Chapter 374
When they really stepped into the Xiling Mountains, there was nothing at first, but as they went deeper and deeper, when they saw a huge vine rising into the sky, the two of them took a breath at the same time.

"What is this stuff?!"

Lin Hao breathed in, and managed to calm himself down, because the vine in front of him was too big, far surpassing the other trees around, and there were many green vines hanging down from the vine, swaying gently in the air.

"Gudong... I... I don't know, I haven't seen this thing before!"

Baili Xuance swallowed his saliva, still feeling a little dry in his mouth. He had just entered the mountain range, and he saw such a vine that almost blocked the sky, which he had never seen before.

"I've been in Xijing for so many years. Although I don't want to come to the Xiling Mountains, I have been here a few times before, and I have never seen this thing outside."

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out what it was, and finally Baili Xuance shook his head, saying that he had never seen it before, and had no impression at all.

"You've never seen it before. Could it be that it grew out recently?"

When Lin Hao heard Baili Xuance's words, he noticed the loopholes in it, and asked suspiciously with his head tilted.


Baili Xuance couldn't believe it, such a big vine grew recently?
"Stop making trouble, such a big vine will take decades to grow so big."

Lin Hao didn't believe Baili Xuance's words at all. In his opinion, the age of such a big vine must not be short, at least decades.

"Maybe it's because I haven't been here before, so I haven't seen it."

Baili Xuance was about to comfort himself, but before he finished speaking, he heard a slight sound from the vine.


Although the sound is not loud, but because the vine itself is too big, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it can move the whole body. At this moment, as the sound was remembered, the whole vine suddenly shook slightly, and then it was visible to the naked eye... Raised a little bit!

As the vines grew higher, the green vines that fell down were also swaying in mid-air, like green snakes trembling in the sky, looking extremely intrusive.

"Let's go, I feel this thing is very uncomfortable."

Lin Hao got goosebumps all over his body, and while talking to Baili Xuance, he quickly walked around the vines and walked forward.

"Wait for me!"

Baili Xuance also shuddered, and quickly followed Lin Hao's footsteps, as if he had no interest in the behemoth in front of him.

"This mountain forest feels different from before. I can't say exactly what has changed, but the feeling is very clear. This place has indeed changed."

Baili Xuance frowned, and the two of them walked forward for a while. At this moment, Baili Xuance spoke, and felt that this was a bit weird, and it was different from before.

"Changed? Is it different from the mountains and forests in your memory?"

Lin Hao raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking it was Baili Xuance who was joking with him, but when he found out that it was true, he was also taken aback.

"Yeah, look at the mushroom... how could it grow so big!"

Baili Xuance pointed to a big tree while walking. Due to the humidity, many mushrooms grew among the leaves. What surprised Lin Hao was not the size of the mushrooms, but the size of the mushrooms. The aroma that emanates when passing by, and that kind of desire for mushrooms that emerges from the heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in his heart, which was actually tempting him to pick and eat these huge mushrooms. Although he could barely stay awake now, no one could guarantee that he would be able to remain calm in the next second?
The mushroom under the tree looked dingy, and there was no other major problem, except that it was too big, nearly one meter high, reaching the waist of a person.

"In the mountains, something seems to have happened that we don't know. In short, everything here is not quite right."

Baili Xuance reminded to keep Lin Hao in good condition at all times, because they know that the current Xiling Mountains are in an extremely uneven place.

The Xiling Mountains itself is not very flat, it is a place of right and wrong, even the locals in Xijing City do not want to set foot there, only some villages on the outskirts of the city, some people dare to go hunting in the mountains, but it is only limited to the periphery.

No one has ever been to the real depth, even in the family history of Baili Xuance, there are very few records about it, it seems that because of some things, he gave up exploring here.

The fire stick in Lin Hao's hand was still shedding its skin, and the dusty skin flakes slowly slipped off and turned into fly ash. Lin Hao didn't notice all this. He was just staring at the sky now, so he didn't have time to look underground. .

"There are definitely changes that we don't know about. It seems that many things have changed?!"

At this time, Baili Xuance suddenly said this, he remembered what Baili Shouyue said on the phone, and only after confirming it at this moment did he realize that this place is indeed a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair.


Lin Hao muttered, although he didn't quite believe it, but he saw a lot of extraordinary things along the way with Baili Xuance.

Except for the vines that cover the sky and the mushrooms that are half the height of a person, they even saw two heads on the road that were less than the height of a person, but they bore red fruits. After identifying them, they found that, These two small trees are actually calendula jujubes, similar to vermilion fruits, they are not big in themselves, but what appeared in front of them at this moment were two giants!

As the two of them went deeper, the sky completely darkened. The two of them walked through the dark jungle, and the mountain road was extremely difficult to walk. The two of them moved forward slowly relying only on the light source in their hands.

I don't know how long it took to go deep, but when the two of them were a little numb and were about to find an open space to set up camp, suddenly bursts of gunshots and violent fighting sounded from afar.

"what happened?"

"It should be those soldiers, go over and have a look."

The two raised their eyebrows, and walked towards the place where the sound of fighting came from with a flashlight.

Soon, the two of them approached the jungle, and he couldn't help being stunned by the things that caught his eyes, and he was directly stunned.

I saw that there was a small military squad in front of him. At this moment, there was a lot of chaos in his camp, and there were many green eyes in the surrounding darkness. Although Lin Hao had never seen it before, he could guess it. It should be a wild wolf, lurking in the middle of the night, waiting for the time to come.

The military team is only a dozen or so people. Facing these wild wolves, even if they carry the most advanced weapons, they may not be able to win completely, so the camp is a bit messy at the moment.

"This is going to change the sky. When will wild wolves appear on the periphery?"

Baili Xuance burst out in anger. He naturally knew that it was hard to say what was in the depths of this mountain range, but there should be absolutely no such strange things appearing on the periphery.

(End of this chapter)

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