Chapter 139 Boss, Why Are You!

They came up to look at Situ Mo and the others, and guessed their identities by looking at their eyes and figures.

At the same time, he looked at Mu Wan.

White Twelve...

In addition, Chu Bei and the others had their own protection, the Hundred Bone Fan... Even the drunk Shen Qing could guess who this Bai Twelve was at this time.

Lu Fei's phoenix eyes widened, and he opened his mouth, and then showed various expressions on his face, "Boss, why is it you!"

"Okay, don't come down yet!" Mu Wan tapped his lovely head with a folding fan.

Lu Fei jumped down and looked at her. He really didn't expect them to meet in this capacity.

Why didn't I find out that she was the boss in Yunxiang Pavilion back then!
"It's not easy for people to go to the capital for ten years, so stop bullying people." Mu Wan chuckled, spreading out her folding fan and laughing.

Lu Fei rubbed his head, looked at the Hundred Fracture Fan in her hand, and said with a smile, "The competition is what they are best at, how can it be bullying?"

Those scholar young masters boasted that they were talented, well-educated, and arrogant. He just couldn't understand this kind of behavior, and he just wanted to rub their spirits, not to mention bullying.

He is a little bully in the capital, but he is also a reasonable person, so you can't compare him with the real bully in the capital, okay?

The scholars downstairs looked at them. Although they couldn't hear what they were talking about, they were still unconvinced. Knowing that the person was Bai Shier, they waited for another question to compete with her.

They have also heard about the legend about Master Chen.

A person who can unravel Nine Chains must be talented and knowledgeable. If he can beat him, he might become famous in one fell swoop.

Such a good opportunity, many people are eager to try.

Mu Wan looked at them and frowned slightly. These young masters of aristocratic families and young scholars like to compare when they get together.

Comparing talent, learning, family background, status, and appearance.

If the family background and status are not as good as others, you can't lose in talent and learning, and you can't lose in appearance no matter how poor it is.

That group of scholars are naturally talented, and their looks are considered top-notch, but they forgot that this place is the capital, and at the foot of the emperor, all the people gathered are the best of heaven, how can they compare with them?

What's more, she doesn't know how to compose poems. She has [-] Tang poems in her head, Song lyrics and songs. If she really puts out all of them, they will win if they are poetry sages or poets.
Mu Wan looked at the scholar and smiled, "I don't have much talent and learning, only for the reward of 100 taels of silver, I don't dare to teach you."

Everyone: "..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone dropped the black line.

Just for these 100 taels of silver, how greedy is he to get the limelight?
I thought how powerful the person who unraveled Master Chen's Nine Chains was, but it was nothing more than that when I saw him today, no wonder the emperor didn't see him.

He must have known what he was like a long time ago, so he didn't dare to reuse this person.

Mu Wan didn't know what those scholars were thinking, so she planned to leave Furui Building after receiving 100 taels of silver.

Lu Fei and the others lost interest too.

Following Mu Wan, they left the restaurant.

"Boss, it's rare for you to come out of the palace. Wherever you want to go, just tell me, and I will lead the way." Lu Fei was like a full-fledged little fan behind her, making people dumbfounded.

Chu Bei looked at him as an eyesore, and said, "It's almost time to go back."

Lu Fei was furious, he hadn't talked to the boss yet, why did the eldest brother always want to separate them?

The boss must have come to find them when he left the palace.

Looking for them must be something for them to help.

The boss doesn't want the elder brother and the others to know, but the elder brother sticks to the boss all day long, and because the boss has lost his memory, he doesn't know him, so he pretends to be the third brother. What does he mean?
Lu Fei had a lot of complaints waiting to be said, but when Chu Bei gave him a sharp look, he had to hold back.

"Boss, do you want to go to Yunxiang Pavilion?" Lu Fei said without looking at Chu Bei and looking at Mu Wan.

He couldn't let the boss be cheated by him, he had to tell her about it.

Even the eldest brother can't deceive his boss like this.

Mu Wan was a little conflicted, she wanted to go shopping, but a group of them followed, it was too eye-catching.

Especially when Lu Fei followed him like a little fanboy, it was easy to make people suspicious.

"Next time, I have to go back."

 Ask for collection, ask for collection, ask for Doudou, ask for Doudou...more will be added from tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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