Xianhong Road

Chapter 1096 The Immortal Emperor's Will

Chapter 1096 The Immortal Emperor's Will

Beside the deputy commander, a translucent human-shaped phantom gradually condensed into a solid body, revealing a man with a stern expression and wearing armor.

It was only when the man was completely condensed that Yang Fan realized his existence, and before that, he hardly got any signs.

"Could it be that after cultivating to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, the body can already be replaced between entity and illusion?"

Yang Fan just looked at the man from the corner of his eye.

"This 'Immortal Emperor Yuyun' is the leader of the Xianwei President of Yunxiao Palace, who is in charge of the power of millions of elite soldiers."

The deputy commander introduced respectfully, his whole waist was half bent, revealing a flattering look.

Immortal Emperor Yuyun! !
It turned out to be the legendary Immortal Emperor! !

Everyone on the field held their breath, their eyes widened, and they looked up at the stern man in front of him who was not tall.

For people like them, people at the level of immortals are out of reach.

As for the most peak Immortal Emperor in the Seven Realms, before that, it was only confined to legends.

Yang Fan felt weird, the commander's cultivation had already reached the peak of the Golden Immortal Nine Heavens, and compared with the original Lanhen Lord, he was not too far behind.

A figure at the peak of Xianjun is so humble.

What's more, there is only a thin line between the deputy commander and the commander.

"To make a long story short, this Emperor's time is limited, even if it comes to this place, it's just a clone."

Immortal Emperor Yuyun was clearly standing at the same level as everyone else, but his expression and voice seemed to be coming from the top of the cloud, it was a kind of condescending look down.


Yang Fan's heart suddenly came to a sudden, how could a person at the level of an immortal emperor come to the mortal world in person from the high clouds for some humble existence?

Even though it was just a clone, when Yang Fan observed secretly, he still felt that the opponent was as vast and unfathomable as the sea.

Of course, the inability to see the depth is also related to Yang Fan's sense of not daring to fully develop the Great Samsara.

There was a dead silence on the field, including the deputy commander, who was silent.

"The emperor will appear on a bridge a hundred miles ahead. You must walk together on the bridge as soon as possible. Only those who can pass can be truly used by Yunxiao Palace."

As soon as Immortal Emperor Yuyun finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, a translucent phantom appeared over the stone bridge hundreds of miles away.

"Everyone, obey the command of the Commander."

The deputy commander shouted loudly, and everyone felt the sound was like thunder, making their blood churn.

Whoosh whoosh—

Everyone quickly flew towards the stone bridge.

Yang Fan was also in the crowd, but he was secretly speechless.

You must know that these people who entered Yunxiao Palace have been screened many times, and they can be said to be the elite among the elite.

He has also observed that the abilities of these people are far superior to those of the same level of practitioners.

When they flew to Shiqiao's father, everyone fell down one after another.

Immortal Emperor Yuyun lived in mid-air, how dare they walk in the air, one by one stepped on the blue stone slabs, and ran towards the other side.

at this time.

Yang Fan passed through the senses of the Great Samsara, and suddenly got a sense of induction.

Just the next moment.

The space near the stone bridge has undergone tremendous changes, and the surrounding scenery, such as pavilions, pavilions, rivers, flowers and trees, gradually blurred and gradually faded away.

A few breaths of effort.

The scenery between heaven and earth is only the stone bridge, and all kinds of things and scenes around are fading, like hazy landscape paintings.

It feels like entering another space.

Space field?

As soon as Yang Fan had this idea, he was immediately rejected.

The change in the space in front of you does not mean that everyone has entered the space field.

It's that Immortal Emperor Yuyun's control over space has reached the pinnacle of perfection.

"What kind of research does this clone of the Immortal Emperor want to do to us?"

Yang Fan was a little nervous, but more of an anticipation.


In the space where only the stone bridge was left, a tyrannical will that surpassed everything and looked down on time and everything was swept up out of thin air.

That strand of tyrannical will enveloped the stone bridge in an instant.

thump! !

Among the crowd, a stunning beauty fell to the ground inexplicably.

Everyone looked sideways, her body was still warm, but her soul was dying.


Immortal Emperor Yuyun, suspended above the stone bridge, snorted coldly.

"How did that woman die?"

Many people in the crowd secretly questioned.

You must know that the cultivation base of the stunning beauty just now has reached the Daluo Jinxian.

Who can kill her silently?

There is no struggle to die, and the soul disappears out of thin air!!
Apart from Immortal Emperor Yuyun, who else has mastered such divine power in this battle.

In fact, there is another person who possesses this ability.

That is Yang Fan.

People whose soul realm is lower than his have no power to resist.If Yang Fan's soul power reaches a certain height, even the Immortal Emperor is no exception.

However, he didn't make a move at all, and he didn't know that stunning beauty.

From this point of view, the person who made the move must be Immortal Emperor Yuyun.

Everyone on the field looked at Immortal Emperor Yuyun with even more horror and awe.

Although standing in front of him is only the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

"Is this the will of the Immortal Emperor?
Many people on the field trembled, and some people with ghosts in their hearts were even more desperate.

thump! !

thump! !thump! ! !
After a while, three more people died.

Also no signs.

There was a dead silence on the field, and everyone was terrified.

"The will of the Immortal Emperor is so powerful!!"

Yang Fan also secretly sighed.

Regarding the strength of the Immortal Emperor level, Yang Fan has looked it up in ancient books.

After entering the Jiutianxuan Wonderland, Da Luo Jinxian's soul has transformed nine times, reaching a brand new level.

At this level, one will have an extremely powerful spiritual will.

This kind of will, in addition to containing the tyrannical power of the soul, also incorporates the comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth and many rules.

There is a saying in ancient books:

The will of the Immortal Emperor cannot be violated.

"This kind of spiritual will, I seem to have..."

Yang Fan couldn't help diving into the depths of the core of life, and there were two strands of spiritual will.

A ray of spiritual will, which Yang Fan himself comprehended and integrated from the great opportunity.

The dust-laden secrets of the year also emerged in my mind:
On the ancient game stage.

Yang Fan and Qianqiu Wuhen faced each other from a distance, standing on the huge stone statues of the Barbarian King of Hundred Clans and the Immortal Qin Shihuang respectively.

"If we can't integrate and control this mysterious force, it will have a great impact on our path of practice... Today's battle, if we can't surpass it, we will always rely on and surrender to it."

This is the transcendence that was pursued in the battle against Qianqiu Wuhen on the ancient game stage, before the peak battle.

No one knows this secret except the two parties involved.

The secrets of World War I were not revealed until today.

Except for this wisp of spiritual will.

In the heart of Yang Fan's soul, there is also a special spiritual will.

That is Wushuang's kendo will! !
Without cultivating to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, without entering the level of the Immortal Emperor, it is impossible to comprehend the spiritual will.

But Yang Fan has two kinds of spiritual will in his body.

One is still growing and has unlimited potential.

The other one is in a deep sleep, and it is likely to be the key to unlock the Wushuang Excalibur itself.

Just when Yang Fan was thinking.

There was a buzzing sound in his mind, and a spiritual will that looked down on the world directly passed through his body.


Immortal Emperor Yuyun's eyes suddenly fixed on him.

(Because in the last few days of the internship when I leave school, there are many complicated things, and I am so busy all day, so there is only one update every day. But don’t worry, the fast food will go home soon, and will resume the update.

(End of this chapter)

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