Chapter 103
Not only is she lucky, but she also has a good father who loves her very much.

I am afraid that no royal family in the world can find such an emperor.

The first emperor had great talent and great strategy, great strategy, good governance, open-mindedness, and a rare emperor. They all admired him very much, but they couldn't agree with the story of Jun Muwan. I can't figure it out.


Even more so now, everyone thought that all of Jun Muwan's back roads had been cut off, but the late emperor had paved a long, long road for her.

With support from outside the palace, the empress would not be as helpless as before.

She had always wanted to do business before, but being an emperor was inconvenient and not so free, but she had no one to use before, so she could only submit.

But it's different now, there is Butler Lin outside the palace, as long as she wants to do something, he will find a way to do it for her.

Opening a shop, doing business, manpower.Even funding is no longer an issue.

There are people in hand, no matter how rich she is, and she will seize the imperial power after that, then who will dare to look down on her and disobey her?

At that time, she will be the real Ninth Five-Year Sovereign, this harem... If they don't want to give in, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

The brains of these men are indeed terrifyingly clever.

A small matter can quickly analyze the big situation in the future, so that all her hopes can be cut off before she rises.

It might be a little difficult for the Empress to fight with them.

In the main hall, the eyes of the four men were deep and cold, their handsome faces were covered with gloomy colors, and their slightly curved smiles looked very strange and creepy.

Where the dark guard stood, his scalp was numb, and he didn't know where to put the bank notes in his hand.

Chu Bei took a look, took the bank note, and sneered, "I asked her to turn around and beg me. You can find a way to cause trouble for those shops outside the palace, so that she can't open smoothly."

Zhuiying tensed all over, nodded quickly, "Yes!"

When the secret guard went out, Dexi came in and reported, "I want to report to the lord, the emperor uploaded a table of imperial meals, and I heard that he wants to have a meal with Young Master Lu, Young Master Shen and others."

Chu Bei's face was expressionless, and he waved his hand to back off.

"According to her instructions, prepare a few more dishes. This king will accompany the emperor to have a meal."

Mu Wan didn't know about this yet.

At this time, she was waiting for Lu Fei and the others to enter the palace to talk about the past.

She had to find a way to treat the brothers who had been neglected for several months, and today she spent all her money to treat them to a meal.

Ask Xiao Lizi to send 3000 taels of silver to the imperial dining room.

Dexi took the money and sent it to Suzaku Palace.

Chu Bei just stuffed it into his arms and didn't say anything.

Then the four of them planned to "dinner with the emperor".


Outside the palace, Lu Fei and the others were not to mention how happy they were when they learned that the emperor had sent them into the palace.After quickly changing clothes, he got on his horse and followed into the palace.

When they arrived at the gate of the imperial palace, they threw the horse to the gate guards, and the four of them went straight to Xuanwu Hall.

Mu Wan changed into a set of simple purple brocade clothes. The gown with arrow sleeves is not wide-sleeved, and the brocade dress is more neutral. It is exquisite and capable, and looks handsome. Her latest design is not only handsome and handsome, but also can show A woman's slender, proud figure.

Her black hair was tied up with a purple gold inlaid jade crown, she was graceful and charming, her graceful figure was upright and straight, her whole body was exceptionally handsome and charming, and she exuded an innate nobility all over her body Regal temperament.

The unique dress will make people's eyes shine.

Seeing the familiar figure back and forth in front of the Xuanwu Hall looking forward to their arrival, Lu Fei and the others were almost moved to tears.

Those who went all the way shouted, "Boss—!"

Shen Qing's complexion changed, and he quickly covered his mouth with warning eyes. The boss has lost his memory, didn't he read the imperial list? Anyone who dares to call His Majesty indiscriminately will be contemptuous of the emperor's prestige and disrespectful to the emperor. It is a crime of beheading !

This is no more casual than before, the identity of the boss has changed, and his personality has also changed!
You pay attention!How many times have I been told! !
(End of this chapter)

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