Xianhong Road

Chapter 1053 Why did you ever make a move?

Chapter 1053 Why did you ever make a move?
The powerhouse at the peak of the Nine-Layer True Immortal Realm attacked with all his strength, the sky was pierced by the aura of the Nine-Colored Immortal Light, and the Nine Heavens moved in unison.

Fang Zitian struck out suddenly, under that palm, thunder roared, and in the space area, there was infinite oppression with profound meaning.

At this time, most of the other elders were stunned.Fang Zitian is the head of the family, so his status is naturally higher than that of ordinary elders.


The silver-clothed beauty let out a coquettish cry, but she was a little slow to react, and she didn't have time to stop it.After all, Fang Zitian was also a child of the clan who grew up with her, and when the former attacked, she was also stunned for a moment.

With Fang Zhenzhen at the fifth level of real immortality, how can he deal with the full blow of the peak powerhouse of the ninth level of true immortality.

The Nine Layers of True Immortals, the further back, every other layer, the difference in strength is extremely terrifying.

What's more, Fang Zitian has reached the peak of the Ninth Layer, and almost half of his foot has stepped into the position of Da Luo Jinxian, while Fang Zhen has fought a big battle, which consumes a lot of vitality.

In front of the Immortal Terrace, the land of countless families all exclaimed in shock. They didn't expect that the head of the family, Fang Zitian, would suddenly attack Fang Zhen, the number one rookie in the family.

At this moment, Fang Zhen's soul, body and mind were all oppressed, and under the tremendous pressure, he almost vomited blood.


At this critical moment, a familiar figure beside him flickered slightly.

A flower in front of him.

Canopy! ! ! !

That shocking, mysterious and infinite blow seemed to hit defeat.

Fang Zitian couldn't even pull his hand back.

A sickly old figure stood in front of Fang Zhen with a blank expression, resisting the blow.


Fang Zhen's eyes were bloodshot, looking at the familiar figure in front of him, his voice was choked up, and the corners of his eyes were moist.

At this moment, that sick and weak man blocked his life with his powerless body.

Time seems to freeze.

The deathly tranquility of the audience moved even the beauty in silver clothes, and suddenly thought of what Yang Fan said: "My illness is all caused by practicing a set of ancient and strange kung fu: Hundreds of years ago, in the process of practicing kung fu, Accidentally got mad and almost died because of it. Although I was lucky to save my life, but my lifespan was greatly reduced, and my vitality continued to flow away. The end is not far away..."

"Oh no--"

A scream came from Fang Zitian's mouth, breaking the deathly tranquility of the scene.

That seemingly weak body, after enduring a full-strength blow from the Nine-Layer True Immortal's peak powerhouse, remained motionless and unscathed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

——On the contrary, it was Fang Zitian, the palm that hit Yang Fan's body was inexplicably dry, and his vitality was crazily lost.

He let out a desperate and helpless scream, and was stuck to Yang Fan's body by a mysterious and majestic suction force, and all the vitality in his body rushed towards the latter.

This... what's going on here?

The audience was shocked, and everyone had a puzzled expression.

In just one or two breaths, Fang Zitian lost most of his vitality, his black hair turned into white hair, his skin was shriveled, his eyes were cloudy, his nose collapsed, and one hand was stuck to Yang Fan's body. His body twitched and trembled like an electric shock .

Yang Fan put his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent, neither joy nor worry.

A gust of wind blows, and the sleeves of the clothes follow the wind automatically, elegant and natural.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't move half a step, and his expression didn't show the slightest wave.

Vaguely, he is like a bystander, appreciating the world in the painting.

"This... this is the true strength of the master? Even the powerhouses of the ninth level of true immortals have never let him move half a point, and they don't even bother to make a move?"

Standing behind the master, Fang Zhen was excited, shocked, and adored to the point where he couldn't attach it.

Near the Douxiantai, there were tens of thousands of Patriarch's children, their expressions were dull, terrified, or shocked, their voices were difficult and they couldn't utter a single word.

However, they all had a common expression in their expressions. The eyes they looked at the sickly man were filled with deep awe and fear.

"Mr. Yang... show mercy!!"

Fang Yan shouted tenderly, her figure flickered, and she moved to the side of the two out of thin air. With a wave of her jade finger, a blue light blade slashed across, severed Fang Zitian's arm, and fell staggeringly at Yang Fan's feet.

Whoa! !

At this time, everyone on the field could barely react, and there was an uproar.

Fang Yan reached out to check Fang Zitian's condition, but gasped.

The other elders were all terrified when their spiritual thoughts were swept away.

"Mr. Yang, you are so ruthless in attacking, almost abolishing the cultivation of the Patriarch, causing his cultivation to drop to the seventh level of the real immortal, and losing millions of years of life..."

An elder trembled, pointing at Yang Fan.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone on the field gasped and booed in shock.

It wasn't the elders and elders in the clan who all spoke out against Yang Fan, and even intended to arrest and punish him.

"Hit hard?" Yang Fan pursed his lips in a sarcasm: "Yang...has he ever made a move?"

When did you ever make a move?
There was a dead silence in the audience, and many people also realized it.

"That's right, Mr. Yang just blocked that blow for his disciple, and he didn't even see him make a move."

"Mr. Yang not only didn't move his hands, he didn't even move his feet."


When did you ever make a move?
These five words, like a sharp sword, stabbed fiercely into the hearts of those elders who accused Yang Fan.

These elders who tried to defend the Patriarch were speechless, and then panicked in their hearts: Mr. Yang is really unfathomable. Without a single finger, he deprived the Patriarch of millions of years of life, and even made his cultivation from the Ninth Level of True Immortal. Fall to the Seventh Level of True Immortal.

With such strength, it is not possible for the strong in the real fairyland to achieve it.

Then Elder Yang, isn't he a supreme being of the Da Luo Jinxian level?
Looking at the stars in the sky, the Daluo Jinxian is the supreme existence.

Fang Yan, the elder of rights, looked at Yang Fan with a complex expression. At this moment, she finally understood: Mr. Yang in front of her is really not simple, and she is even more unfathomable than she imagined.

The other party's so-called practice of ancient and strange skills before, and obsession, is pure nonsense! !
Then, Fang Yan looked at the dying Fang Zitian at her feet:
"Patriarch 'Fang Zitian' attacked the family's children and guests for no reason, and almost hurt innocent people, so he was first detained on 'Motianya' to face the wall and think about it."

As soon as the words fell, several men in black with silver masks quickly flashed over and escorted the Patriarch Fang Zitian away.

In the Fang Patriarch's Clan, the power elders have a high status and can punish the Patriarch and even interrogate the Great Elder.

After Fang Yan finished speaking, no one dared to object.

In Fang's patriarchal elders group, apart from the great elder, the two elders with the highest status are the two power elders, both of whom are Da Luo Jin immortals, as if the gods are high above them.

No one dared to question Elder Quan's decision.

In the eyes of the decision-makers of the elders group, the Patriarch is gone, and he can be replaced at any time.

Fang Zitian's cultivation has dropped from the ninth level of true immortality to the seventh level, and his lifespan is at its limit, and it is no longer enough for nine patriarchs.

In this way, they can elect a Patriarch at any time.

On the same day, Yang Fan and Fang Zhen returned to Aoxian Mansion.

Along the way, many disciples of the clan looked at the two of them with awe and curiosity, and they paid more attention to the mysterious Mr. Yang.

"Master, are you really at the limit of your lifespan?"

Fang Zhen finally raised his own doubts, or doubts.

Master's performance today really made him unable to calm down.

In the past, the master seemed to have stepped out of the fog, and he was no longer so mysterious in his eyes.

And at this moment, Shi Zunxin returned to the fog, which made him curious but unable to see through.

Master, what kind of past does he have, how high his cultivation is, and what kind of person is he?

Fang Zhen's wife, Fang Mingyu, was a little behind, looking at the sickly and old figure, her curiosity and awe could hardly be concealed in her beautiful eyes.

Originally, she was really respectful to the master on the surface, but she didn't respect her in the heart.

She thought that Mr. Yang had picked up a cheap apprentice, and since then his worth and status have risen accordingly.

But what happened today shocked her heart.

After returning to Aoxian Mansion, Fang Mingyu was in awe of Yang Fan, and she was cautious in her words and deeds.

"Disciple, as a teacher, I understand what you are thinking in your heart, but there are some things that I let you know, which are harmful and not beneficial. From today on, you have to practice hard. If you can be promoted to the position of Daluo Jinxian one day, you can rest assured as a teacher. It's..."

Yang Fan gazed at the galaxy in the sky, slowly closed his eyes, and sighed:
Up to now, he is still unable to penetrate the last difficulty of the fruit wheel.

"Yes, Master."

Fang Zhen put away his curiosity, and from this day on, he devoted himself to cultivation. Even if he was with Fang Mingyu occasionally, he mostly used the way of dual cultivation to jointly promote his cultivation.

A few years later, Yang Fan learned about the disposition of the Patriarch Fang Zitian.

Fang Zitian was demoted to the deputy head of the family.

As for Fang Changyu, under guilt, he left the family and was nowhere to be found.

Not long after, the elders of the Fang clan elected a new Patriarch.

Regarding this, Yang Fan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Whether it is in the upper realm or the ordinary realm, those who really hold power are, after all, the few who hold the most powerful power.

If it weren't for his strength and supernatural powers, the ending might not be like this.

In the eighth year after the battle between the two geniuses at Douxiantai, Fang Zhen went from the peak of the fifth level of true immortality to the sixth level of true immortality.

The sixth level of true immortality is only one step away from the upper-ranked true immortal.

Whether it is Yang Fan or the high-level family members, they are all concerned about Fang Zhen's progress.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

Fang Zhen lived up to everyone's expectations, and with the spare no effort assistance of the Fang clan and Yang Fan, he finally set foot on the seventh level of true immortality.

Upper fairyland! !

Every time a high-ranking true immortal is born, it is something worth celebrating for Tianchenxing.

For this reason, the family held a celebration ceremony for Fang Zhen.

The location is in Aoxian Mansion.

On this day, even the great elder in the clan who had never shown his face showed up once.

The Great Elder was dressed in a black robe, with white hair and a childlike face. Sitting there, he looked like a vast ocean. He talked with Yang Fan for a while, and the other ordinary elders didn't even dare to show their air.

Yang Fan also deeply felt that the Great Elder was terrifying. When facing this person, it was more difficult to breathe than usual.

Being able to bring this kind of pressure on him shows that the other party is arrogant about Tianchenxing's strength, and it is by no means a lie.

In the middle of the night, the celebration ceremony ended.

Fang Yan, the elder of rights, met Yang Fan alone for the first time.

Yang Fan was slightly curious in his heart, and couldn't help thinking with a little narcissism, could it be that this power elder is interested in him?
Fang Yan stared at him with a smile, and suddenly said: "Elder Yang's cultivation is so deep that even the First Elder can't see through it. Fang Yan has the courage to ask questions. The master brought Fang Zhen here, but in order to plot the most mysterious "Nine Swords" of Tianchenxing legend'……"

(Second update to...

(End of this chapter)

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