The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 135 The Rich Brother-in-law

Chapter 135 The Rich Brother-in-law
"Don't look down on people... and I won't cry." Mu Wan gave him an unconvinced look, and the two of them arrived in front of the Furui Building with a smile.

Go directly to the elegant room on the second floor.

There were already several people in the room, all of whom were disguised, but she knew who they were, Situ Lan, Xia Houxuan, Xiao Heng... There was also a new face that she didn't know.

"Your Majesty, Su Ran, I have met Brother Bai." Su Ran got up and bowed to her, obviously because she knew her true identity, she would do such a great gift.

"Su Ran...Could it be the Su family, the number one royal merchant in Suzhou, Mr. Su?" Mu Wan looked at him, and took a closer look. She was wearing a dark blue gown, with long flowing hair, elegant and unparalleled, personable, and good-looking. man.

Her Concubine Su, Su Li, is his younger brother.

"It's right here." Su Ran held a black fan in his hand, made of black iron, it was a self-defense weapon.

Black iron is rare, but he can use it to forge weapons, which few people except the royal family can have.

The Su family has a big business, the richest man in the country, and Mr. Su is the young master of the Su family. It is not surprising that he has a weapon made of black iron, and the black iron is probably a gift from the former emperor. After all, she married Su Li.

Mu Wan sat down, thinking of his identity, she immediately became interested in him, "Brother Su, you are welcome, we are all from my family, please sit down."

"Brother Su, please!"

This is a rich brother-in-law, so we need to have a good relationship with him.

Mu Wan poured wine for him, poured another glass for herself, and toasted him.

Su Ran was a little flattered, and hurriedly raised her wine glass to salute, "Brother Bai, you're welcome."

He knew what kind of status this person was, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

Ah Li is in the palace, no better than the others.

Su Ran thought that her younger brother who entered the palace for her was even more afraid to let her pour wine, so she quickly grabbed the jug and poured it for her.

The two had a great time drinking back and forth, and the atmosphere was very harmonious and harmonious.

Suddenly, Su Ran felt a sharp glance. He looked at Chu Bei and felt his whole body tense. He didn't understand why he provoked him. How could he hate himself so much?

Mu Wan didn't pay attention to other people, she just paid attention to Mr. Su, "Come on, Brother Su, I'll toast you again."

"You are unwell and cannot drink."

At this moment, Chu Yan snatched the wine glass away, preventing her from touching a drop of wine.

"Tsk, stingy."

Mu Wan rolled his eyes at him, thinking of her physical condition, it was indeed not suitable for drinking, so forget it, she was hungry, so she would eat some meat and vegetables first to cushion her stomach.

While eating, she stared at Eldest Young Master Su with a smile again, and said with a smile, "Why did Brother Su come to the capital?"

It will be Qiu Wei in two months, and now many students are going to Beijing to take the exam.

Su Ran's business will probably not join in the fun.

It's not about business, it's just to visit relatives.

Su Ran was stared at with a hairy body, and only smiled, "To be honest, I came to Beijing to visit relatives."

Mu Wan glanced at Chu Yan, why does this person keep staring at him?

Sensing the gaze, Chu Yan glanced over, eating your food, don't you also stare at him?
Mu Wan: "...."


His eyes hinted that he couldn't explain clearly to him, so Mu Wan used an excuse to release the water, and Chu Yan followed.

In the hut in the backyard, two stood at the door.

"Why do you keep staring at him, don't scare him away." Mu Wan warned.

"Then why are you so enthusiastic about people?" Chu Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

At this moment, Mu Wan became furious, stared at him, and said evilly, "You also said, it's not all your brother's fault, he robbed all the money you gave me, and I'm penniless now Wen, you are in urgent need of funds, and you want to scare people away from the fat sheep that came to your door with great difficulty, what do you mean, did your brother send you here?"

Chu Yan: "..."

"Also, Chuhuhu knew about the hot pot restaurant, did you inform me? Tell me honestly, are you an undercover agent sent by your brother?!" Originally, he didn't want to mention these bad things, but he wanted to hit the gun mouth up.

(End of this chapter)

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