The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 113 Death!It should be punished!

Chapter 113 Death!It should be punished!
Mu Wan frowned slightly. Could it be that she knew about her assassination?
This matter was well concealed, how did she know.

Miss Zhou was disrespectful several times, but Nanny Tan couldn't stand it anymore, and snapped, "Presumptuous!"

Miss Zhou's face turned pale, and only then did she realize what she was doing, and hurriedly knelt down in fright.

The girl over there begged for mercy, "Your majesty, please calm down. My girl didn't mean to offend the emperor on purpose. She is just worried about the injury of Master Fu."

Mu Wan slightly curled her lips, glanced at Nanny Tan, but didn't speak.

Tan Momo looked at Eldest Miss Zhou with displeasure on her face, "Miss Zhou is worried that Miracle Doctor Fu is not at fault, but it cannot be a reason for her to be disrespectful to the Emperor. If everyone disregards the Emperor like this, What kind of system is that!!”

Don't say that Fu Si was not injured for the emperor, even if he really sacrificed for the emperor, that would not allow her to come here to complain about the emperor, so presumptuous.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, and secretly praised Tan Momo.

It's true, Jiang is still old and hot, and she lacks dignified and courageous people like Tan Momo.

Biyue is timid, she can't do it, and little Lizi still needs to be tempered and trained.

In the future, with Mother Tan around, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to suppress these people.

Seeing Miss Zhou kneeling with a pale face, Mu Wan felt secretly refreshed.

After Mammy Tan had finished complaining, she smiled and said, "Mommy, it's not to blame Miss Zhou, after all, he was also worried about his senior brother, so he couldn't choose what to say for a while."

Mother Tan blessed her body and said, "Your Majesty, today's ladies are becoming more and more unruly. Miss Zhou is still the grandson of Mrs. Zhou, and she is one of the best models of ladies in the capital. She doesn't even talk about it." Like a gatekeeper, if you don't know the rules, you should punish him carefully, lest others think that the emperor has no temper, and because you are the emperor's boudoir friend, no cat or dog will take the emperor seriously."

Satisfied, Mu Wan stroked her chin and looked at the woman with a half-smile. She felt that what Mammy said was too reasonable, but how could she be punished.

Her behavior today is a bit strange, I'm afraid this woman is playing some kind of conspiracy again, trying to trick her!

Mother Tan thought of something in her mind, she glanced sharply at the little girl Xi Que, she had no place to intervene, but hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

And Miss Zhou knelt down with an aggrieved face, who is this for?
Do you want to pour dirty water on the emperor again?

What kind of character is Nanny Tan, dare to show such a trick in front of her?

The little girl's face was pale, and the eldest girl Zhou hated her even more, she never thought that the waste would take the nanny back to the palace.

Nanny Tan was an old man in the palace, she had served Concubine Ning, and the late emperor personally selected her as the nanny for the Ninth Princess.

Not an ordinary little maid.

Even the Queen Mother failed to execute her.

Mu Wan was thinking about how to punish her, when she suddenly narrowed her eyebrows and eyes, she glanced at Fu Si and the others rushing over from a distance, her face was really ugly, and she knew what she wanted to do when she glanced at Miss Zhou with her cold eyes , the voice was cold and cold, "Mommy is right, she should be punished!"

Miss Zhou glanced at the figures of Fu Si and the others, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she kowtowed in fear, "The emperor calms down, it's all Ruolan's fault... the emperor wants to kill or beat Ruolan. Complaints, but I beg the emperor not to blame my grandfather, not to blame the Zhou family..."

Mu Wan looked at her coldly, her expression unchanged, and there was a smile in her eyes, but that smile seemed to be covered with frost, exuding a sharp cold air.

Zhou Ruolan raised her eyes and took a second look, but she felt fear in her heart and didn't dare to look.

She lowered her head subconsciously, but when she realized it, she was annoyed at herself.

When did she become so timid, even afraid of this trash?

I don't understand, Mu Wan will look at herself with this kind of eyes. She thinks that she has good acting skills. Could it be that she has noticed something?
Hearing the footsteps getting closer, she didn't bother to analyze the abnormality of the empress, she just thought she was angry, added two more fires, and kowtowed, "Ruolan knew that the emperor was upset about the marriage contract between Ruolan and Brother Bei. However, Ruolan and Brother Bei have broken off their engagement long ago...Even if the Emperor always thinks that Brother Bei still has me in his heart, if the Emperor is angry, just rush to Ruolan, and beg the Emperor not to anger the Zhou family."

(End of this chapter)

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