Xianhong Road

Chapter 1069 Enlightenment and Cultivation

Chapter 1069 Enlightenment and Cultivation

In fact, Yang Fan's aptitude in this life is on par with his previous life, and compared to ordinary people, he is pretty good.

However, the family he was born in this life was extraordinary, and his vision far surpassed that of ordinary people.

His father, Yang Lin, is the lord of "Linyuan City", one of the [-] cities in Yuzhou.

In addition, the eldest son Yang Gang and the second son Yang Dong are both talented and glamorous sons of heaven, they look down on their peers like shining stars.

In contrast, Yang Fan, who is highly anticipated, is somewhat overshadowed by such a talent.

Disappointment is disappointment, but after all, it is your own flesh and blood.

In the subsequent meeting, when Yang Lin looked at the third son Yang Qi, although he still cared, he no longer had expectations.

The biological mother, Nan Gongyue, was completely unaffected. On the contrary, she doted on and cared for the youngest Yang Fan. This kind of emotional infusion even surpassed that of the eldest and second sons.

However, the third son, Yang Qi, is more sensible than any other child and spends most of his time sleeping.

Three months later, under Nan Gongyue's will, Yang Fan learned to walk.

Different from other children, Yang Fan swayed in place a few times at first, and then started to walk unhurriedly.

"The third son is really smart."

The maids and servants in the city lord's mansion were full of praise.

"I have never seen such a smart and sensible child."

The old gardener said with a charming smile.

"The several young masters of the city lord are all amazing geniuses, and they compete with each other. When the eldest son was young, the city lord called him a rare genius in a hundred years. It took only seven or eight hundred years to be promoted to the real fairyland. Realm, now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and he has been promoted to the position of Daluo Jinxian."

"Not long after the second son was born, the city lord was very pleasantly surprised, saying that he is a genius that cannot be seen in a thousand years. As a result, he was promoted to the golden fairy realm in only tens of thousands of years, and his aptitude is better than that of the eldest son."

An elegant literati in the mansion talked and laughed.

It seems that he is in the mansion, and his status is not low.

When everyone looked at him, their eyes were full of awe.

It turns out that this refined scholar once served as the teacher of the second son.

The rest of the servant girls couldn't help guessing: "The first two young masters have such astonishing aptitudes. These three young masters were far smarter than the first two young masters. Isn't his talent even more terrifying?"

These servants and servants secretly speculated one by one, looking forward to this baby who had just learned to walk.

And that elegant scribe showed a slight sarcasm in his eyes.

Who would have known that this third young master, who seemed to be unparalleled in intelligence, was only a top-notch talent, not exceptionally good. It would be a bit inconspicuous for a family like the City Lord's Mansion.

At one year old, most babies have just learned to walk, and most of them are restless.

Yang Fan often sits alone in the "Mirror Moon Lake" in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

In the Upper Realm, ordinary mansions have their own caves, let alone the City Lord's Mansion.

There is a special world in the city lord's mansion, and a formation that surpasses heaven and earth is laid out, and the aura is overflowing inside, and the back garden is as large as ten thousand li.

"Mirror Moon Lake" is a beautiful and quiet scenic spot in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

The entire surface of the lake is clear and clear, glowing with sapphire-colored light, like a mirror.

Yang Fan heard people say that Jingyue Lake was created by his father Yang Lin with great magical powers when his biological mother Nan Gongyue married.

In this life, after going through the cycle of life and death, he doesn't like the hustle and bustle, and prefers to stay in this quiet and beautiful place.

He sat cross-legged by the lake, closed his eyes, and felt the gentle wind around him, the slight ripples on the water surface, and the fragrance of flowers from afar.

The whole person seems to blend into the surrounding scenery and become a part of them.

If Yang Fan was not a baby, seeing this situation, other people might think that the person sitting in front of them is an expert who has comprehended the Dao.

At this time, Yang Fan would feel a pair of gentle and loving eyes coming from the gazebo in the garden behind.

He didn't need to develop his senses to be sure that it was his mother Nangongyue.

"Mother, you came to the backyard alone to see the third brother? The third brother is very sensible, and has maids and servants to take care of him. What else is there to worry about, mother?"

At some time, the second son Yang Dong came to Nan Gongyue's side.

He was dressed in white, which made his slender figure even more prominent. His handsome face was like jade, and his eyes were like stars. He had an indescribable beauty of the opposite sex, which would even overshadow many women.

"That's right, Qi'er can be said to be the most worry-free and sensible of the three of you. Since birth, she has never caused my mother any trouble or sadness, and even during childbirth, there was no pain."

"Isn't this better? A sensible child who makes mother so worry-free should be a dream, mother, you should be proud of it."

Yang Dong said with a smile, even though he is very talented and intelligent, he still can't figure out a mother's mind.

"He never cries, never makes trouble, and doesn't make any excessive demands. The more he does this, the more guilty I feel. As a mother, I can't do anything for him."

Nangongyue's beautiful face was filled with complicated emotions, and she continued to confide:
"Your father said that his talent is not outstanding, and he doesn't expect to achieve much in the future, but mother has a feeling in her heart that this child Yang Qi must not be simple."

In front of her second son Yang Dong, Nan Gongyue poured out her inner thoughts.

"Yeah, the third brother is really not simple. He has never asked for anything. Most of the time, he just sits in meditation. Could it be that he is practicing?"

Curiosity and doubt were written in Yang Dong's eyes.

If it hadn't been for the birth, there was a strong magical barrier in the mansion, and there was no possibility of foreign demons invading. He would even suspect that the third brother might be taken away by the outside soul.

Seizures can be completely ruled out.The fact is also the same, Yang Fan reincarnated, and this body does not have any exclusion.


Nangong Yue's eyes lit up slightly, as if thinking of something.

Yang Dong quickly realized, looked at his mother, clapped his hands and praised: "The third brother is so smart and sensible, and also likes to be quiet, why don't you teach him the method of cultivation?"

"Is it too early? My mother thinks that she should find an enlightenment teacher for her first, so that she can teach him knowledge, and after a few years of cultivation, it will not be too late."

Nangong Yuexiu frowned slightly.

"If you want to say the first teacher, who would be more suitable than you, mother?"

Yang Dong's eyes showed a strong interest
For some reason, he became very interested and curious about this third brother.

While chatting and laughing, the two walked to "Jingyue Lake" and talked to Yang Fan.

"Mother wants me to accept enlightenment?"

Yang Fan looked as usual, showing neither liking nor disgust.

"Yes, Qi'er, you are smarter than ordinary children, and you can already accept enlightenment and even teach you the method of cultivation."

Nan Gongyue held him in her arms, her eyes were full of care and maternal love.

"The child listens to the mother."

Yang Fan thought about it, but he didn't refuse after all.

This is not only due to the evolution path of the "Yun Sheng Period", but also because of his shortcomings in this aspect in his previous life.

In his last life, when he returned from Tianqin Inner Sea, his mother, Yang, had passed away, even though it was not his biological mother.

Regardless of whether it is the upper realm or the lower realm, after people are born, they must receive enlightenment and education, so as to understand the world and finally adapt to the surrounding environment.

The same is true for the Starry Sky World, not to mention the City Lord's House.

When receiving enlightenment, Yang Fan also showed superhuman intelligence.

In Nan Gongyue's words: "I can't see it at all, this child has the ability to never forget, and he is only one year old."

Many extremely talented people possessed the ability of photographic memory when they were teenagers, and they did not cultivate to a very high level.

For example, Yang Dong, the second son of the City Lord's Mansion, when he was a child, he could basically have a photographic memory.

However, when he was one year old, he was still half-ignorant, so naturally he couldn't remember it with his photographic memory.

From this point of view, Yang Fan once again surpassed his two elder brothers.

Yang Dong often looked at the back of the third brother, and murmured in his heart: "Obviously the talent is not as good as my elder brother and I, but he has surpassed us time and time again."

But he didn't have much envy.

Being smart in childhood cannot change the inherent aptitude and talent.

When I was three years old.

Yang Fan not only fully accepted the enlightenment, but also absorbed ten times more knowledge than ordinary people.

Nan Gongyue was reading classics almost all day long, and taught Yang Fan knowledge in different levels.

However, Yang Fan can not only memorize all the knowledge, but also comprehend and understand it.

No matter how sophisticated and embarrassing Nangongyue was, Yang Fan could answer them freely.

When she was three years old, Nan Gongyue could no longer teach Yang Fan much.

In the past three years, Nan Gongyue has put in a lot of hard work, and she often feels tired, but there is always a satisfied smile on her face.

"Mother, the third brother has fully understood the common sense and many secrets of this world, almost no worse than ordinary immortals. Now it's time to teach him the method of cultivation."

Yang Dong didn't even feel the eagerness revealed in his expression.

The third younger brother surpassed him time and time again, which already made him a little dissatisfied in his heart.

But that was the way it was, and he couldn't afford to wrestle with a toddler.

No matter how smart and well-behaved you are, your real ability still depends on your cultivation results.

Practice results.

This is the foundation of destiny in the world of Xianxia.

"Okay, with his intelligence, he can practice."

Nangong Yue said with a smile.

To teach the three sons the method of cultivation, but this matter has to be reported to the city lord Yang Lin.

"Cultivation? So fast?"

Yang Lin felt incredible.

"Qi'er is very smart. The three years of enlightenment education have given him knowledge that is not ordinary."

Nangong Yue said confidently.

"Then let me check."

Yang Lin really didn't believe it. He had been busy for the past three years and didn't care about the inner courtyard.

Soon, Yang Fan was called.

After Yang Lin's assessment, Yang Fan was not difficult at all.

In the end, Yang Lin even asked deliberately difficult questions, which were difficult for ordinary adults to answer, but in front of Yang Fan, there was no difficulty at all.

"Okay, you're qualified."

Yang Lin took a deep look at Yang Fan: "Starting from today, I will consider teaching your family's secret realm 'Purple Sky Wanfan Jue' for my father."

Purple Sky Myriad Brahma Jue! !
Yang Dong was taken aback, this is a secret knowledge passed down in his family, and he was only five or six years old before he was able to practice it.

"Father, mother, my child doesn't want to practice this unique school."

With firm eyes, Yang Fan shook his head and refused.

Don't want to?
In the study room, there was a dead silence.

Yang Dong could hardly believe his ears.

Nan Gongyue was stunned, because this was the first time in her life, she heard the third son Yang Qi say "no", and it was also the first time she saw such a firm gaze from him.

(At 11:[-] p.m., the last chapter was updated. I’m sorry for the fast food. On the one hand, it’s the last month of school, and I’m about to face an internship. Furthermore, the plot is unfolding, and I don’t want to be quick. I hope that "Xianhong Road" will be in the In the later stage, I can have fewer flaws and finish it satisfactorily instead of hastily finishing the book...

(End of this chapter)

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