Xianhong Road

Chapter 1049 Fang Tiancheng

Chapter 1049 Fang Tiancheng

"As long as I branch off from one branch, a Daluo Jinxian can be born, and I can become famous all over the world, and Megatron will shake the stars."

The calm and steady patriarch of the Fang family, when he mentioned the words Daluo Jinxian, his eyes were full of yearning and anticipation.

In the big Tianchenxing, the Jiuzhong of the True Immortal is a giant, and even the ancestor of the Fang family who has practiced for millions of years is also a strong person of this level.

Yang Fan took a look at the ancestor of the Fang family, and found that his lifespan was still about a million years away, and there was not much hope of breaking through to the Golden Immortal.

True immortals and golden immortals are separated by an insurmountable gap.

Separated by a realm, the former cannot easily leave planets and galaxies, but the latter can cross the universe and travel through the galaxy. Although the heaven is big, I can roam freely.

Suddenly, Yang Fan thought of the warden of Tianluo Prison, when he dealt with Old Devil Lu and Death-killing Wind, it was like pinching two ants.

"Daluo Jinxian?"

Yang Fan was thinking, with his current state in the middle stage of the round of fruits, can he compete with the first-level golden immortal?
According to his consultation of the ancient books of Luo City, Daluo Jinxian is also divided into nine realms, and the strength of each realm is also very different.

However, it is not bad for the little Tianchenxing to have one or two real immortals, and those with high cultivation bases will not live on a small remote planet.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Fan agreed to his request under the expectant eyes of the ancestor of the Fang family.

The reincarnation period is a transitional stage, and the biggest feature is that there is no need to practice.

Yang Fan spent a lot of time cultivating his disciple Fang Zhen when he deduced the realm of comprehension.

At the same time, he also wanted to see the strength of the peak Tianchen star.

Although Yang Fan does not have the strength to look down on Tianchenxing, he is confident that it should not be difficult to protect himself.

"Then Fang Zhen, I'll leave it to Mr. Yang..."

The ancestor of the Fang family took a deep breath, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

Afterwards, he took out two gifts and gave them to Yang Fan and Fang Zhen respectively.

Fang Zhen got a third-rank fairy armor and a fourth-rank attack fairy weapon.

Immortal armor, looking at the entire Tianchen star, is an extremely rare magic weapon, ten times more precious than ordinary fairy weapons of the same rank.

This fairy armor can increase Fang Zhen's chances of saving his life. Coupled with his indestructible physique, it is not difficult to surpass the same level and challenge by leapfrogging.

And those fourth-rank immortal artifacts are generally only available to high-ranking true immortals, and their attack power is astonishing.

Yang Fan was slightly surprised when he got a large piece of tungsten ore.

When he was in Los Angeles, he collected a lot of rare materials everywhere, just to further refine the reincarnation disk.

But such precious materials as tungsten ore cannot be found in such a small place as Los Angeles.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Fang family gave him a copy directly now.

Yang Fan expressed his gratitude slightly, and left with Fang Zhen.

That day, Yang Fan moved into his own cave, which was arranged by the Fang family for him, an honorary elder.

"Master, there are still three years before we are leaving..."

Fang Zhen came to pay a visit to Yang Fan, with expectations and reluctance in his eyes.

Anyway, Los Angeles is his birthplace, and there are many relatives and friends here.

Yang Fan understood his feelings, no matter how far he traveled, the Northern Qin Yuyang Kingdom was his hometown.

For three years, Yang Fan urged his disciples to cultivate. In addition to comprehending enlightenment, he himself began to continuously refine the reincarnation disk.

Finally, under the repeated refinement of a large amount of precious materials, the quality of the reincarnation disc has entered a new level, reaching the level of a fourth-grade fairy weapon.

"If I reach the sphere of influence of the main line of the Fang clan and the cultivation civilization is more prosperous, it should be able to further improve my natal immortal weapon."

Yang Fan doesn't have to worry about the current stage of cultivation, and spends part of his time improving the power of the magic weapon.

The repeated condensing of the reincarnation disk gave him a lot of experience in refining the weapon.

Three years have gone by in a flash.

Yang Fan, master and apprentice, left Luo City after being sent off by the senior officials of the Fang clan.

Before leaving, Yang Fan got a jade slip of a map, on which there was a map of the entire Tianchenxing.

Not only that, in addition to the detailed map of Tianchenxing, there is also a "star map" of the Quicksand Galaxy on this map.

The entire "quick sand galaxy" has at least ten trillion planets, and the information flow in the star map is huge and endless.

Of course, the quicksand galaxy is only one of the tens of thousands of galaxies in the cloud star field.

It is rare for Yang Fan to get the star map of the Quicksand galaxy, and he cannot expect the star map of the large star field, or even the entire heaven.

According to the jade slips on the map, Yang Fan and his disciple Fang Zhen flew to Zhongzhou Continent, the most prosperous cultivation civilization on Tianchen Star.

Zhongzhou Continent is the largest land plate of Tianchenxing, and there are hundreds of millions of practitioners.

In this way, the two of Yang Fan had to cross a vast ocean before they could come to Zhongzhou Continent.

It took several years to go to the Zhongzhou Continent just for the journey.

Of course, this is because Yang Fan has to take Fang Zhen's speed into consideration, and he doesn't want to reveal his strength.

On this day, the two finally set foot on the huge Zhongzhou Continent.

"Master, I heard that five of the three clans, four clans, and seven strongest forces in Tianchenxing are stationed in Zhongzhou. Am I still a genius here?"

While Fang Zhen was looking forward to it, he was also a little bit worried.

"Genius?" Yang Fan smiled: "You have to believe in yourself. Besides, talent is just a kind of capital and advantage leading to the top, not a decisive condition. If you rely too much on it, it will be difficult to become a master."

Speaking of geniuses, Yang Fan couldn't help recalling how many so-called "geniuses" he had trampled under his feet in the human world.

After arriving in Zhongzhou, Yang Fan discovered that this is a world full of families and sects.

The three clans and four clans are the seven strongest forces in the entire Tianchen Star.

Three Sects: Nine Swords Gate, Yulin Sect, Tianci Palace
Four Clans: Yun Clan, Yi Clan, Fang Clan, Leng Clan
Except for the Leng Clan and Tianci Palace which are not located in the Zhongzhou Continent, the other two major sects and three major families all reside in this huge land or its surrounding area.

The Fang clan is located in the western part of the Zhongzhou mainland, and they arrived after half a year of flying.

Crossing the ocean and going through a long land journey, the two were not without obstacles, including natural disasters and man-made obstacles.

Especially the latter, such as pirates and robbers, were easily solved by Fang Zhen.

With Fang Zhen's four-level cultivation base, he can defeat the fifth-level and sixth-level real immortals, and even the seventh-level high-ranking immortals can still compete with one or two.

After entering the Fang family's power, the two quickly contacted the Fang family's receptionist.

Yang Fan handed over a letter and a jade pendant.

The receptionist looked at the two of them indifferently, and then sent them to the Fang family's headquarters - Fang Tiancheng.

Fangtian City turned out to be a "mountain city" floating in mid-air.

The so-called mountain city is a city transformed from a large mine with hard materials.

The mountain city in front of me is square as a whole, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. There are immortal soldiers and guards on all sides. It is like a big fortress floating in the air. There are millions of practitioners living on it, and quite a few of them have reached Reached the fairy realm.

Compared with this Fangtian City, the sea fortress in the Tianqin Inner Sea of ​​the Human World is nothing to mention, just like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

Seeing Yang Fan and Yang Fan's surprised expressions, the receptionist said proudly: "This city is the core base of our Fang family. It was created tens of millions of years ago by several Da Luo Jinxians. Years of hard work, it will have the potential to become a 'Star Fortress'..."

Star Fortress?

Yang Fan was shocked, and he could understand the meaning of the words "Starry Sky Fortress" just by listening to the literal meaning.

What's more, Yang Fan has stayed in Tianchenxing for hundreds of years, and he has some understanding of the heavens.

The so-called starry sky fortress is a huge base for traveling through the galaxy.

In the galaxy world, how can the power of those giants be limited to a small planet or a small star system?
Their forces are stationed on the huge "Star Fortress", they travel through the galaxy and the universe, and spread their cultivation inheritance and influence all over the place.

Of course, the receptionist said that Fang Tiancheng had the potential to become a "Star Fortress", but Yang Fan didn't care.

As far as he knows, a Starry Sky Fortress is formed by condensing and condensing countless precious crystal ores. It will take countless years and countless generations of hard work. Its true value cannot be measured. Even if compared with the entire Tianchen Star, it is not as good .

If there is an attack from the starry sky fortress, the three clans and four clans on the Tianchen star may not be able to resist.

"You guys wait here a moment."

The reception contact flew into the Fang family fortress.

After about half a column of incense.

call out--

A blue glare flashed out from Fang Tian City, and stopped firmly in front of Yang Fan and the two of them.

What appeared in front of the two was a blue ark with two people standing on it.

A middle-aged man with an eagle face and a silver-haired old man had eyes like torches, exuding an irresistible pressure.

"You two, who is Fang Zhen?"

The eagle-faced man glanced at the two of them, and they naturally fell on Fang Zhen's face.

"Exactly, I dare to ask the two seniors..."

Fang Zhen said respectfully and cautiously.

The two people in front of him brought him a pressure that he couldn't face directly.

Swish! !
As soon as the words fell, the eagle-faced man and the silver-haired old man appeared on Fang Zhen's left and right sides like lightning, and each stretched out a hand to grab his arm.

Fang Zhengang wanted to struggle, but quickly gave up, showing a thoughtful expression.

I saw these two people closing their eyes to check Fang Zhen's talent, reaching out from top to bottom, and scratching his bones.

After about ten breaths, the eyes of the two people flickered, and they all showed hot colors.

"I am Fang's elder 'Fang Ying'."

"The old man is Fang Yuan, the elder of Fang's family."

The two immediately introduced their identities.

Fang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, these two people turned out to be the elders of the main line of the Fang family.

It seemed that both of them valued Fang Zhen's qualifications.

"The aptitude is good... the old man has confiscated his disciples for tens of thousands of years."

Fang Yuan stroked his beard and smiled.

Fang Ying's complexion changed, and he laughed: "Since Fang was promoted to the Ninth Level Upper Immortal, he has also confiscated his disciples. Seeing that your aptitude is good, can you consider being the elder's closed disciple."

During the conversation, the two looked at each other regretfully, with a bit of hostility in their eyes.

The two are good friends, and when they saw Fang Zhen's qualifications at this moment, they couldn't help but be moved.

Fang Zhen's blood talent and aptitude make him fully qualified to become a Da Luo Jinxian.

With such qualifications, why not be tempted?

What an honor it would be to cultivate a Daluo Jinxian?

"Seniors, Fang Zhen already has his own master, and he has accompanied me here."

With a smile on the corner of Fang Zhen's mouth, he introduced Yang Fan proudly.

"He... is your master?"

Fang Ying and Fang Yuan, with stern eyes, swept down Yang Fan in unison.

At this moment, Yang Fan felt a bit of chill and murderous intent from the eyes of the two.

(Today's update is late, so I can only try my best to update it. The content of the Upper Realm chapter will be expanded little by little,,, Xianhong Road has entered the later stage, and the fast food will work hard to improve the quality.

(End of this chapter)

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