Chapter 110 Fu Si was Assassinated

Besides, when Fu Si went back to Yaowang Valley to prepare the antidote and rushed back to the capital, King Ling and others who got the news sent people to chase him down.

Chu Bei was poisoned, and only they had the antidote, and the only hope was Medicine King Gu Fusi.

This time Ling Wang personally went out to kill Fu Si to intercept the antidote no matter what.

Along the way, swords, swords and shadows were extremely dangerous. Fortunately, Fu Si had to make preparations and asked the dark guard to disguise himself as himself to lure the assassin away.

Fu Si then quietly took the path back to the capital by himself.

It was safe at first, but no one knew who leaked the news. He was ambushed and assassinated as soon as he arrived in the capital.

Unfortunately, Fu Si accidentally missed and was seriously injured. The hidden guards rescued him back to the palace and barely saved his life.

When Chu Bei heard the news, he hurried back to the Suzaku Palace.

At this time, Fu Si had just applied medicine to bandage many stab wounds on his body, and the sword and sword were all poisonous. After taking a few detoxification pills, he barely escaped the poison and died.

Looking at Chu Bei's worried and angry expressions, Fu Si smiled wryly, "It's all my fault this time."

Xia Houjin said angrily, "Do you know who the person who leaked the news is? Who else knows your whereabouts?"

Except for a few secret guards who were closely guarding him, none of them knew of Fu Si's whereabouts.

It is impossible for the dark guard to leak the news.

Then only he has been in contact with someone...

The four of them looked at him, Fu Si's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with an ugly face, "I looked for my junior sister before returning to the Valley of the Medicine King...but it's impossible for her to know my whereabouts when I returned to Beijing."

Chu Bei's eyes flickered, Miss Zhou was eyelining everyone in Yaowanggu, how could she not know?
Situ Mo and the others also frowned slightly.

I'm afraid she was the one who leaked the news, but why did she do this?
Doesn't she like Chu Bei?


Fu Si was a little ashamed. He asked his junior sister because he was afraid that something might happen to Chu Bei, and he would ask her to take care of him when the time came.

As a senior brother and junior sister, he couldn't bear to refuse some requests, so he gave her his personal token.

But he didn't know that because of her, Chu Bei was almost so angry that he died of poison.

Chu Bei's deep eyes flickered, and he put the black jade tablet in front of him, "This jade tablet is an important token for the few of us, I don't want you to give it to others casually."

Fu Si's expression changed, and he looked at Moyu without words, "Who else, she is my junior sister."

Growing up together, he treats Zhou Ruolan as his own sister.

Several of them have younger sisters, isn't that loved to death?
He is an orphan, besides his master, the closest person is his junior sister.

When he came to them, he became someone else. Fu Si was a little annoyed, and looked at Chu Bei, "Junior Sister had a marriage contract with you anyway, why are you so unfeeling?"

Chu Bei's face darkened, he didn't want to provoke him at this time, and his voice was low and cold, "Take care of your body first, and we'll talk about it later."

"I know my body. I can't die." Fu Si lay down and closed his eyes, obviously angry.


Chu Bei left with a dark face, and Situ Mo stayed behind to persuade him.

After taking the antidote and detoxification, both Chu Bei and Fu Si saved their lives.

Not long after, Miss Zhou who heard the news entered the palace.

The palace guards led her to Qingfeng Hall, not Suzaku Hall, Zhou Ruolan was a little disappointed.

She asked the little eunuch, "Didn't senior brother always live in the side hall of Zhuque Hall? Why did you suddenly move to Qingfeng Hall?"

Qingfeng Hall is Xiao Ci's residence.

The little eunuch shook his head, "I don't know."

Zhou Ruolan smiled and said nothing more.

It is impossible to expect to get news from a young eunuch.

Anyone who dares to talk nonsense without Chu Bei's order will be punished with death.

Passing through the imperial garden, we arrived at Qingfeng Palace. Miss Zhou went in and saw Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, and Xiao Ci were all there, but Chu Bei was not there. Her eyes flashed, she was a little disappointed, and she stepped forward and said, "Brother, How are you hurt?"

 Regarding the update, there are two times, seven or eight in the morning, and sometimes 00:[-], thank you for your attention and support! ()
(End of this chapter)

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