Xianhong Road

Chapter 1079 Unfathomable

Chapter 1079 Unfathomable
"Discussion?" City Lord Zhou Wu's face darkened: "Don't you understand what the City Lord means? You can either become a vassal of my 'Zhou Wu City', or take out the territory of fifty cities, there is no room for negotiation."

A mighty and supreme deterrent force spread all over the world, oppressing Yang Fan and Yang Fan.

So domineering, so tough! !

There was a dead silence on the field, and no one in the hall dared to speak out.

Under the oppression of this divine power, even Ye Tian, ​​the follower behind Yang Fan, trembled slightly, whether it was because of fear or excitement.

"This week, City Master Wu's cultivation has actually reached the realm of a five-fold golden fairy."

Yang Fan's eyes were misty, and a mysterious vortex loomed in it, looking directly at the city lord Zhou Wu who was high above him.

"My lord, it seems that I don't understand who is the victor in the current battle."

At that moment, City Lord Zhou Wu had the illusion that his life and soul no longer belonged to him.

But this illusion is only for a moment.

The mysterious whirlpool in Yang Fan's misty eyes disappeared, and he returned to a state of clarity like water.

"The winning side?" City Lord Zhou Wu raised his head and laughed loudly: "This City Lord only knows that your territory is occupied by us. Your eldest son is in our hands."

If it wasn't for the fact that the two armies were fighting, and if Yang Fan didn't make him feel a little bit confused, the city lord Zhou Wu might not be so polite.

He has been observing Yang Fan, what made him go to the enemy camp almost alone, and still remain so shocked.

Yang Fan was silent for a moment. In the current battle situation, although Linyuan City has a certain advantage, it is still passive.

"Since it's a deal, my lord, can you ask Yang to meet my elder brother to make sure he's safe and sound."

Turning the subject, he made a request.

"Come on, bring Yang Gang up."

City Lord Zhou Wu did not hesitate, this request was completely reasonable, he thought to himself: Could it be that Linyuan City is really considering a replacement?
After all, he also knows that the price is too high, and it is inevitable to be bargained.

Not long after, under the custody of several Da Luo Jinxians, a man wearing an iron chain of forbidden law was sent to the main hall.

"Third brother!!"

The man exclaimed, his face full of shock: "You...you were also captured alive by Zhou Wucheng?"

His face was haggard, with regret and annoyance mixed in his eyes.

"Brother, little brother is here to take you back."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

"Take me back?"

Yang Gang was startled, and suddenly understood that the third brother might be an envoy sent by Linyuan City, trying to redeem himself.

However, there are so many strong people in Linyuan City, why only send the third brother here?

"Okay, you have seen it too, can you rest assured now."

City Lord Zhou Wu said impatiently.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for taking care of your elder brother."

Yang Fan's calm smile made City Master Zhou Wu feel a little uneasy.

Do it! !
An idea came to Yetian's mind.

Clang! !

Sword out! !
A cold sword glow turned into a dazzling horse, killing the two Da Luo Jinxians beside Yang Gang.


Two screams echoed in the hall, shocking everyone.

Yang Gang was stunned, motionless.

Many others, too.

"Take them!!"

The third son, Zhou Lin, let out a startled cry, causing many people to react.

In fact, City Lord Zhou Wu reacted the fastest.

The moment Ye Tian made his move, he was ready to make a move.

A vast divine power descended out of thin air, distorting the space slightly, and rushed towards Yang Fan and the two of them.

If it is an ordinary triple golden immortal, under this power, I am afraid that it will not be able to move.

After reaching the fourth-level Golden Immortal, he entered a new level, and his strength was more than ten times stronger than that of the lower-level Golden Immortals.

However, the moment he set off, his body froze suddenly.

Yang Fan put his hands behind his back, his eyes were vague, and an invisible vortex loomed in them.

In an instant, City Lord Zhou Wu, who was at the fifth level of the Golden Immortal, was unable to move.

The previous illusion really came to me.

At this moment, his body could not move, and his soul was even more imprisoned.

His face was pale, and he fell into inexplicable fear.

——Life and soul are no longer under control.

What a supernatural power this is, to imprison him at the fifth level of the Golden Immortal in a single thought, making it difficult to move.

In the senses of City Lord Zhou Wu, all the sounds, lights and shadows of the entire chaotic hall were blocked.

In the world, only he and Yang Fan are left.

The handsome young man in the field of vision met his eyes with a smile on his lips.

It turned out that at the moment Ye Tian shot, Yang Fan had already pinned down the most powerful "City Lord Zhou Wu" in the hall.

ding ding ~~~
A crisp golden sound sounded, and Ye Tian's sword slashed at the iron chain of the Forbidden Law.

Yang Gang, free again.


Yang Gang was overjoyed and hurried to join, fighting side by side with Ye Tian.

With a "bang", the entire hall exploded.

"Hahaha... the low-ranking Golden Immortal actually managed to take a hard blow from me."

A middle-aged man looked up to the sky and smiled.

It turned out that Ye Tian and another quadruple golden immortal in the main hall took a hard blow.

The Golden Immortal Triple Layer has the Golden Immortal Four Layer, and there is a huge gap between the two.

Ye Tian's face was cold, and he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

If he hadn't taken a few Ni Ling blood and comprehended the way of killing and cutting swords, the blow just now might have killed him.

Swish! !
Ye Tian and the middle-aged man flew into the sky together.

Yang Gang was blocked by "Zhou Lin", the third son of Zhou Wucheng, and had no way to escape.

The situation is precarious.

Several people will be in a desperate situation.

"Why didn't father do anything?"

Zhou Lin was surprised.

He found that his father was sitting on the same spot like a sculpture, facing the third son of Linyuan City.

"Kill him!!"

Two golden immortals saw the clue and rushed towards Yang Fan together.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth pursed into a hint of sarcasm.

As a result, the two great golden immortals just approached Yang Fan, and their bodies withered inexplicably. In an instant, their vitality was lost and they turned into a pile of bones.

The few strong men next to them couldn't help but gasped.

No one saw Yang Fan make a move, but when he got close to his enemy, his vitality was lost in an instant, and he became a dead body.

Looking at Yang Fan's demeanor and movements, he stared at the city lord from afar.

City Lord Zhou Wu's face was ashen and he couldn't move.

He used his supernatural powers all his life, and tried his best to resist the power that was working in the dark.

There is an intuition in my heart that once I have any negligence, my soul will be taken away.

At this time, no one dared to approach the confrontation between Yang Fan and City Lord Zhou Wu.

Similarly, no one can participate in the confrontation between Ye Tian and the middle-aged man.

After all, the strength of these two people has also reached the middle golden fairy level.

The most dangerous one was Yang Gang, who was forced into danger by Zhou Lin and other Da Luo Jinxians.

"Brother, come to me."

Yang Fan's voice came to Yang Gang's mind.

Yang Gang subconsciously ran towards Yang Fan's direction.


There was a scream, and the body of a Da Luo Jinxian who accidentally rushed over suddenly withered and turned into a pile of bones.

Zhou Lin and the others were pale and sweaty on their foreheads, not daring to go one step further.

They tried to use spells, magic weapons, and long-range attacks, but none of them ended in failure.

All spells will wither and perish inexplicably when they get close to that boy.

If it is a magic weapon, the situation will be even worse, the spirituality will be lost in an instant, the imprint of spiritual consciousness will be destroyed, and the master will also be implicated.

"What kind of evildoer is this third son of Linyuan City?"

Everyone in Zhou Wucheng turned pale with shock.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Fan never made a move.

He just stood there with his hands behind his back and a smile on his lips.

However, it was because of his existence that City Master Zhou Wu couldn't move, and everyone couldn't take a step further.

Among the strong people present, there are many Da Luo Jinxians, and there are also many masters who have seen in their lives.

But if you want to think like Yang Fan, you can frighten the immortals and heroes in the hall without moving a finger. This is the first time I have seen such a situation.

——No one can see through the origin of Yang Fan's supernatural powers.

Big Brother Yang Gang stood in front of Yang Fan, opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

He couldn't believe that the man standing beside him, intimidating all the immortals and heroes in the hall, was his third younger brother—the third younger brother whom he had preached to him.

In the dilapidated hall, there was a dead silence.

The most intense fight was between Ye Tian and the middle-aged man.

"I really didn't expect that one of the followers of the third brother has reached the point where he can compete with the middle-ranked true immortal."

Yang Gang was deeply shocked, and then with a complicated expression on his face, he looked at the third brother who had been unable to see through him.

Since birth, the third brother has been so mysterious. With the intelligence of the second brother Hou Dong, everyone is curious, but they don't know the depth of the third brother.

Just when Yang Gang was in a state of confusion, the battle above had already been won or lost.

"I have already realized the power of the quadruple golden immortal, it's time to end..."

Ye Tian slowly raised the silver sword, his eyes shone with a compelling light, and then became extremely deep.

Finally, in those eyes, a ferocious nothingness blood sword appeared.

puff! !

With a flick of the silver sword, it pierced the middle-aged man's throat.

"How... how is it possible..."

Before the middle-aged man died, his face was full of fear.

At this time, even Yang Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ye Tian's slaying swordsmanship would reach such a level, and it would even incorporate a bit of the profound meaning of Wushuang swordsmanship.

——This is a swordsman.

Yang Fan suddenly understood that he had found a treasure.

The middle-aged man is the only middle-ranked golden immortal in the city, except for the city lord Zhou Wu.

After he died, Ye Tian could be said to be invincible, and there was no match for him.

Through this battle, his realm has crossed to the quadruple golden fairyland.

At this moment, he was caught in endless fighting, his eyes were red.

"Take my elder brother away."

A cold voice came to mind in his mind.

Ye Tian, ​​who had become the "Killing Demon King", was shocked, and hurriedly protected Yang Gang and left.

Although Yunyue City has 10,000+ immortal soldiers, it is powerless to stop the breakthrough of the two golden immortals.

In particular, no Da Luo Jinxian can block Ye Tian's sword.

Seeing the two elder brothers rushing out of the city, Yang Fan nodded.

pedal! !

He jumped suddenly, like a cannonball, flew into the air, and broke the back for the elder brother.

It turned out that Yang Fan's physical body was pure body training, and he did not practice supernatural powers.

When he arrived outside Yunyue City, Ye Tian had already escorted Yang Gang and fled tens of thousands of miles away.

In this way, he was left alone, facing 10,000+ immortal soldiers and generals alone, and immediately fell into siege.

The city lord Zhou Wu has led many strong men to the outside of the city.

However, no one dared to act rashly.

Yang Fan put his hands behind his back, smiled slightly, and looked at the 10,000+ army in front of him.

Between heaven and earth, there is silence.

It seems that in his eyes, all of this is like the smoke and clouds of the past.

Seeing this situation, City Lord Zhou Wu, Zhou Lin and others were shocked in their hearts.

Even with such a numerical advantage, they still couldn't pose a real threat to the mysterious third son in front of them.

The opponent is still unfathomable.

From the beginning to the end, there was no shot.

(There is only one update for the time being today. In addition, I wish you a happy "June [-]st"...

(End of this chapter)

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