Xianhong Road

Chapter 1062 Star Fortress

Chapter 1062 Star Fortress
The reason why Yang Fan distributed the nine treasure chests was also an agreement with the Nine Swords Immortal Emperor to deposit the will in the fairy sword.

The Qi Spirit also swore a poisonous oath that he would never reveal the secrets about Yang Fan.

In the end, the treasures were divided among the people, and Leng Jianfeng was the last inheritor of the Nine Swords Immortal Emperor.

If it weren't for the existence of Yang Fan, Leng Jianfeng should be the proud son of heaven here, not only inheriting the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, but also possessing most of the treasures.

Fang Zhen also followed his master, and the treasures he got were comparable to Leng Jianfeng, but he had no chance to get the inheritance of the Nine Swords Immortal Emperor.

According to the meaning of the spirit of the weapon, according to the site of the Immortal Emperor, only the disciples of the Nine Swordsmen are eligible to receive the legacy.

Yang Fan is not reluctant, his disciple Fang Zhen is not suitable for swordsmanship, he has the will of swordsmanship left by Wushuang deep in his soul, and he doesn't care about it.

"The secret of the Nine Swords ruins has been solved, and the person who inherits the mantle has been found. How do I leave?"

Huayue adjusted her breath on the spot, and her complexion improved a bit.

"Look overhead."

Leng Jianfeng said lightly.

Over the sky where the nine sword-shaped steles were originally located, a colorful vortex appeared, changing from dim to bright and gorgeous, and slowly descending.

Yang Fan stared at the colorful vortex, let out a breath, glanced at his disciple Fang Zhen, and was about to speak.

Right here, his expression suddenly changed.

not good! !
A crisis to contain the soul came from the position of the deity.

"Leave quickly, and don't return to Tianchenxing in the short term."

Yang Fan's expression was stern and indifferent, with urgency and anxiety in his eyes, he said to his disciple Fang Zhen, and at the same time he said to Huayue and the other three.

"Yes, Master."

Fang Zhen never doubted Master's words, turned into a tyrannical golden light, rushed into the colorful vortex, and disappeared.

shhhhh! !
Leng Jianfeng and Qi Lin also left one after another.

A magnificent magnetic light bloomed on Huayue's body, flying towards the entrance of the vortex, but suddenly stopped, a pair of charming eyes, quietly staring at Yang Fan, sighed quietly: "I know who you are?"

Yang Fan smiled and thought to himself: So what if you know me?

It was Fan Yang's identity when they met at Feishengtai.

"If you guessed correctly, you should be the legendary character 'Yang Fan' from Dongsheng Continent."

The corner of Huayue's mouth slightly smiled.

Yang Fan's complexion changed slightly, and he turned to Gujing Wubo and said: "It's Yang, since fellow Taoist Huayue knows my identity, do you want to announce my identity in exchange for a reward?"

After killing Gao Xingguan and the warden, Yang Fan already knew through soul searching that he had ascended to various platforms in the celestial world and received a huge reward.

"The acquaintance is fate, and we are both ascended. The little girl is proud of Fellow Daoist Yang. Furthermore, with the ability of Fellow Daoist Yang, she will definitely be a great figure who will shock the Seven Realms in the future. How dare the little girl offend you."

Huayue is polite and respectful.

How could Yang Fan fail to see that this woman was in front of the teleportation entrance, and once he had any killing intent, he could get away with the magic light of the other party's restraint of all kinds of kung fu in the world.

"At this moment, Tianchenxing is facing an unprecedented crisis, and everything started because of Yang, time is running out, you leave quickly."

Yang Fan stood proudly with his hands behind his back, not worried about the unstable factor of Huayue at all.

"That being the case, there will be a period later."

Huayue bowed her body and saluted.

Clap! !
As soon as Yang Fan raised his hand, a dreamy and magnificent blue liquid flew towards Huayue, with a long smile: "Since there is a destiny, I will send you a 'Reverse Spiritual Blood'!!"

He has a lot of this reverse spiritual blood in his hands.

Huayue took the "Ni Ling Xue" and was taken aback. She revealed the other party's identity. Not only did the other party not kill anyone, but she also gave a piece of the legendary God-Defying Blood?

She looked at the mysterious man below with complicated eyes.

"Death...is it about to begin?"

Yang Fan muttered to himself, and slowly closed his eyes, his body fell into inexplicable weakness.


A trace of surprise flashed across Hua Yuefeng's eyes.

She suddenly remembered seeing Yang Fan about to enter the end of his life before the Nine Swords Ruins.

In fact, what he saw now was not Yang Fan, but the clone Mu Feng.

Swish! !

Mu Feng's figure disappeared from the spot.

Disappeared out of thin air.

Hua Yue's face was deathly ashen, and she booed inexplicably.

At this moment, she felt that the entire cave was shaking, and she turned pale with horror: "What happened to Tianchenxing?"

Without thinking about it, she entered the colorful vortex above her head.

Swish! !

The next moment, she found that she was teleported to a barren land, exploring the galaxy above her head, which was no longer Tianchenxing.

But she still murmured: What happened to Tianchenxing?

Before teleportation, he felt the shaking of the entire Nine Swords Ruins, which originated from the entire Tianchenxing.


When Fang Zhen, Leng Jianfeng and the others teleported away.

The Tianchen star shook inexplicably, and a white beam of light with a diameter of thousands of miles shot from the outer starry sky and bombarded the planet fiercely.

"My God... what is that?"

The hundreds of millions of practitioners of Tianchenxing turned pale with exclamation.

A suffocating pressure came from the distant starry sky.

Above the starry sky, a steel castle exudes a majestic purple light and is as cold as a beast, standing in the dark universe.

"Not good!! That's Starry Sky Fortress——"

Many cultivators and experts on Tianchen star looked ashamed when they saw the steel castle.

That steel castle is about ten thousand miles in size, covered in silver, covering the purple light world, standing above the space, with a terrifying and oppressive atmosphere that makes the entire Tianchenxing unable to breathe.

"All cultivators on Tianchen Star, stay on the planet honestly, and anyone who tries to escape will be killed without mercy!!"

A cold voice came from the starry sky fortress.

Looking from a distance, in front of the steel castle, there is a huge red and black dragon head, with a huge mouth open, emitting green smoke and residual heat.

This is an ancient giant cannon with a dragon's head and a turtle's back, engraved with a complicated and obscure pattern, similar to the "Mieyuan Cannon" that Yang Fan once obtained, but its volume is tens of millions of times that of the Mieyuan Cannon.

On the starry sky fortress, a team of purple-clothed immortal guards flew out quickly, each of them was at least a high-ranking true immortal, about thousands of people, forming an encirclement circle, surrounding the entire Tianchenxing.

"The 'Xing Jun' of this planet, please come out and meet me. This seat comes from the Star World, and was ordered by the 'Floating Forest Immortal Emperor' to arrest an ascendant."

The owner of the icy voice came from a golden pedestal.

what is that?
The cultivators on Tianchenxing were inexplicably shocked.

The golden platform has a radius of thousands of feet, floating in the universe, on which there are delicious food and wine, singing and dancing, and ancient martial arts. There are dozens of immortals sitting in two rows. On the top is a crystal jade throne, sitting cross-legged A slender man with long blue hair floating in the wind.

Looking around, the immortals on the golden platform, except for the singing and dancing maids, are all Da Luo Jinxians.

Especially the blue-haired young man on the throne, talking and laughing, seemed to be stepping on the whole Tianchenxing under his feet.

call out--

A white ray of light flew out from Tianchenxing, and landed in front of the golden platform like a meteor.

"Chen Xingjun next day, I pay my respects to Lord Xianjun."

The person who came was a Confucian scholar in white shirt, holding a token, and saluted the blue-haired young man on the platform, respectfully.

Many cultivators on Tianchen star were shocked and uproarious.

The supreme ruler of the entire planet, a generation of star kings, even saluted the foreign invaders.

Tianchen Xingjun is the supreme powerhouse of the entire Tianchen Star. It is said that his cultivation has reached the third level of the Golden Immortal, and he looks down on the entire planet and is invincible.

"Dare to ask Lord Xianjun, what are your orders?"

At this moment, Tianchen Xingjun bowed slightly, and said with a look of awe, how can he have the air of a planet controller?

"This time I am here in person, one is to track down the whereabouts of a wanted criminal, and the other is the ruins of the Nine Swords..."

The blue-haired man took a sip of fine wine, hugged a stunning fairy in his arms, and looked coldly at the azure planet under the golden platform.

"Our Xingjun Mansion will definitely cooperate with the mission of the adults."

Tianchen Xingjun said with a smile.


A nine-color brilliance burst out from the direction of the Nine Swords ruins, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and the position of the fairy spirit near the Tianchen star swelled.

"It seems that we are a step late. The Nine Swords Immortal Emperor's inheritance cave has already found the inheritor."

The blue-haired man smiled.

Tian Chenxing was uneasy, and hurriedly bowed and said: "If there is anything we need to do, please tell the Lord Xianjun."

"Block the entire Tianchen Star and search for an ascendant named 'Yang Fan'. Anyone who can find this person will be rewarded with two immortal treasures, ten Miaotian pills, and immortal stones worth 10 billion yuan..."

The blue-haired man looked down at the indifferent voice, which spread throughout Tianchenxing.

"Yes Yes!!"

Tianchen Xingjun nodded quickly, and dispatched millions of law enforcement immortal guards with an order.

In an instant, the entire Tianchenxing was in the center of the storm, the starry sky fortress was pressing down on the situation, and the tyrannical Xingjun came to the world, which was in danger.


What happened during this period?

Let's go back in time to before the opening of the Nine Swords Ruins.

When the nine sword-shaped jade pendants gathered together.

call out--

A dazzling nine-color sword glow pierced through the sky and directly penetrated the Milky Way.

At this moment, there was a slight fluctuation in the starry universe near Tianchenxing.

Beyond the distant starry sky, I don't know how many thousands of light-years away.

The steel castle, like a behemoth in the universe, is traveling in the galaxy world and has just arrived in the "quick sand galaxy".

During this period, Yang Fan, who was in the Nine Swords Gate of Tianchenxing, just felt an unprecedented crisis, and couldn't help looking at the starry sky.

"It's been so long since I've been in the Yunfang Starfield, and I haven't found the whereabouts of 'Yang Fan'. We used the sub-artifact 'Haotian Mirror', and it took thousands of years to lock the range around the Quicksand galaxy."

In a large hall deep in the Starry Sky Fortress, a very magnetic male voice sighed softly.

This voice actually came from the "Haotian Mirror" in the hands of the blue-haired man, and the owner of that voice came from an unknown place.

"Huh? I seem to feel the aura of Immortal Emperor Nine Swords... over there... Hurry up..."

The man in the Haotian mirror let out a low cry.

"Yes, Lord Immortal Emperor, we will rush over immediately."

The blue-haired man said respectfully.

Soon, the entire Starry Sky Fortress turned into a stream of light, sweeping tens of millions of miles in an instant, and finally disappeared from the void and merged into time and space.

Then every time it appears, at least thousands of light-years across.

Slowly approaching Tianchenxing.

some day.

"Haotian Mirror seems to have a strong reaction... Yang Fan seems to be on that planet."

The blue-haired man said happily.

Finally on this day.

The huge starry sky fortress, carrying tens of thousands of immortal soldiers and generals, oppressed Tianchenxing like the shadow of a black cloud.

At this time, Yang Fan's avatar just entered the Nine Swords Ruins.

"not good!!"

Yang Fan was startled, an unprecedented crisis made his soul tremble.

Strands of tyrannical consciousness began to scan the entire Tianchen star, spreading across the entire star system.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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