Xianhong Road

Chapter 1118

Chapter 1118
Really just in a dream?
The emperor didn't do any tricks?
Yang Fan's great samsara sense is infinitely magnified, and a void wheel-shaped vortex looms in his eyes, quietly staring at the Nine Princesses, the most beautiful in the heavens, known as the Baguio Yunxian.

The answer told him that Princess Nine not only did not lie, but her words were honest from the heart.

"When you appeared, this dream became more and more real and clear, as if it had been experienced in a lifetime."

The nine princesses were full of tears and dreams, and looked deeply at the man in front of them.

Yang Fan once again turned into the appearance of the previous life, gentle and refined, as gentle as the wind, just like the most perfect man in the world.

"Yu Xi, even if it's a dream, it's still a real dream."

Yang Fan walked up to her, sniffing the fragrance of flowers and plants, gently and naturally embraced Princess Nine in his arms.

The perfect fairy body of warm and fragrant nephrite is hugged tightly in her arms, no difference from the previous life.

The Ninth Princess surprisingly did not resist. At this moment, her mind has completely sunk into the real dream.

The pretty face is like a lotus, a little bit of red, like a gradually ripening peach, spreading to the roots of the ears and the snow-white neck.

As the most noble princess in the heavens, she has never had such intimate actions with a man.

All this confirms the words of the nine princesses.

Yang Fan's face is calm, at this time he doesn't care whether the love he once had was real or a dream.

It doesn't matter how many lifetimes you have experienced, whether it is Yang Fan or Yang Qi.

Only because of this spiritual love, it will last forever.

Hugging the beloved woman, kissing lightly, like the touch of a dragonfly, this moment turns into eternity.

The passage of time, between the two of them, seemed to freeze for a moment.

They did not expect the transformation of each other's spiritual realm.

This kind of spiritual love that transcends reincarnation and individual life is a level higher than the so-called dual spiritual cultivation.

When Yang Fan woke up, green leaves of life fluttered in the life core space, with tiny flower buds growing on the branches.

"At that moment just now, 1 years have passed?"

Yang Fan was shocked.

But in reality, 1 years is just a moment, a moment.

"An instant is eternal, this is the taboo of time, I didn't expect us to do it."

The tear stains on Jiu Gongzhuyu's face had already dried up without a trace.

The two looked at each other.

At that moment just now, the two have loved each other for 1 years and kissed each other for 1 years.

This kind of spiritual love has been sublimated to a new height.

Gently breaking free from Yang Fan's embrace, the Ninth Princess made tea for him again, her pretty face was blush and full of affection, as if she was just a girl from a small family named Biyue.

Like this, they looked at each other in silence for half a day.

Yu Mengqing who was outside the boudoir was extremely anxious, walking back and forth.

"Why did they talk inside for so long? Could something happen?"

Yu Mengqing was extremely worried.

For some reason, she was even more worried about the Ninth Princess, whose cultivation had reached the realm of the Profound Immortal.

It's very night, and the delicate bamboo house is lit with bright lights.

"Brother Yang, it's getting late, Yuxi is going to sleep."

Yun Yuxi smiled shyly.

Yang Fan was startled, and then smiled dumbly: "Yu Xi, do you want to catch up with your husband?"

Yun Yuxi didn't turn her fairy body around, ignored him, walked to the bed and sat down, with a trace of calmness in her bright eyes: "Brother Yang, if we want to be together, we will encounter great resistance."

Yang Fan nodded, stood up, and asked, "Could Yuxi tell me now what happened to the dream you experienced?"

"Brother Yang should have noticed that every green leaf in my Baguio Palace contains the spirituality of life."

Yun Yuxi looked at Yang Fan.

"Yes, each green leaf is almost like a living being." Yang Fan nodded.

"These green leaves are an extension of Yuxi's understanding of the natural avenue. Each green leaf is equivalent to a part of my body."

Yun Yuxi paused.

"I understand." Yang Fan thought for a moment, then motioned her to continue.

He was also amazed that the domain of Yun Yuxi was Bi Yao Palace, and he made every green leaf in Bi Luo Tiandi a part of himself.

"Each green leaf is engraved with the imprint of my soul, which is equivalent to an incarnation."

Yun Yuxi closed her beautiful eyes, sighed, and began to tell a story:
"A long time ago, the rivalry between the father and the barbarian emperor extended to the mortal world. Even if they were as strong as the emperor, they did not dare to place their physical bodies in the lower world, so they each split a strand of spiritual will and deposited it in the mortal world. Find their respective spokespersons and start a brand new battle..."

"As the confrontation intensified, the subordinates and friends of the two great emperors displayed their supernatural powers one after another, and lowered their distractions or spiritual will to assist their respective great emperors."

"At that time, my father was at a disadvantage, Yuxi was restless, and he was curious about the mortal space, so he took a green leaf as a carrier, deposited a ray of spiritual will, turned into a living individual, entered the mortal space, and assisted my father in fighting the barbarian world. Emperor. It is a pity that there were too many great supernatural beings at that time, and the life of Biye, which was carried by Yuxi, fell to the mortal world, and only the broken spiritual will lost contact."

"Spiritual will is the core soul essence of every immortal emperor's cultivation. Losing part of it will cause a great loss to the cultivation base. And the fragility of the mortal space makes the existence above the upper real immortal dare not go down to the realm. Yuxi can't go down to the realm in person. To find that ray of spiritual will, we can only breed another green leaf without spiritual will, and with the help of other immortal emperors, send it into the lower realm, the purpose is to find that part of spiritual will."

When Yun Yuxi said this, she smiled slightly and looked at Yang Fan: "The elder brother who controls the life of reincarnation may be able to guess what will happen next."

"That green leaf, even though it no longer holds your spiritual will, and is separated from the barriers of the two worlds, it can still maintain a mysterious connection. It fell into the mortal world and was conceived from a baby. Start." Yang Fan guessed.

Yun Yuxi smiled and nodded: "The life transformed by Biye maintains a mysterious connection with me, it is me. Due to the barrier between the two worlds, its experience in the mortal world is presented in Yuxi's mind in the form of a 'dream'. At first, this dream was very hazy, but Yuxi always regarded it as a real dream. She kept falling asleep and comprehended these experiences in her dreams. This kind of reincarnation experience made my understanding of life and the Dao to a higher level. "

"So that's how it is." Yang Fan suddenly realized: "Yuxi has never descended to the realm, and has always been in love with me in a 'dream'."

Ninth Princess has never really fallen in love with Yang Fan. For her, the real love is at the spiritual level, in a hazy dream.

"That dream was beautiful," Yun Yuxi smiled like a flower.

After that?
Yang Fan waited for her narration.

"Later, Immortal Emperor Tianlan, a friend of my father's will, entrusted a Sanxian to build the Tianlan Palace in the mortal world, and cast the 'Returning Soul Statue' with supreme supernatural powers. God or spiritual will will be condensed in Tianlan Temple. It is also there that the "I" in the dream has completed its mission and awakened... the dream also woke up."

After waking up from the dream, it was just a memory and love in a dream.

The nine princesses stared at Yang Fan again: "After waking up, the things in the dream became blurred and almost forgotten."

Yang Fan pondered for a moment, the very clear experience in the dream will be forgotten or faded after waking up from the dream, and will be completely forgotten as time goes by.

"After waking up from the dream, my father told me that it was just a dream, forget about it. And Yuxi couldn't violate his will, so he firmly believed in it."

At the end of the ninth princess's speech, her eyes were hazy with tears.

Yang Fan was stunned for a while.

For him, the love with Yuxi was just Yang Fan in his previous life.

But spiritual love transcends reincarnation and individual life, and reaches the point of transforming the gods into the mystic.

At this moment, that short 1 years has allowed Yang Fan to truly step into the threshold of the "derivative period".

A peck and a drink are all between cause and effect.

"Then in the final battle between Xianqin Shihuang and Manhuang, your father should be the winner."

Yang Fan was somewhat interested, wanting to know the outcome of the peak confrontation on the ancient Dongsheng Continent.

"No, there is still no winner. Because of the existence of the Demon Emperor Jiuyou back then, father and the others teamed up to break the plan of the demon heads of the two realms."

Ninth Princess shook her head.

"Hahaha... It turns out that the mythical era of the ancient Xianqin was just a battle between giants from the upper realm extending to the human realm."

After learning the truth, Yang Fan couldn't help laughing.

Back then, the heights I and others were at were really limited, and I was full of awe and yearning for those legendary mythical figures.

The whole night, Yang Fan stayed in the boudoir of the Ninth Princess.

Until the next morning, when Yang Fan walked out of the exquisite bamboo house, Princess Nine did not see him off.

Yu Mengqing stared at Yang Fan with wide eyes, and stopped talking.

This Yang Qi... actually stayed in the princess's boudoir for a whole night.

No matter how simple she is, she can't help but have a little imagination.

"Meng Qing." Ninth Princess' voice came.

"Princess." Yu Mengqing walked in cautiously, and found that there was nothing unusual about the ninth princess.

"Did you tell him about that?"

The Ninth Princess sighed quietly.


Leaving the boudoir of the nine princesses, Yang Fan let out a long sigh in his soul and let out a long breath of relief.

He actually had a dreamlike illusion.

"Could this be a dream?"

Yang Fan laughed at himself, his figure flitted lightly, and landed on the green leaf.

At the same time, a thought flashed in my mind: the one who fell in love with me was actually Yun Yuxi who was once today, but the present Nine Princesses.

He felt amused again, because Princess Nine also had the same question: Is it Yang Fan or Yang Qi who is in love with him?
But as Yang Fan said, all of this is not important anymore. The extraordinary spiritual love transcends reality, dreams, reincarnation, and even individual life.

Sitting on the green leaf, Yang Fan closed his eyes.

In the derivative period, the self-running practice is many times faster than before.

A kiss with the Nine Princesses is like ten thousand years in an instant, this is the taboo force of time.

Therefore, he really stepped into the derivative period.

In the life nucleus space, the breath of life further grows and expands.

The tree of Yunsheng dances green leaves of life, falls to the ground, and gradually withers...

"Every green leaf grows to wither and withers, it is a life process. The supernatural power contained in each green leaf is close to the immortal emperor, and it is my incarnation."

"After they fall... they will enter reincarnation and experience a new journey."

Yang Fan quietly comprehended it.

Even when he first entered the derivation period, his supernatural powers soared more than tenfold.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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