The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 152 Sending a Letter to Senior Brother

Chapter 152 Sending a Letter to Senior Brother

But now he told her that Chu Bei personally protected that trash and tried to curry favor with her, this is not a change of heart, what is it!
Ling Wang looked at her, raised his cold hand to her cheek, and sighed with sympathy in his slightly narrowed peach eyes, "Lan'er, don't you understand? Who told you that the dissolution of the engagement was a Did the late emperor persecute him? Chu Bei is the undisputed god of war in the monarchy, with outstanding military achievements, and his temperament has always been overbearing. If he is not willing, who can force him?"

Chu Bei has a domineering temperament, and it was revealed from a young age that even the old prince of Chu couldn't stand it, so he was sent to the palace to be disciplined by the late emperor.

King Ling's eyes sank and he remembered a lot of things from his childhood. Chu Bei entered the palace to accompany the Ninth Princess when he was very young. Envious of him?

So, at that time, they took the opportunity to find fault with him, entrap him, and fight with dozens of people. He was young, he just practiced martial arts, and he only knew some punches, but even In this way, they were still beaten to the ground. Later, when they became angry, they asked the guards to do it.

But that kid has a strong and domineering temper, and is stubborn, even if he plans to die, he will not give in.

He understood Chu Bei's temperament very well.

It's not that he wants to, and no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

"It's not that he told me himself, I never believe it, you don't want to provoke me to deal with Chu Bei, I will only cooperate with you to deal with that trash, don't even think about anything else." This woman is also stubborn, and her heart will not die until Huang He Recalcitrant.

Therefore, even if a woman has long hair but short knowledge, and her mind is full of men, she is only worthy of pleasing men with her body.

Ling Wang sneered in his heart, looked at her with light and cold eyes, caressed her charming cheeks, stroked her black hair, sniffed her nose and lips, and said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Your grandfather, before the late emperor made a decree to grant the marriage, Chu Bei went to your grandfather alone behind his back to ask for an end to the engagement and took back the engagement token. Go check it out."

As he spoke, he unlocked her acupuncture points.

Then, several silver needles flew towards him, and the woman's face was livid, "Get lost!"

King Ling glanced sideways, glancing at the cold silver needle nailed on the window coffin, a smile curled up on the corner of his lips, "He has a strong temper, this king really likes it, haha..."

Hearing the movement, the magpie who had been guarding the door immediately opened the door and came in, only to see that King Ling was no longer there.

And her girl's cruel eyes made her back tighten in fright, and she stepped forward, "Girl... are you okay!"

"Send a letter to senior brother, just say that I have something to ask him." Zhou Ruolan clenched her sleeves tightly with five fingers, her eyes were cold, and her face was frosty.

Magpie tensed up, and hurriedly said, "I'll do it now, servant girl."


In the Qingfeng Palace of the harem, a gray carrier pigeon quietly landed in front of the candlestick.

Fu Sihan glanced at it, put down the scroll in his hand, reached out and grabbed the carrier pigeon, and took out the letter paper.

The carrier pigeons in the Medicine King Valley came from Zhou Mansion in the capital.

He glanced at the content on it, his eyes flickered, and he shattered the letter with his fingers, and immediately caught a pigeon into the cage, and it lost its freedom completely from then on.


Besides, Chu Bei didn't return to Suzaku Hall until he was safely sent back to Xuanwu Hall and fell asleep. It was already late at night.

The dark guard appeared in the study and waited for a long time. When he saw someone else, he immediately reported the pigeon.

"He went out?" Chu Bei leaned lazily on the chair.

"Master Fu did not leave the palace, destroyed the letter, and locked the carrier pigeon in a cage." Anwei said truthfully.


Chu Bei lowered his eyes, the emotions in his deep eyes were completely submerged, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

The secret guard said again, "This subordinate found out that there is still someone spying on Zhou Mansion... It's just that this subordinate is incompetent and doesn't know who he is."

(End of this chapter)

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