Xianhong Road

Chapter 1082 Controlling life and death

Chapter 1082 Controlling life and death
a few days later.

Yang Fan and his eldest brother rushed to the border.

Tiger leaps over the city.

It originally belonged to Zhou Wucheng, a dangerous and important city, but was later captured by Linyuan City.

This city can be used as a border buffer for the two forces, but it is controlled by the side of Linyuan City.

"Third brother, you are finally here."

As soon as he entered the city, Yang Fan saw his second brother Hou Dong with a sad face.

"What is the specific situation?"

The three walked and chatted, and Yang Fan had to be concerned about the battle situation.

This time when he left home, he made up his mind to completely erase all unstable factors, so as to benefit his cultivation.

Thinking of this, the killing intent in his heart was naturally reflected through the Great Samsara.

At this moment, all the existences who had plots against Linyuan City felt an inexplicable chill.

The Great Reincarnation is closely related to the cause and effect of reincarnation, and can almost ignore space and time.

If you cultivate to the state of Dacheng and Consummation, you can go through the Great Reincarnation in your mind and "punish" the enemies who are infinitely far away.

Now, Yang Fan has made some initial achievements in the Great Samsara, and a change in his mood can be reflected through the Great Samsara system.

This is more than one level higher than the general Da Luo Jinxian, whose state of mind penetrates the space of heaven and earth.

"The Tianxiang Dynasty has issued an ultimatum, and there are still a few months left. If Linyuan City does not cooperate with it, they will unite with Zhou Wucheng and attack my Linyuan City..."

Yang Dong briefly explained the situation.

Earlier, the Tianxiang Dynasty sent a peerless powerhouse of the sixth level of the Golden Immortal, which brought too much pressure to Linyuan City.

Yang Dong tried his best, but he could only delay for more than half a year.

Once the deadline came, even Yang Dong felt helpless.

But for some reason, when Yang Dong saw his third brother coming, he felt inexplicably relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only him, but even his father Yang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

That night.

Father, eldest brother, second brother, and several trusted generals gathered in the study.

"Qi'er, you have finally arrived, and now the 'Tianxiang Dynasty' is aggressive, what do you think?"

Father Yang Lin first asked Yang Fan.

General Tiger and other confidantes came to him, and they also looked at him with awe and anticipation.

On that day, the deeds of Yang Fan confronting Zhou Wucheng's 10,000+ army with his own strength were like a myth.

"In terms of war strategy, I am far inferior to my second brother."

Yang Fan was very calm, and smiled at his second brother Yang Dong.

That means, you are in charge of strategy and direction.

In fact, it wasn't that Yang Fan was not good at strategizing. When he was in Beiqin, he also made a lot of achievements. The establishment of Yuyang Immortal City was not only based on strength.

It's just that now, when his cultivation has reached a certain state of perfection, he only has cultivation in his mind, and he is too lazy to use his brain for these tricky things.

Yang Dong smiled wryly: "When the strength gap reaches a certain level, all schemes will become powerless."

As the saying goes, it is not unreasonable to drop ten meetings with one force.

After pondering for a while, he continued: "Based on my second brother's thinking, I tried to send envoys to Zhou Wucheng to make secret contacts before, but failed one by one. All the envoys sent never returned."

Yang Fan nodded secretly when he heard this.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed the best policy to abandon previous suspicions and unite with Zhou Wucheng to fight against the Tianxiang Dynasty.

It can be guessed that Zhou Wucheng might be among those who were under the same coercion.

General Hu said: "The Tianxiang Dynasty must have sent peerless experts to monitor us, and all actions cannot escape their simplicity."

"Hehe, since that's the case, why don't you let me be an envoy again and unite with 'Zhou Wucheng' to resist the Tianxiang Dynasty. If the two forces join forces to fight against the Tianxiang Dynasty, there is a certain chance."

Yang Fan suggested, appearing to be an understatement.

"This one……"

The father and the others looked at each other after hearing this.

The eldest brother and father still had some worries on their faces.

"Father, don't worry, there are very few existences in this world that can truly threaten the life of the child. Even if the immortal king takes action, the child can protect itself."

Yang Fan smiled slightly. If he didn't tell the situation, his father and the others might not feel at ease to take charge of this matter.

After all, before this, the envoys sent out never returned.

Yang Dong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

From the third brother's tone, one can vaguely infer his strength.

Being able to save his life in front of Xianjun, this is enough to shock the Quartet.

Even the peerless powerhouse of the sixth-layer golden immortal has no power to protect himself in the face of the immortal king.

When the Starry Sky Fortress came, the immortal-level powerhouses joined forces to directly destroy a huge planet.

This kind of power has reached the point where it frightens the universe.

When Yang Fan said these words, his father and elder brother felt relieved.

After all, the existence of the Xianjun level, looking at the entire Yuzhou, almost does not exist, and even if it does exist, it is mostly limited to legends.

Yang Fan stayed in Tiger Leap City for a few days.

During this period, he clearly sensed that an invisible supernatural power was monitoring every move of the entire Tiger Leap City.

He was slightly shocked, it turned out that all the actions of his father and others were under the surveillance of the enemy.

This evening, by night.

Yang Fan and his entourage, Ye Tian, ​​quietly left Huyue City and headed for Zhou Wu City.

"The opponent this time is not something you can handle."

Yang Fan whispered to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was a little dissatisfied when he heard the words, but there was a little excitement in his eyes.

Deep down in his heart, he was no less curious about his master than Yang Dong.

Sure enough, the two of them flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, and an invisible murderous intent descended from the sky and the earth.

This killing intent kills all vitality and penetrates to the soul.

There was a trace of sweat in Yetian's palm.

He who had already reached the quadruple golden fairyland felt strongly uneasy.

In the dark, there was one eye staring at the two of them coldly.

"You two, return quickly, if not, this place today will be the place where you are buried."

An ethereal and icy voice came from all directions, shaking people's minds.

Ye Tian's heart trembled, the person who came was probably a middle-ranked Golden Immortal peak, close to the powerhouse of the Immortal King.

Otherwise, even if he is a fifth-layer golden immortal, he still has a fight, and even the possibility of winning.

What's even more frightening is that Ye Tian couldn't be sure where the other party was at all.

You can only feel the murderous aura from all directions, freezing your blood and soul.

"Hehe, the Tianxiang Dynasty really thinks highly of us, and actually sent a killer whose cultivation level is close to that of a fairy."

Yang Fan smiled lightly, and there was no panic on his face, but an extremely leisurely look.

"You...you actually know...my location..."

A hoarse voice came from behind the two of them.

It was a skinny man wearing a black mask, with deep fear in his only eyes.

Ye Tian only felt a chill, and his whole body was covered with sweat.

The enemy actually stood behind the two of them, only a few feet away.

What a superb stealth supernatural power this is.

Clang! !

A sky-shattering sword glow traversed the sky.

Ye Tian drew out his sword and pierced the black-faced man's throat.

thump! !

The skinny man's body fell to the ground.

Before dying, his face was full of despair and fear.

Ye Tian withdrew his sword silently, his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, and even more turbulent waves were set off.

Because what he killed was just... a body without a soul! !
In other words, before he shot, the soul of the black-faced assassin no longer existed.

Where did the soul of the black-faced assassin go?

Full of awe in Yetian's heart, he looked at the master beside him.

Only at this moment did he realize that the master's strength was stronger than he had imagined.

The strong man at the peak of the sixth level of Jinxian didn't even have the power to resist, and his soul was taken away.

Along the way, Ye Tian followed his master in awe and flew to the territory of Zhou Wu City.

After flying for several days, they finally arrived near Zhou Wu City.

"You seem to have something to say."

Yang Fan said expressionlessly.

Ye Tian was shocked, the thoughts in his heart could not escape the master's perception.

"I want to know, what exactly is the power of the master?"

Ye Tian took a deep breath and finally dared to look directly at his master.

He obviously didn't see his master make a move, and the existence that was as strong as the peak of the sixth-layer golden immortal had already been annihilated.

"My power?" A gentle smile bloomed on Yang Fan's face: "Control life and death."

Control life and death.

Ye Tian was horrified.

"Anyone whose realm is lower than mine has no power to resist, and the soul returns to reincarnation and returns to its original state."

Yang Fan said plainly.


In the life nucleus space, a white light cluster overflowing with purple awns is penetrating into the arm-sized seedlings little by little.

The seedling itself seemed to have an invisible vortex, which swallowed up the majestic and astonishing soul of the Sixfold Golden Immortal bit by bit.

During this process, Yang Fan felt that his cultivation had made some progress.

After the soul was completely swallowed up, Yang Fan found that his power to control reincarnation had increased a bit.


Yang Fan merged into the mind of the great reincarnation of heaven and earth, and found that after being swallowed up, that ray of soul did not enter the great reincarnation, but merged into his own reincarnation.

During this period, there was a mysterious change that Yang Fan could not comprehend.

But he understands that if he can comprehend the mystery, the great reincarnation may be able to achieve great success.

The next realm of Yunsheng period, Yang Fan already had an outline in his mind, but now it is inexplicably clear.


As soon as the two flew over Zhou Wucheng, they attracted attention.

A team of Law Enforcement Immortal Soldiers greeted them.

"Hehe, I am 'Yang Qi', the envoy of Linyuan City, and I look forward to meeting the Great City Lord again."

Yang Fan smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the team of law-enforcing immortal soldiers stood in awe.

"Mr. Yang, please wait, I will report to the city lord right away."

The law enforcement captain left in a hurry.

After a while, the city lord Zhou Wu, who had a slight look of panic, led a dozen high-level officials to welcome him out.

"My lord, we meet again."

Yang Fan said meaningfully.

City Lord Zhou Wu had a complex look on his face, and said in a low voice, "San Gong, please come in."

After entering the city.

City Lord Zhou Wu immediately took Yang Fan to an underground secret room for a secret talk.

There were only two or three people present, all of whom were confidantes of the city lord Zhou Wu, including the young lord Zhou Lin.

"Third Young Master, you are finally here..."

City Lord Zhou Wu had a sad face, and when he saw Yang Fan, there seemed to be a glimmer of light on his face.

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback.

After a while, he understood the current situation of Zhou Wucheng, which was very similar to Linyuan City.

"...a mysterious woman from the Tianxiang Dynasty, who almost controls my entire 'Zhou Wu City'."

Zhou Lin smiled bitterly: "Maybe our conversation now is under the surveillance of the other party."

"No, maybe, we are already under surveillance by the other party."

Yang Fan said abruptly.

(The first update arrives...the second update should be before 10 o'clock as much as possible

(End of this chapter)

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