Xianhong Road

Chapter 1108 Immortal Emperor, How Strong?

Chapter 1108 Immortal Emperor, How Strong?

Following the puppy's roar, the entire green light wave space was filled with dead silence.

The body of Immortal Emperor Lan Bing froze in place, and the spiritual will that looked down on the world was suppressed by an inch of his body.

Yang Fan's face was cold and his attitude was tough, how could he let this person leave the Xianhong space.

In Xianhong's space, even Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, who controls the space, is not sure of leaving.

In this weird space, he lost contact with the outside world.

Xianhong Space is definitely not something he can shake.

The little dog roared, making his heart jump with fear and almost knocking him out of his wits.

What kind of creature is this, with just a roar, it almost killed him in the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm?
At this moment, he suddenly regretted it.

This is Yang Fan's territory, how can I fight him hard.

Perhaps it was the long-term pampering of the Immortal Emperor that made him used to looking down on everything. Except for people of the same level, everything else was an ant.

It was the puppy who really put pressure on Immortal Emperor Lan Bing. The feeling that his soul was almost annihilated just now made him feel scared.

This is the first time he has felt fear of something since he attained the position of Profound Immortal.

"Yang Xianjun, what do you mean? Do you want to force this emperor to stay here?"

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing had a look of anger.

When the anger arises, the spiritual will that wanders around the body triggers the trembling of the surrounding fairy spirit, the space seems to be frozen, and the time seems to be slow.

Snapped! !

The little dog waved his paw, trampled him on the ground, and said with a look of contempt: "How dare a little fairy emperor be arrogant in front of this divine beast?"

Both Deng Shiyao and Master Tianjiang were stunned.

They had just discovered that Yang Fan had clashed with Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, and before they could stop it, the puppy made a move and trampled Immortal Lan Bing on the ground.

"What kind of creature is this? I can't move..."

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing was stepped on the ground by the puppy's small paw, and he couldn't move.

A mere immortal emperor should be stepped on by a pet dog-like existence.

How could there be such a tyrannical god in the world?

Not only Master Tianjiang and others were shocked, but even Yang Fan was shocked.

After coming to Luotian Wonderland, his understanding of immortal emperor-level characters is no longer limited to legends.

Before Yunsheng's late stage, facing the Immortal Emperor, he might not be able to fight back.

However, in front of the puppy, Immortal Emperor Lanbing had no power to fight back.

Deng Shiyao, Master Tianjiang, as well as many coolies and craftsmen here were dumbfounded.

It took a long time before they realized that they looked at the puppy with awe and weirdness.

No one could have imagined that this puppy who has always been lazy and likes to nap and sleep has such a tyrannical strength.

Yang Fan even wondered: Is this puppy a spirit?

How could a weapon spirit be a hundred times stronger than its master?
"Hey, master, how about it, my strength is not bad."

The little dog stepped Immortal Emperor Lan Bing on the ground, and said to Yang Fan with a courteous expression, which was kind of flattering.

This move made everyone on the field even more astonished.

The puppy was obviously courting Yang Fan and showing off his skills.

"Well, not bad." Yang Fan nodded, very satisfied.

The little dog secretly rejoiced: You must please the master now, otherwise in the future...

"You let him go first."

Yang Fan suddenly said to the puppy.

"Yes, master." The puppy moved its paws away, turned back to Yang Fan, stared at Immortal Emperor Lan Bing with cold eyes.

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing reluctantly stood up from the ground, his whole body was drenched, and he was panting heavily.

When I was stepped on by the puppy just now, it seemed that I was under the pressure of a mountain of hundreds of millions of catties, and I couldn't breathe.

"Master, do you want to let him go?"

the puppy asked puzzled.

Yang Fan cupped his hands and said to Tianjiang: "I made Master laugh. I didn't mean to embarrass Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, but since he entered here, he has always harbored malicious intentions."

"Where is it?" Master Tianjiang was a little flattered.

"Yang has never seen the true power of the Immortal Emperor since he was reincarnated."

Yang Fan looked at Immortal Emperor Lan Bing.

"Today, Yang will give you a chance to fight with me."

Obviously Yang Fan wanted to experience the true ability of the Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing's face was uncertain, and he thought to himself: "I am afraid that Immortal Yang is the master of this lost world. As long as I kill him, I can not only turn the crisis into safety, but maybe I can become the new master of this place."

"it is good."

Immortal Emperor Lanbing took a deep breath: "I hope it will be a fair fight."

Yang Fan couldn't deny it and smiled.

hum! !

The green light waves covering the surroundings disappeared, and the immensity of Xianhong's space suddenly appeared.

Then, with the two of them as the center, a circle of green light rapidly expanded, and finally the little dog, Deng Shiyao, Tianjiang and others were lined up one by one.

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing trembled in fear, did the other party really have mastered this lost world?
At the end of this world, you can faintly see a piece of crimson black.

Such a strange space is simply unheard of.

The green circle of light kept expanding.

In an instant, a beautiful mountain and river with a radius of [-] million li appeared in front of the two of them.

"Is this the ability to create the world... How could he reach this level?"

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing was in a panic.

In fact, Yang Fan is far from reaching the realm of creation.

This is the realm of Xianhongjie in Xianhong's space, which grows with his realm.

In other words, this ability to open up the sky and create the world belongs to the Xianhong Ring.

And Yang Fan is the master of Xianhong Ring.

The living place just reflects the environment of Yang Fan's space, and the created matter is equivalent to the upper space.

It is almost an instinct for Yang Fan to master this ability and supernatural power through the Xianhong Ring.

It was hard for him to imagine what grade this Xianhong ring belonged to.

Coming to the upper realm, fairy treasures are relatively rare magic weapons.

And the sub-artifact is the pinnacle that masters of the Seven Realms can create.

As for the legendary artifact, it is no longer something that the Seven Realms can forge the day after tomorrow.

According to Tianjiang, there are a few artifacts that were conceived when the chaos of the seven worlds first opened.

The rest of the artifacts come from the Seven Realms, a mysterious place...

At this moment, Yang Fan uses the Immortal Ring to display the supernatural powers of creation, shaping mountains and rivers, the earth, forests, castles, and even some low-level small animals.

This kind of supernatural power, he can't comprehend it, but he can display it.

Based on this estimate, the grade of the Xianhong ring is at least an artifact, or even higher.

The divine weapon has the ability to open up the world, but I haven't heard that the divine weapon has the supernatural power of creation.

When the green circle of light expanded by [-] million miles, it finally stabilized.

In the entire world of Splendid Mountains and Rivers, only Yang Fan and Immortal Emperor Lan Bing remained.

Master Tianjiang, Deng Shiyao, and Xiaogou are all just fighting on the outside of the aperture.

The two each stepped on a cliff, with a bottomless abyss in the middle, surrounded by clouds and mist.

"Take out your skills and let me see how strong the Immortal Emperor is, and why you can overlook everything in the Seven Realms."

Yang Fan slowly closed his eyes, and the ethereal voice echoed in the Great Samsara.

The space of Xianhong implies all things in the world, even the great cycle of reincarnation.

Fighting here is no different from the outside world.

If you die here, the outside world will be synchronized.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, and he said coldly: Under the Immortal Emperor, there are all floating clouds! !

In an instant, a shocking majesty, driven by spiritual will, blatantly bombarded Yang Fan.

puff! !

Yang Fan spat out a mouthful of blood. Standing on the top of the cliff, his body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

It was just a thought that caused his body to be severely injured.

The Great Reincarnation can protect Yang Fan's soul, but it cannot protect his physical body.

Could it be that Yang Fan still has no strength to resist in front of the Immortal Emperor.

One thought caused Yang Fan to be severely injured.

——If it is stronger, it will directly destroy Yang Fan's physical body and force him to reincarnate again.

"Immortal Emperor, stronger than imagined."

Yang Fan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his injuries recovered in an instant.

Being in a living place, his own resilience is a hundred times faster than that of the outside world! !

Although he doesn't use the power of the domain here, this recovery power is a passive effect.

After the Blue Ice Immortal Emperor unleashed the mighty power of a blow to the weeping gods and demons, he remained silent, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

He originally thought that with a single thought, Yang Fan's mind and soul could be wiped out, and he could be annihilated in ashes.

However, after the spiritual will rushed into Yang Fan's body, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and Yang Fan's soul could not be hurt.

——I can't even touch Yang Fan's soul.

The soul fits into the life core of the great reincarnation, and at the level of Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, Yang Fan's soul cannot be harmed.

Yang Fan stood where he was, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "What about the Immortal Emperor? The soul you can hurt?"

As long as it doesn't hurt Yang Fan's soul, everything is just floating clouds.

Furthermore, after two lifetimes of reincarnation and accumulation, Yang Fan's soul power may not have lost to the Immortal Emperor.

"Ignorance, insignificance."

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing sneered, the vast spiritual will filled this space, oppressing the [-] million miles of mountains, rivers and land.

The wind froze.

The fairy spirit froze.

The matter in the entire space is completely static.

Yang Fan almost lost the ability to breathe, and his body functions, including blood, were almost frozen at that moment.

"Immortal Emperor, how could you have the absolute control over the space?"

The voice of Immortal Emperor Lanbing appeared from above the clouds.

At some point, he appeared in the clouds above Yang Fan's head.

Absolute control over space?

Yang Fan's heart trembled.

Deng Shiyao's eyes were filled with worry for those who were on the sidelines.

The puppy pouted, seemingly disdainful, but remained silent.

The whole space trembled, and the endless space pressure was gathered together by a deep will and exerted on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan felt his body was about to explode, and his face was flushed red.

"What about controlling the space? Can you escape the cycle of karma?"

An ethereal voice descended from reincarnation.

Suddenly, the power of endless space exerted on Yang Fan's body returned to the Immortal Emperor out of thin air under the rotation of the giant wheel of the underworld.

boom! !

Immortal Emperor Lan Bing fell from the clouds, spitting blood, already injured.

"You...how is this possible..."

Immortal Emperor Lanbing's face was full of shock, with blood streaming down his face.

For the first time in tens of millions of years, he was injured.

The immortal emperor who was high above fell from the clouds, fell from heaven to the world.

Yang Fan didn't show much complacency.

Because, the confrontation with the Immortal Emperor has just begun.

The Immortal Emperor... How strong is it?

How much excitement is faintly revealed in his eyes?

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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