Xianhong Road

Chapter 1105 Princess 9

Chapter 1105 Nine Princesses

"I lost……"

As the head of the Ninth Immortal Guards, Qi Wuguang didn't expect that he would lose, and he lost so badly that he was defeated by a strange magic weapon "automatic protection".

Yang Fan took back the "Reincarnation Disk" quickly, and many spectators on the field did not even see the clear outline and level of this magic weapon.

To Yang Fan, the entire victory process seemed so calm and breezy, and it was not as exciting as everyone imagined.

"...What kind of fairy treasure is that, with such strange supernatural powers."

The deputy commander muttered in a low voice, his eyes flickering.

After this battle, Qi Wuguang left the field in a bleak manner, looking a little older.

"Yang Qi, you are worthy of being named by the Grand Commander. You have such potential. From today onwards, you are the head of the Ninth Immortal Guard Regiment, in charge of 200 Immortal Guards, with a salary of [-] million Immortal Stones every thousand years..."

The deputy commander announced majestically to the audience on the spot.

Because he was worried that some people would be dissatisfied, the deputy commander mentioned the name of the grand commander.

After all, Yang Fan had only been in the Xianwei regiment for a short time, so he assumed the post of head of the Xianwei regiment in a hurry, fearing that he would be dissatisfied.

"It's no wonder that Yang Qi is so powerful. It turns out that the immortal emperor named him, and I'm afraid he will be the dragon and phoenix in the future."

Many people who watched the battle in the martial arts arena started discussing one after another.

Today's battle is destined to make Yang Fan a shining rising star in Yunxiao Palace.

Yang Qi.

This name, within the sphere of influence of Yunxiao Palace, will no longer be unfamiliar.

Not long after, the title of "Miracle Star" was given to Yang Fan.

Although, the origin of this title is partly due to the fact that many subordinates of the Xianwei regiment have elements to curry favor with their superiors.

However, the title of "Miracle Star" quickly became famous among the various immortal guard regiments, and spread among the immortal soldiers and guards and law enforcement regiments all over Yunxiao Palace.

After becoming the ninth head of the Immortal Guards, Yang Fan found that taking up a high position was not as easy as he imagined.

In a high position, there are many cumbersome things that must be dealt with.

The most important point is that the time for his cultivation has been reduced.

Fortunately, in the past 5 to [-] years of cultivation, the green leaves of life in the life core space have condensed a number of eight or nine hundred pieces.

The tree of Yunsheng is also growing vigorously, one or two feet high, and the branches are covered with leaves the size of a child's palm.

The green leaves of eight or nine hundred lives have already made Yang Fanyun reach the state of Dzogchen, reaching the peak limit.

Once condensed into more than a thousand green leaves of life, Yang Fan will transition to the next stage - the derivative stage.

The derivative period, as the name suggests, is the infinite derivation and inheritance of life, and the expansion of life power will reach an incredible level.

In 5 years, not only Yang Fan's realm and physical training skills have leapt, but even the reincarnation disk has gradually refined to the peak of immortal treasures - the ninth rank immortal treasure.

In the battle against Qi Wuguang, relying on Yang Fan's physical training skills alone, it may be very difficult to win.

As soon as the reincarnation disk came out, Qi Wuguang was defeated by the "automatic protection" of the magic weapon itself.

Yang Fan is very satisfied with the performance of the reincarnation disk.

At the peak limit of the cultivation period in the realm area, Yang Fan changed the pace of practice a little to relieve the extreme pressure.

At this time, while dealing with the affairs of the Xianwei regiment, he spared a lot of time to comprehend and deliberate every detail of the "derivative period" of the next realm.

In Xianhong's space, the refining of Starry Sky Fortress is approaching the late stage.

In the words of Master Tianjiang: "At least 1 years, as many as 2 years, a brand new Starry Sky Fortress will be completed."

Yang Fan has never let go of his attention to this aspect.

Because the Starry Sky Fortress will be his home in the future.

Furthermore, he was a little bit worried that a person at the level of an immortal emperor would stay in the Xianhong space.

The place of birth, in a space isolated by green light waves.

Yang Fan saw a disc-shaped fortress that was thick in the middle and thin at the edges. Its general shape was somewhat similar to Yang Fan's reincarnation disc, but it was even thicker and larger.

In the middle of the entire fortress is an oval palace, three stories high, the surface is silvery and snow-white, smooth as a mirror, and some mysterious patterns are engraved in some places.

The middle floor has the largest area and is located in the center of the entire oval palace. It is the "central floor": the "star source furnace" that builds the entire starry sky fortress and the control of many formation hubs are all here.

This is the core of the Starry Sky Fortress, and the materials used for refining are also the strongest.

Deng Shiyao named this central layer "star core layer".

"Even if the entire starry sky fortress collapses, as long as the 'star core layer' is still there, it can be repaired in a short time."

Mentioning this point, Deng Shiyao and Master Tianjiang were a little complacent.

Obviously, this is a great idea.

The star core layer, as the name suggests, is like the star core of a planet, and its status is evident.

Due to the large area of ​​the star core layer, in the follow-up upgrade, Deng Shiyao designed it to be divided into inner and outer layers.

The inner layer of the star core will be completely sealed, and it will be used as the location of the star source furnace and formation hub to prevent human factors from causing damage to the operation and growth of the star fortress.

——Only the owner of the starry sky fortress can enter here, take charge of the core power of the entire fortress, and invest materials to upgrade the starry sky fortress.

The outer layer of the star core: Because the material is also extremely strong, it can be used as the core to open up caves and mansions for the owner. Only the most important relatives and friends are eligible to stay here.

In case of danger, the outer layer of the star core can be used as a refuge.

There is a layer above and below the star core layer, which belongs to the living space of the starry sky fortress.

The upper and lower floors are used as auxiliary floors or residential floors.

Deng Shiyao once revealed that with the upgrading and expansion of the Starry Sky Fortress, the number of subsidiary floors of the oval palace will increase, and it will not be difficult to accommodate tens of millions of practitioners by then.

The egg-shaped palace is the thickest part in the middle of the starry sky fortress, and the material around it will become thinner and thinner, which is conducive to traveling in the galaxy.

"Master Tianjiang named the surrounding part 'Sky Wing Disk'. It is very magical, and it is used for flying, fighting, and defending the Star Fortress. Currently, the refining of the 'Sky Wing Disk' has not yet been completed."

Deng Shiyao explained.

After a while, Yang Fan walked into the "star core layer" of the egg-shaped palace of the Star Fortress.

In the middle of the star core layer, there is a bronze-colored faucet with a big mouth.

The torso of the dragon head and big mouth is a huge cauldron pool, covered by a layer of white light film.

Through the white light film, Yang Fan saw the high-temperature liquid flowing in the cauldron pool, shining with various metallic lights.

"This is the Xingyuan Furnace, the pinnacle work of this old man. It is already comparable to a sub-artifact at this moment, and it will continue to grow in the future, driving the upgrade of the entire Starry Sky Fortress."

Tianjiang stared at the Azure Dragon Cauldron Furnace, his eyes sparkling with fiery excitement.

Yang Fan also looked at the Xingyuan Furnace. The entire Azure Dragon Cauldron Furnace pool looked simple and heavy, with complex formation patterns carved on it.

"It has actually reached the sub-artifact level."

Yang Fan was startled.

The hardness and high temperature resistance of the Xingyuan furnace reached a terrifying level.

"Looking at the Seven Realms, it also contains power, which can destroy this Star Origin Furnace, and more importantly, its upgradeability. As long as you put materials into the dragon's mouth all the year round, it may become a real artifact someday."

Tianjiang couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

Mentioning the real "artifact", Tianjiang trembled all over, excited to the extreme.

The greed in the eyes of Immortal Emperor Lanbing, who was watching from the side, was suppressed in an instant.

Looking at the Seven Realms, there are many master craftsmen, but there are almost none who can forge divine weapons.

This sub-artifact seems to be the pinnacle of the skills of the seven worlds refiners.

"Hehe, if the master is willing, he can live in this starry sky fortress and speed up its growth into a real artifact."

Yang Fan suggested with a smile.

"Is this really possible?" Master Tianjiang was extremely excited.

The general owner of the starry sky fortress, how can he let an outsider stay in the core hub all year round.

"It's absolutely fine. Yang is also looking forward to the growth of this starry sky fortress. In the future, it will be our home."

Yang Fan said with a smile.

"Our home." Tianjiang murmured these words, reaching out to caress the Xingyuan Furnace.

It can be said that this starry sky fortress is his hard work, just like his own child.

This kind of feeling is indescribable for him who forges the Starry Sky Fortress with his own hands.

Next, Yang Fan successively visited the subsidiary floors of Starry Sky Fortress.

Although it is a subsidiary layer, after entering the interior, one finds that there are caves inside: mountains and rivers, deep forests, small streams, singing flowers and birds, villages, towns, castles... everything.

"It is also thanks to the full assistance of Immortal Emperor Lanbing that we can successfully shape and consolidate the space formation here."

Deng Shiyao added with a smile.

Immortal Emperor Lanbing showed a hint of arrogance on his face, and did not speak.

Yang Fan didn't pay much attention to Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, and retreated from Xianhong's space.

In Yunxiao Palace, there are also many things that need him to deal with.

Yang Fan inquired about Yun Yuxi's specific whereabouts while practicing deduction.

As the head of the Xianwei regiment, he quickly found out these news.

Yun Yuxi is the youngest daughter of the current Emperor Yunxiao, ranking ninth among the nine children.

Princess Nine, this is exactly Yun Yuxi's status and seniority in Yunxiao Palace.

It is said that among the nine sons and daughters, Emperor Yunxiao loved the nine princesses the most, and even vacated the best "Biyao Palace" in the inner palace to let Princess Yuxi live in.

Baguio Palace is a mansion with a great reputation. It is known as the most exquisite mansion with the most beautiful scenery in the Seven Realms. It is the holy land that countless princesses and fairies dream of.

However, this Baguio Palace with the most beautiful scenery was gifted to Nine Princesses Yun Yuxi by the emperor.

Therefore, Yun Yuxi is known as "Biyao Yunxian", and is even hailed as the most beautiful fairy with the most temperament in the Three Realms.

"Baguio Palace... Yuxi..."

Yang Fan muttered to himself, his eyes flickering.

At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​sneaking into the inner palace secretly.

However, he was not sure about this matter, so he could only implement his plan step by step.

years later.

As the head of the Ninth Immortal Guards, Yang Fan received a pleasant surprise:

"Princess Baguio will go out in three days. Your Ninth Immortal Guard Group has been stationed in Yunxiao Palace all year round to monitor the entrances. You must pay attention and maintain order. After all, we, the admirers of the Ninth Princess, All over the Seven Realms, countless..."

The person who issued this order and news was actually the "Immortal Emperor Yuyun" who led the president of Yunxiao Palace.

It seems that even he, the Immortal Emperor, dare not ignore this matter.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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