Chapter 79 Let Me Go Back
At the dinner table, the scene of Lin Xichen's imaginary stepmother throwing a 500 million check in anger did not take place.

On the contrary, it was Mu Muyan's performance that made her secretly give him the title of Best Actor Oscar.

During the whole meal, Mu Muyan acted like a playboy.

Whether his father Bo Chongyuan asked him about the military region or marriage, his answers were very casual and frivolous.

It's no different from those idlers outside who just want to sit and wait to inherit the family property.

And his stepmother, Cheng Yan, had a calm expression from the beginning to the end, as if it had nothing to do with him.

After the meal, after Cheng Jian said goodbye to Bo Jinbai, he left directly without giving Lin Xichen a straight look.

But Bo Chong principle just greeted a few words meaningly.

...A really cold, almost emotionless family.

After Bo Jinbai called Mu Muyan to the study and the servant sent her back to the room, Lin Xichen immediately sent Chu Qing a WeChat message.

"Playing ball, 500 million is wasted, his stepmother looks at him, it's almost like looking at a pile of shit!"

Chu Qing was surprised, "What the hell, is Cheng Jian so arrogant? Her brother is just a candidate, and he has already become president!"

Lin Xichen replied, "And most importantly, I always feel like I've seen his grandfather somewhere."

Chu Qing didn't reply right away, but after a few minutes, she replied, "...General Bo is one of the founding fathers of the country. It's not surprising to see his photo."

Lin Xichen stared.

Is it really?

After chatting with Chu Qing, Lin Xichen sat on the big sofa in the room and sorted out Mu Muyan's abnormal behavior and his family relationship, and came to a conclusion that the relationship between him and the Bo family was really true. It's not close at all!

Otherwise, Mu Muyan wouldn't have put on such an appearance.

I'm afraid no one in this family knows his secret except her.

But this is not surprising, after all, his father Bo Chongyuan is a scumbag.

When Muyan was 9 years old, his mother died in a mission.

It had only been a few months since she sacrificed, and before her bones were completely cold, Bo Chongyuan immediately married his current wife, Cheng Yan.

Cheng Jian entered the Bo family with a big belly, which made Mu Muyan's grandfather unacceptable, so he took his grandson, Mu Muyan, to country A.

From then on, Mu Muyan never came back.

This time, he set foot on the land of country C again after 19 years.

What the purpose was, Lin Xichen didn't know.

All she knew was that he said the phrase "I'm full" before the meal to the housekeeper on purpose!
Just to pretend to be his dandy.

Twilight Nobu returned to the room around ten o'clock.

Almost as soon as he came in, Lin Xichen leaned over, "I'm done with you, it's time for me to go back!"

"Where are you going?" Mu Muyan walked around her, took off his coat, and hung it on the coat hook.

"Of course it's back to my house! I can't sleep here with you all night!" After finishing speaking, Lin Xichen pointed to the big bed in the back of the room.

Glancing there, Mu Muyan didn't speak.

Lin Xichen stomped his feet, "If you don't take me back, give me the car keys, and I'll drive back by myself!"

After the words fell, she made a gesture to flip his coat.

Dusk reached out and took her wrist.

"What are you doing, you don't really want to take advantage of me! Let me tell you, if you dare to mess around, I will kill you!" Lin Xichen stomped her feet.

Eyelids lifted slightly, Mu Muyan said helplessly, "It's raining heavily."

(End of this chapter)

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