Xianhong Road

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047
Fang Zhen used the magical power of the indestructible vajra blood, and his strength skyrocketed several times. With absolute strength, he defeated Fang Qiang.

That last blow shocked the audience, and made the senior members of the Fang clan turn pale.

In Los Angeles, a fringe fairy city, those who can reach the middle rank of true immortals can have a decent status and rank among the middle and high-level of a big power.

Fang Zhen, with a mere true immortal at the first level, can hit an attack that is comparable to that of a middle-ranked true immortal, which can be called shocking.

Around the fighting platform, thousands of practitioners were in an uproar.

"Fang Zhen! Fang Zhen!! Fang Zhen!!!..."

Many children in the clan shouted Fang Zhen's name, awe and worship in their hearts.

Fang Zhen's last blow was like a god descending, breaking the ground and shaking the sky. It was unstoppable and convinced many new generations in Luo City.

Even the strong men of the older generation were shocked by the blow that turned the tide.

The senior members of the Fang Clan, the focus of the eyes of many older generations shifted from Fang Zhen to Yang Fan.

Ever since meeting this weak scholar, Fang Zhen's fate has undergone a huge turning point.

What kind of strange person is this?
Could it be the hidden master, Da Luo Jinxian! ?
The higher-ups, including the Patriarch Fang Wei, looked solemn.

"Master, I didn't perform well just now, but I finally lived up to your cultivation."

Fang Zhen walked up to Yang Fan, bowed his head and said obediently.

There was still a bit of shame on his face, as if he was ashamed of the teacher's teaching.

"Is this not working well?"

The faces of the people around them twitched violently.

Fang Zhen, who was still majestic just now, is so obedient in front of this weak scholar at the moment, which makes people amazed, and even more curious about Yang Fan's identity.

"This is definitely a hidden master, otherwise it would be impossible for Fang Zhen to recover his cultivation in a short period of time and possess such combat power."

The senior members of the Fang clan looked at each other in blank dismay.

Hidden expert! !
Several elders of the Fang clan basically agreed with this point of view.

After the battle, the victor "Fang Zhen", like a shining star, became the king among the rookies in Los Angeles! !

However, those who are interested pay more attention to the mysterious master behind Fang Zhen.

"If I can also worship this person as my teacher, I don't want to be as brave and invincible as Fang Zhen, at least I can have five of his skills."

Many Los Angeles rookies stared blankly at Yang Fan.

When Yang Fan and Fang Zhen left the fighting stage, people came to compliment them one after another, and some even directly expressed their intention to apprentice to Yang Fan.

"Mr. Yang, as long as you are willing to accept me as an apprentice, you are willing to be a cow or a horse."

A young man from Los Angeles with a dark complexion said earnestly.

"Hehe, Yang's acceptance of apprentices is based on fate and talent."

Yang Fan shook his head and refused: "Fang Zhen has a destiny with me, and there is a hidden blood of ancient gods and demons in his body, so Yang made an exception and accepted him as a disciple."

Hearing this, the other teenagers who wanted to be apprentices were extremely disappointed.

In terms of qualifications, they are far from being able to compare with Fang Zhen.

In fact, even a person with ordinary aptitude can be created by Yang Fan into a peerless master in the future.

"The bloodline of ancient gods and demons? When we checked Fang Zhen's aptitude, we didn't find this hidden bloodline talent..."

An elder of the Fang family, a fourth-level true immortal, showed shock and remorse.

In the vast human world, some darlings of the sky will have a certain kind of blood that ordinary people can't match when they are born.

However, the probability of this is very low, and among the hundreds of millions of human beings, it may not be possible for one to appear.

This kind of bloodline inheritance is equivalent to the beasts in the world of the monster race.

Patriarch Fang Wei sighed: "I didn't expect such a genius to appear in my family. I am afraid that there is no one in the entire Tianchen star. If it is cultivated by gravity, it will be sent to the main line of the Fang family in the future. It will definitely make my branch of the Fang family rise." .”


That night, Yang Fan and Fang Zhen went back to the inn as usual.

But all the high-level members of the Fang family, including the head of the family, Fang Wei, came to greet him in person.

"Really, it is a great honor for the Fang family to produce a genius like you. If you come back with me, the family will definitely try their best to train you."

Patriarch Fang Wei said solemnly.

Fang Zhen looked cold and refused, "I'm afraid the Fang family doesn't need a waste like me."

As soon as this remark came out, all the elders of the Fang clan were very embarrassed.

If people like Fang Zhen who have the blood of ancient gods and demons call themselves trash, then in the entire Luo City, in the entire Tianchenxing, who else would dare to call themselves a genius?
That night, the elders of the Fang family tried their best to persuade them, said all kinds of good things, and promised countless benefits and privileges.

Yi Fang has a real temper and will not agree at all.

But at this moment, Yang Fan, who had been silent all this time, said: "With the support of family power, it can accelerate the rise of a peerless powerhouse. Master will not stay in Tianchenxing for a lifetime. If you don't go back to Fang's house, you have no other choice." .”

"Yes, Master."

Fang Zhen immediately agreed to the Hui nationality.

In fact, under the persuasion of all kinds of kind words from the elders of the Patriarch, Fang Zhen was already tempted, but he couldn't lose that face.

Everyone in the Fang family in Luocheng, relieved of their burden, couldn't help showing gratitude to Yang Fan.

Now this Fangzhen, besides Shizun, I am afraid that he will not easily buy other people's account.

These family elders are more respectful to Yang Fan in words and deeds, and dare not be slighted.

That night, Fang Zhen returned to the family's original house.

Each of the large houses in the fairy city is a large and expensive cave, and there are caves inside.

"The master will live here from now on, and the disciple will finally not need to spend the immortal stone of the master to stay in the inn."

Fang Zhen said sincerely.

After returning to the clan, Fang Wei, the head of the family, rewarded him with five thousand fairy stones. He also tried his best to return those spirit stones to Yang Fan, but was rejected.

"As a teacher, I don't lack these fairy stones. On the contrary, you are in the stage of rapid improvement in your cultivation and realm, and you need a lot of cultivation resources."

Yang Fan refused with a smile.

From this day on, Yang Fan stayed at Fang's house and stayed with his apprentice, most of the time was still used to deduce the Immortal Hong Jue.

There is still no substantive breakthrough in the bottleneck of the reincarnation period. On the contrary, it is the next level of "Yunsheng period", which Yang Fan has already deduced [-] to [-]%.

Twenty years later, Fang Zhen stepped into the second stage of true immortality steadily, causing a sensation.

It only took 20 years to go from the first level of the real immortal to the second level, which is really shocking.

In fact, this was the case when Yang Fan tried his best to ask Fang Zhen to lay a solid foundation.

The Nine Layers of True Immortals, the further you go to the back, the more difficult it will be to break through every time, just like the mountain peaks that are higher than each other.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary immortals need to break through from the first level to the second level, ranging from four to five hundred years, and as many as two to three thousand years. This is not a lack of skills and cultivation resources.

And to break through from the second level to the third level, the time needed is generally ten times that of breaking through the second level! !

After reaching the seventh and eighth-fold high-ranking immortals, it will take hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years at every turn.

According to Yang Fan's understanding after arriving in the heaven, even immortals are not immortal, and their lifespan is endless.

A true immortal has a maximum lifespan of 1000 million years, while ordinary true immortals can live from one million to several million years.

Immortality is only a relative term.

But compared to mortals and ordinary cultivators, their lifespan of millions or tens of millions of years can indeed be called immortality.

Therefore, in the world of immortals, the goal and direction of their cultivation is "eternal and immortal".

If one can cultivate to the level of Daluo Jinxian, the lifespan will be in the hundreds of millions.

If you are lucky enough to spy on the legendary "Nine Heavens Profound Immortal" level, you can live the same life as the seven worlds, which is almost "eternal".

Yang Fan is currently in the early stage of Lunguo, and he reckons that if he can enter the middle and late stage, he should be able to compete with the strong at the Da Luo Jinxian level.

However, there is still the last bottleneck left in the reincarnation period, which makes him insurmountable.

Yang Fan doesn't take the initiative to cultivate now, but his body can cultivate by itself.

The time is long, and the years are rushing.

In the blink of an eye, 200 years have passed.

Yang Fan stayed in Los Angeles all the time, and Fang Zhen was also promoted to the fourth level of True Immortal on this day.

It only took 200 years to go from the second level of true immortals to the fourth level, which is unprecedented in the entire history of Los Angeles.

Looking at Tianchenxing, apart from the famous "Nine Swords Immortal Emperor" back then, no one can compare with it.

With Fang Zhen's astonishing speed of cultivation, he was naturally praised as "the star of heaven" by the Fang family of Luocheng.

Now the number one talent in Los Angeles, the title of number one rookie, is none other than Fang Zhen.

Yang Fan, a talented teacher, is even called a legend.

In the past 200 years, Yang Fan's deduction of Yunsheng period has been completed seventy-eight out of ten, and the more difficult it is to get to the later stage.

Although he didn't practice, his cultivation base has entered the middle stage of the wheel without knowing it.

Yang Fan, who was in the middle stage of the fruit wheel, was even weaker, with a vicissitudes of life on his brows.

Fang Zhen's promotion to the fourth level of real immortality, reaching the level of a middle-ranked immortal, caused a sensation in Los Angeles.

There are tens of millions of cultivators within the area of ​​Luocheng, and less than one-tenth of them can reach the realm of immortality.

And less than one in ten thousand can reach the middle-level true immortal realm.

Fang Zhen was promoted to the rank of immortal in such a short period of time, making countless people look forward to his future.

On this day, the most mysterious patriarch of the Fang family met Yang Fan and Fang Zhen in person.

It is said that the ancestor of the Fang family was a high-ranking immortal with supernatural powers.

There are not many high-ranking immortals in the entire Los Angeles City, and they are all the most powerful in this area.

In the secret room of the Fang family, Yang Fan met the ancestor for the first time.

During the meeting, Yang Fan was surprised to find that the ancestor of the Fang family had reached the Ninth Layer True Immortal Realm.

Ninefold High Rank Immortal! !

This is already the most powerful player within the scope of Los Angeles.

The ancestor of the Fang family had a childlike face with a crane hair, a calm demeanor, his eyes were sometimes cloudy, and sometimes pressing like a torch.

When they met, most of his mind was focused on Yang Fan, but he couldn't see through this person at all, so his words and deeds were more cautious and polite.

After some courtesies, the ancestor of the Fang family explained his intentions slowly: "I'm looking for you two to come here this time, mainly to explain two things."

"The first thing is, I hope that Mr. Yang can become the honorary elder of my Fang family in Los Angeles and enjoy my family's salary, but there is no obligation."

The ancestor of the Fang family had a bit of earnestness in his eyes.

He was also puzzled, how could the weak scholar in front of him, who seemed to be dying, be able to train such a rare talent like Fang Zhen?

Yang Fan smiled, but he agreed. He used to be an elder of honor, elder of power, and great elder.He just didn't start a sect.

"The second thing is that the old man has already reported Fang Zhen's situation to the main line of the Fang family, one of the 'three clans and four clans' of Tianchenxing. The main line family promised to take in and train Zhen'er. After three years, I hope that Mr. Yang can accompany Fang Let’s go to the place of the Fang family——Fang Tian City!!”

The ancestor of the Fang family had a deep hope in his eyes: "As long as I branch off from a lineage, a Daluo Jinxian will be born, and I will be famous all over the world, and Megatron will shake the stars."

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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