Xianhong Road

Chapter 1045 Reverse Immortal Blood

Chapter 1045 Reverse Immortal Blood
ten years?

Fang Zhenzhen was shocked, his eyes were complicated, and he was very suspicious: this mysterious sick and weak scholar in front of him really has such supernatural powers?
If this is the case, why can't he recover the shackles of his dying life?
In his eyes, this is an impenetrable, enigmatic man.

"Can he really create this miracle?"

Although Fang Zhen's intuition told him that the other party didn't seem to be lying to him.

But judging with common sense and reason...it's simply impossible! !

Even if the Daluo Jinxian came, there was no such assurance, unless it was the legendary Nine Heavens Profound Immortal...

"Ten years is just a conservative estimate, because your immortal soul was forcibly gathered by me, and my supernatural power strengthened it. With your original realm and the power of immortal soul, with my help, It is not difficult to restore the original mana."

"The difficulty lies in how much you can expand your potential."

Yang Fan was unremarkable, like muttering to himself.

Ten years... This is still a conservative estimate! !
Fang Zhen was shocked to the extreme.

If the mysterious man in front of him hadn't deceived himself, then what kind of powerful existence would he have been?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a little more awe and admiration in his eyes.

From late at night to the next morning, Yang Fan was helping Fang Zhen to consolidate the newly conceived "fairy baby".

The reason why it is said to be a fairy baby is because it is a Nascent Soul condensed with fairy soul and fairy power.

"The same realm, different heights, with such a foundation of cultivation, after you reach the first-level true immortal in the future, you can completely defeat the second-level true immortal."

Yang Fan stared at Fang Zhen, who had completely consolidated the Nascent Soul, with a strange look in his eyes.

This method of returning to the lower realm with high mana and soul power, and reuniting the Nascent Soul, gave him inspiration.

This inspiration is helpful to Yang Fan's understanding and deduction of the round fruit period and the Yunsheng period.

In the early morning, it was very noisy outside.

"What's going on, this is my house, how dare you break in!!"

Fang Zhen shouted in shock.

A group of Fang clan children came from outside, rummaging through boxes and boxes, carrying things in.

"Hmph, you are a waste of the Fang family, and you still want to live in such a luxurious house? There is a rule in the clan that only true fairyland disciples are eligible to live in such a large house."

The leading disciple of the Fang family sneered.

Even if he is a labor laborer, he still has the cultivation base of the integration period, and he doesn't take Fang Zhen seriously at all.

"Yo, my Fang family's great genius..."

Fang Qiang came over at some point, with a playful look on his face: "Why, do you still want to live in this big mansion?"

"Huh? You actually already have the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base."

Fang Qiang was a little surprised and felt an inexplicable pressure.

"Hmph, those two idiots wanted to abolish my cultivation, but they didn't completely. With the help of Mr. Yang, a hermit doctor, I used the remaining magic power of the immortal soul to condense the Nascent Soul overnight."

Fang Zhen sneered.

When the Nascent Soul was condensed last night, Yang Fan asked him to think up his speech.

Cultivation is not completely abolished?
When Fang Qiang heard the words, he believed them half to eighty percent, and cursed in his heart, those two worthless people pretended to be the masters of Los Angeles, and they didn't do things cleanly and thoroughly after giving so many immortal stones.

However, he never paid much attention to Fang Zhen in the Nascent Soul Stage, and said with a sneer: "There is a place where we live, like the place where the servants of the clan live, Fang Datian is always welcome..."

Fang Zhen remained silent and left with Yang Fan.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Fang Qiang murmured to himself: "This sick and weak scholar is really not simple. Could it be that he is really a hidden doctor?"

Staring at Yang Fan's weak figure, Fang Qiang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he murmured: "I don't allow any accidents to happen, especially Fang Zhen's hope of recovering his cultivation..."

Yang Fan and Fang Zhen left Fang's house and came to live in an inn in Los Angeles.

The environment of the Tianjie Inn is quite different from that of the Ordinary Realm. Each guest room is a small cave, with different levels of gathering spirit arrays set up inside. The layout is exquisite, elegant and refined.

However, the price is also expensive, ranging from one fairy stone to ten fairy stones per night, and there are even luxurious and first-class rooms, which are equivalent to a small fairy house, and one hundred fairy stones per night.

Yang Fan directly booked an ordinary guest room for ten years, which was a huge amount of more than 3000 fairy stones.

Fang Zhen touched the space ring, secretly ashamed that he couldn't take out so many fairy stones.

He was born in an ordinary family, and his family usually rewarded him with a lot of immortal stones and salary, but he spent a lot of money on long-term cultivation, so it was really difficult for him to take out three thousand immortal stones at once.

On the other hand, Yang Fan, as soon as he sold more than 30 middle-grade immortal stones, he directly settled them, which made Fang Zhen and the shopkeeper speechless.

Although the middle-grade fairy stones are not top-notch, they are still very rare in Tianchenxing, especially in Luo City.

And Yang Fan took out dozens of middle-grade immortal stones, without even blinking his eyes, understatement.

How did they know that Yang Fan possessed a huge amount of immortal stones, and the wealth he possessed was more than enough to buy ten or hundreds of Celestial Stars.

Upper Realm Immortal Stone, the higher the quality, the higher the value.

A piece of top-grade fairy stone can be exchanged for one billion ordinary fairy stones. The top-grade fairy stones that Yang Fan searched for at the beginning were piled up like a mountain.

Of course, if Yang Fan can grasp a certain degree, he will not take out a top-grade fairy stone to exchange, otherwise it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

The two lived in this cave-style guest room, which was extremely spacious. Yang Fan asked Fang Zhen to continue to consolidate his cultivation and hit the stage of becoming a god.

With the realm of comprehension in his body and such a powerful fairy baby as the foundation, Fang Zhen was successfully promoted to Huashen in less than two months.

In fact, Fang Zhen was able to accelerate forward several small realms in a short period of time, but was stopped by Yang Fan.

"The foundation is very important, you don't need to be too fast."

Yang Fan took out ginseng fairy fruit, jasper sky soul fruit, and flat peach three kinds of fairy fruits, ten each, and asked him to take one each every year for ten years.

These three kinds of fairy fruits, even if placed in the upper realm, are good treasures of heaven and earth, and have a good nourishing effect on the true fairy level.

Fang Zhen swallowed one of each of the three kinds of fairy fruits, and his cultivation realm greatly increased. In the next year, he was promoted to the fusion stage.

This is the situation that Yang Fan tried his best to make him suppress.

The two of them stayed in the guest room most of the time, and Yang Fan went out occasionally. As for Fang Zhen, Yang Fan was not allowed to go out for half a step.

That night, Yang Fan was still comprehending and deducing the Dao of Immortals, but he suddenly had a feeling.

Whizzing! !
Two black shadows landed in front of the guest room like ghosts, one watched the wind, and the other took out a special jade talisman and tried to break the restrictions around the guest room.

In the forbidden corner, a hole the size of a door was quickly opened.

With a "shua shua", the two black shadows rushed into the guest room together, their movements extremely swift.

Fang Zhen was practicing retreat in the guest room, but before he could react, he was restrained by one of the shadows.

"Tsk tsk, it's really amazing. You have cultivated to the fusion stage so quickly. Could it be that the abolition of your cultivation last time was really incomplete?"

The black shadow laughed jokingly.

Another black shadow approached Yang Fan in the blink of an eye, and slapped it with a palm. The fairy spirit in the entire cave was suffocated, and there was a low whistling in the air.

Snapped! !

Hitting Yang Fan with one palm is definitely a fatal blow, enough to kill ordinary low-level true immortals.

However, after hitting Yang Fan with the force of that palm, it disappeared out of thin air like a stone sinking into the ocean.

But the shadow-masked man who made the attack froze.

what happened?

Containing Fang Zhen's black shadow, he let out a low cry.

And the next moment, an astonishing scene happened: the black shadow in front of Yang Fan was breathing, his flesh withered and turned into a skeleton.

The vitality was drained alive in an instant.

Yang Fan didn't do anything at all, and he didn't see him using mana.

As soon as the black shadow's hand touched him, his vitality was sucked away by a mysterious force.

This force not only extracts the vitality of Sombra, but also extracts Yang Fan's own vitality.

chi chi~~~
The dry skeleton turned into fly ash in an instant, disappearing invisible.

Such a horrifying scene made Fang Zhen and the triple true immortal who was restraining him terrified physically and mentally.

Without doing anything at all, a triple true immortal powerhouse will be drained of life force without any resistance, and will be annihilated in an instant.

What level of powerhouse is this?
Another black shadow, trembling physically and mentally, with fear in its eyes, screamed and wanted to run away.

Where to go?
Yang Fan stood in front of him in just one step.

Bang! !

The black shadow was caught off guard and bumped into Yang Fan.

The same situation happened again, and within one or two breaths, this triple true immortal also lost his vitality and disappeared in an instant.

After finishing these, Yang Fan glanced at Fang Zhen lightly, and said with a smile: "Practice hard!!"

Fang Zhen shivered, the fear in his heart could not be suppressed, but when he faced the warm and friendly smile on Yang Fan's face, he felt inexplicable awe and admiration.

"Mr. Yang's strength is too strong. Looking at the Fang family in Luocheng, apart from the ancestor, I am afraid that no one is his opponent."

After seeing Yang Fan's strength, Fang Zhen was full of confidence. According to Yang Fan's method, he was not in a hurry or impatient, and cultivated with heart.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed, and Fang Zhen has steadily entered the period of crossing the catastrophe.

At this time, Yang Fan smiled and said to him: "Almost, it's time for you to take that stuff..."

Could it be that Mr. Yang, is there any trump card at the bottom of the box?

Fang was secretly startled and looked forward to it.

I saw Yang Fan's hands quickly making a tactic, setting up many restrictions in the guest room.

Then, with a serious expression on his face, a purple-gold liquid appeared in his hand.

Fang Zhen's eyes and mind were instantly attracted by this thing. The liquid droplet was crystal clear, glowing with golden purple awn, like a beautiful treasure in the world.

"Before taking this blood, you need to swear a poisonous oath not to disclose this matter to anyone, even any details."

Yang Fan's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

In fact, there is a lot of Ni Xianxue in his hand, not just one bottle.

It's just a drop of Ni Xian's blood, less than one percent of the total amount.

He has already made a decision, either he does not make a move, or he must create a peerless powerhouse.

With Fang Zhen's true height, it was impossible to predict the existence of Ni Xianxue, but seeing Yang Fan's expression, he knew that this thing was no small matter, so he immediately swore the heart demon poisonous oath.

Then Yang Fan asked him to sit cross-legged, and swallowed the Nixian blood that made countless strong men in the Seven Realms unable to resist its temptation.

Yang Fan stood aside to protect him and assist him in consuming the divine blood.

Finally, after two months, Fang Zhen slowly opened his eyes, exuding a taboo aura from his body, a golden light flashed in his eyes, making the spirits around him tremble.

"This power... so powerful..."

Fang Zhen was ecstatically excited, unbelievable, and felt that he had some kind of supernatural power out of thin air.

"Hehe, congratulations, you have successfully absorbed this blood... From now on, you will embark on the road of being a top expert in the Seven Realms."

Yang Fan smiled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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