The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 115 Nian Ginseng Hot Pot Soup?

Chapter 115 Millennium Ginseng Hot Pot Soup?
Seeing that the empress is really angry.

Situ Mo hurriedly teased Fu Si and told him to put away his things. They knew that she didn't confiscate the 10 taels that Chu Bei gave, so how could she accept the cream.

"You don't need to intercede any more, I've made up my mind, so let's all back down." Mu Wan glanced at Situ Mo and said coldly.

"Come here, send Miss Zhou back to Taifu's residence."

She didn't punish Miss Zhou either.

But it seems that there is no punishment, but in fact it is more uncomfortable than punishment.

The empress sent Miss Zhou back to the mansion, and asked them to discipline their daughter in the Zhou mansion, which offended Longyan, who was incapable of teaching the daughter. The old lady Zhou was so proud, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

So Mrs. Zhou was furious, and fined Miss Zhou [-] boards, and she was banned for three months.

No one expected this, the Empress would use the hand of Mrs. Zhou to punish Miss Zhou, which can be described as brilliant.

You must know that Miss Zhou is very much loved by the elders in the Zhou Mansion, and the girl that the Zhou Mansion is proud of, she is reluctant to say a word of harsh words, let alone punishment.

Back in the Zhou Mansion, Mrs. Zhou personally ordered the young lady to be punished, which alarmed the old man, Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou... the whole Zhou Mansion, everyone couldn't believe it, and came to persuade them.

But when they heard that Miss Zhou offended Long Yan, everyone's faces changed, and they dared not say a word of intercession.

"Old Madam Zhou, our family is bidding farewell."

Eunuch Li, who was beside the emperor, personally sent the man back.

The faces of the Zhou family were ashamed, as if a catastrophe was imminent, the old lady Zhou looked at Eunuch Li, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, Eunuch Li, Lan'er insulted the emperor with unscrupulous words, the old minister must take care of the family law, discipline well, hope Eunuch Li Apologize to the emperor for the veteran, and tomorrow the veteran will enter the palace to plead guilty to the emperor."

Eunuch Li smiled and said, "Old Madam Zhou is serious. The emperor said that Miss Zhou's mistakes will never be angered by the Zhou family. It is enough for Old Madam Zhou to discipline Miss Zhou. There is no need to enter the palace to plead guilty. If there is something wrong, the emperor will send it back." Tai Fu enters the palace."

Is this from now on banning the Zhou family from entering the palace?
Old Madam Zhou's complexion changed, she looked at Eldest Miss Zhou, and slowly closed her eyes, thinking that the Emperor would punish her like this, the Zhou family would fall out of favor, and the official careers of Eldest Zhou and others would be affected in the future...not to say Well, don't blame the Zhou family, alas!

Grandpa Zhou sent Eunuch Li out of the mansion all the way, and prepared a generous gift, "Thank you, Eunuch Li, to say something kindly in front of the emperor. It's a small thing, it's not a respect, I hope you will accept it."

Xiao Lizi raised his eyebrows and looked at the things, but didn't say anything to let them accept it.

It was the first time that he was flattered by a minister, given gifts, and enjoyed the high-level treatment of the famous people around the emperor.

Not to mention, it's so cool!

Master Zhou is a third-rank official in the court, so he still treats him kindly.

In the future, as the emperor's strength increases, this kind of treatment will only be high but not low.

Xiao Lizi was in a good mood, so he went back to the palace happily.

Royal study.

When Mu Wan finished writing, she saw Xiao Lizi come in with a gift box, her eyebrows and eyes slightly narrowed, "Get up!"

"Your Majesty, the servant is back. This is a gift from the Zhou family to the servant. I hope the servant will give the Zhou family some good words in front of the emperor."

Mu Wan smiled slightly, and glanced at the contents of the gift box, "Thousand-year-old ginseng is a good thing."

These courtiers are richer than her!

She can't even afford bird's nest, she never imagined that the gift they casually gave to the palace is such a precious thousand-year-old ginseng, hum...

"Boil a pot of old hen ginseng soup at night, and everyone will make up for it together."

Little Lizi: "...."

"Are my table and pot ready?" Mu Wan's eyes flashed, she wiped her chin and smiled, suddenly wanting to eat hot pot.

I don't know how the old hen ginseng soup tastes in the hot pot.

"Back to the emperor, everything is ready, and the slaves let everyone put them in the dining hall."

He had never seen the table and pot before, but it looked very convenient.

"Oh, then later on, you can give the blueprint to Uncle Lin and ask him to make a few more sets. Maybe you can come to a hot pot restaurant first."

Xiao Lizi nodded, "Yes."

He just turned around to give instructions, but Mu Wan called to him again, "Wait, let the dark guard see you off."

This has to be kept a secret.

Mu Wan took back the blueprint and handed it to the dark guard to send him out of the palace, and also gave him a list of ingredients for him to buy back together.

The secret guard held the list and said, "Your majesty, these ingredients can be prepared by the imperial dining room..."

Why do you want to buy it outside the palace?

He couldn't figure out the empress's strange brain circuit thinking, or did she prefer things outside the palace?

"You don't understand. The ones prepared by the Imperial Dining Room are more expensive. The price for an egg is ten taels of silver." Mu Wan felt sorry for her money.

Dark Guard: "..."

This is a complete confrontation with the prince, just because the prince wanted to charge her for the good imperial meal last time, the empress remembered it in her heart until now, she has been fighting with the prince to the end, if she wants to eat good food, she really spends money to buy it .

The hidden guard was a little weak, and the empress became stubborn, it was terrible, I hope the prince will not regret it when he knows... all the things he did before.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for Doudou!


(End of this chapter)

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