of their burden.

"Fortunately...he kept his promise."

The purple-clothed fairy wiped off the fragrant sweat on her forehead.

They didn't think that they and others could escape Da Luo Jinxian's search.

Even the fatal wind who is best at concealing assassinations is not lucky, let alone them.

"Let's go our separate ways."

Leng Jianfeng, dressed in white, flew away through the air, controlling the immortal sword in his mouth.

Several disciples of Yulin Sect, including Qi Lin and Fairy Ziyi, flew away in another direction.

Yang Fan hid in the desert, motionless.

Some kind of induction tells him that the crisis has not gone away.

Half a month later, an insignificant divine consciousness came from Tianluo Prison and quietly swept across the entire desert

Time slipped away.

half year later.

Yang Fan fell more than ten feet below the desert, motionless.

One year...two years...three years...eight years...

Finally, ten years later, a shadow floated up, leaping over the desert without making a sound and without using any mana.

A month later, after flying a hundred thousand miles, he quietly used his mana, turned into a wild goose, and flew towards a certain direction outside the desert.

It took two full months before Yang Fan flew out of this desert.

At this time, he was still flying like a wild goose, and met many immortals from the upper realm along the way.

Unknowingly, he entered the human world of Tianchenxing.

Yang Fan discovered that even in the Upper Realm, not everyone is a fairy.

There are also many mortals here, occupying a large population base.

But the mortals on Tianchenxing must be at least above the Nascent Soul Stage.

But the strange thing is that many mortals practice some kind of body refining technique.

This kind of body refining technique can be easily cultivated to a level comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Stage.

If you practice to the extreme, you can even resist the thunder with your body and survive the catastrophe.

Yang Fan was curious, and finally turned into a refined youth and entered the vast world of Tianchenxing.

Randomly enter a secular martial arts gym, and exchange a piece of fairy stone for a body training technique from a martial artist.

After the martial artist got the fairy stone, he was overjoyed and told Yang Fan that physical training skills are widely spread in the world, but very few can practice to the extreme, unless there are a lot of heavenly and earthly treasures to assist.

"It is said that the immortals hold the 'immortal refining technique' in their hands, which can allow ordinary people to cultivate to the Mahayana stage within ten thousand years."

The martial artist revealed this information to Yang Fan again, his eyes showed longing.

Yang Fan first studied the body training technique, and with his height, he could naturally comprehend it quickly, and soon found that this technique was too rough.

After spending some time, he improved and optimized this body training technique and passed it on to relatives and friends in Tianlan Immortal Mansion.

In fact, this body training technique is only suitable for places like the upper realm full of fairy spirits, and it is extremely difficult to practice it in the lower realm.

But the living place of Xianhong's space reflects the space where Yang Fan lives. The aura is comparable to that of the outside world, and there is an extremely rare and pure aura of life.It can be said that the cultivation environment is much better than ordinary places in the heavens.

As for the "immortal refining technique" that the martial artist said, Yang Fan guessed that it was a practice formula in the hands of an immortal, and the practice effect was better than this kind of body training technique.

"With the combination of body training technique and immortal cultivation technique, we can have greater confidence in overcoming the catastrophe."

Yang Fan asked Yang Chen, the son of Tianlan Immortal Mansion, to practice this body training technique.

After traveling in Tianchenxing for a period of time, Yang Fan has a certain understanding of the current situation and customs of this planet.

Half a year ago, he entered the trading castle in the fairy world.

The entire city is suspended on the clouds of the Nine Heavens, and transactions between immortals are only allowed.

Yang Fan had a large amount of fairy stones in his hands, but he didn't dare to use them unscrupulously. He carefully bought a batch of materials and fairy tools, and left in a hurry.

On this day, he flew to a lake with excellent aura conditions, and pondered: "The aura here is good, and the environment is elegant and quiet, which is just right for me to deduce and cultivate."

He searched for a secret place, set up a phantom formation, and first used the purchased materials to further condense the reincarnation disk.

Before he knew it, the reincarnation disk had become his only talisman, and he hoped to condense this disk to the extreme.

one year later.

The quality of the reincarnation disc has improved again.

Yang Fan finally started to deduce with all his strength.

Nine out of ten of the deduction of the reincarnation period has been completed, and there is still a final step to step into a new realm.

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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